View Full Version : South Park spanks JS

10-17-10, 15:09
I have never seen an episode of Jersey Shore, and don't plan to, but I did see this
episode of South Park and laughed my head off. Second only to their Tom Cruise episode, which was best ever!


10-17-10, 17:42
My wife is from NJ but she in NOOOO way resembles anything like those sub humans on the jersey shore. She watches it, but I think she will love this clip. Thanks Will.

10-17-10, 18:12
I am curious to see how others feel about the way they solved the problem in this episode. I was kind of mad at first, but I think the ending was over the top.

10-17-10, 19:18
Anyone that's ever been to Seaside will tell you that the "Jersey Shore" type is very real. No it isn't an exaggeration. The real thing is even worse.

Full episode here: http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s14e09-its-a-jersey-thing

10-17-10, 19:22
From my understanding the actual cast members from Jersey Shore aren't even from New Jersey :sarcastic:

10-17-10, 21:15
I am curious to see how others feel about the way they solved the problem in this episode. I was kind of mad at first, but I think the ending was over the top.

It's comedy. Lighten up. It was lambasting the enemy as much as anyone else.

10-17-10, 21:16
It's comedy. Lighten up. It was lambasting the enemy as much as anyone else.

I wasnt really worked up, especially after the ending, it is a cartoon after all.

10-17-10, 21:29
I have never seen an episode of Jersey Shore, and don't plan to, but I did see this
episode of South Park and laughed my head off. Second only to their Tom Cruise episode, which was best ever!


Thank You Will. That was ****ing halarious!

I almost spit my coffee out my nose.:laugh:


P.S. I just discovered South Park several months ago while watching late night TV. Extremely funny. I really liked the "Hunting Episode" and the one about the yuppie Harley Bikers. Funny stuff.

Oh yeah, they really captured the appearance of the "Snookie." She is disgusting.

Alex V
10-17-10, 22:06
From my understanding the actual cast members from Jersey Shore aren't even from New Jersey :sarcastic:

Paulie D is from f*cking Road Island!

I think the only one from NJ is Sammy and she is the most "normal one" lol

I used to love Seaside, but this past summer it really turned into a shit show.... wait... scratch that, turned into more of a shit show after the Jersey Shore became a hit. And you know what? The retards with the blowouts and the Ed Hardy T-shirts that you see in Karma and Bam-Boo and so on are NOT FROM NJ. A lot are from Staten Island and Long Island.

Having said that, this episode was hysterical. After seeing the YouTube clip we went on SouthPark Studios to watch the whole episode and almost pissed our pants.

She said she is selling her clothes and makeup and wants to move. LOL.

Not sure I was digging how they solved the problem as well. But it IS a damn cartoon.

Either way A+ Trey Parker and Matt Stone

10-17-10, 22:24
I had an ex GF from Long Island. Some of the females on JS bring back memories from my early 20's....:sarcastic:

10-17-10, 22:33
I am curious to see how others feel about the way they solved the problem in this episode. I was kind of mad at first, but I think the ending was over the top.

The obvious joke of course is that Jersey is even worse than Al Quida. I got the joke, but I'm not quite ready to even jokingly see musilm savages in any other kind of light.

10-18-10, 07:27
It's comedy. Lighten up. It was lambasting the enemy as much as anyone else.

Derka, derka, derka. :D

10-18-10, 11:02
Anyone that's ever been to Seaside will tell you that the "Jersey Shore" type is very real. No it isn't an exaggeration. The real thing is even worse.


And when I lived on the West Coast I use to make fun of So-Cal girls... :rolleyes: They don't have anything on the Jersey Shore girls.

10-18-10, 11:07
Anyone that's ever been to Seaside will tell you that the "Jersey Shore" type is very real. No it isn't an exaggeration. The real thing is even worse.

Full episode here: http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s14e09-its-a-jersey-thing

I've never seen Jersey Shore (thankfully) but did stay in Seaside NJ a few years back and this stereotype is factual, alive and well to be sure. Based on real life experience I thought that episode of SP was funny but far from the funniest ever. There have been some funny topics over the years and Matt and Trey always seem to know how to handle it.

10-18-10, 11:09
The obvious joke of course is that Jersey is even worse than Al Quida. I got the joke, but I'm not quite ready to even jokingly see musilm savages in any other kind of light.

I didn't like how it took this turn at all.

10-18-10, 13:05
Wow, I just watched this, and all I can say is wow... It almost offended me, and I do think it was in very bad taste.

So Snucky is actually from Upstate NY, it's a secret we try and keep from the world, but you guys can keep it hush hush right???

10-18-10, 13:47
From my understanding the actual cast members from Jersey Shore aren't even from New Jersey :sarcastic:

most are from NY

10-18-10, 14:48
I'm still trying to figure out how Ginger started with a J........ Your the 3 J's Stan....... Ginger, Jew, and Jersey.

10-18-10, 14:52
I'm still trying to figure out how Ginger started with a J........ Your the 3 J's Stan....... Ginger, Jew, and Jersey.

Close enough

10-18-10, 16:23
How are we sappose to believe that snooky can take a round of buckshot and keep going when in real life she can't even take a punch. . . .


10-18-10, 23:09
Funny episode.

I was taken aback/offended at first with the Al Quida attack... The ending softened it some for me though (rightly or not).

I still think the "Lord Of The Rings", the "marijuana/balls", and when Butters starts pimpin are my favorites episodes.

10-18-10, 23:59
Funny episode.

I was taken aback/offended at first with the Al Quida attack... The ending softened it some for me though (rightly or not).

Yea the entire thing could have been a conspiracy by the CIA to get Bin Laden involved in the first place. And what better way to do that then to turn the entire Eastern part of the country into Jersey?

The ending made the joke O.K. to a degree, but it also seemed like they had to do it. If they wouldn't have, well, imagine.

10-19-10, 00:22
I don't get why people get offended because of the al qaeda involvement. Offensive themes, imagery, etc, are the foundation of the TV show South Park.

If you got offended over the al qaeda scenes, obviously you have not watched every other episode.

10-19-10, 01:20
I have been a die-hard South Park fan since season 1 and the Jersey Shore episode was by far one of Matt and Trey's finest. Those guys rarely disappoint. :laugh:

10-19-10, 01:36
I don't get why people get offended because of the al qaeda involvement. Offensive themes, imagery, etc, are the foundation of the TV show South Park.

If you got offended over the al qaeda scenes, obviously you have not watched every other episode.

I'm pretty sure I've watched every episode since the show began (many long after they originally aired I'm sure). It was only the actual attack scene that I thought was overboard.

It's not the first time I've been offended by the show... And I'm sure it won't be the last. I'm just not the type to get my panties in a bunch and run screaming with self-righteous indignation every time something offends me.

I find it to be one of the smartest shows on tv (as well disguised as it may be).

10-19-10, 01:49
yep.. i've seen every episode except the two that got pulled. i've been offended numerous times, especially in the earlier seasons... but being offended just isn't the end of the mofrackin world. i get offended about 40 times a day- all i need to do is leave my house, basically.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcd2u2gejeY - check out the comments

10-19-10, 02:17
I just finished watching the "Jersey" episode. I was like WTF? Southpark is still as controversial as ever.

10-19-10, 14:00
I don't get why people get offended because of the al qaeda involvement. Offensive themes, imagery, etc, are the foundation of the TV show South Park.

If you got offended over the al qaeda scenes, obviously you have not watched every other episode.

I have seen every single South Park episode from the first one. Sometimes they make fun of people I consider friends, sometimes they don't, I usually find it funny or at least get the joke.

I'm just not ready to see Muslims savages in any kind of sympathetic light. I'm not calling for a boycott and I don't think they should have been prevented from making the episode, but that part of it simply wasn't well received by me.

10-19-10, 14:18
the last scene could be used to interpret the episode..

----spoiler alert-----

"we got him!"... one could easily surmise that the entire episode, and all that occurred, was nothing more than elaborate ploy to "get him."

10-19-10, 14:19
I'm just not ready to see Muslims savages in any kind of sympathetic light. I'm not calling for a boycott and I don't think they should have been prevented from making the episode, but that part of it simply wasn't well received by me.

That's fine. There's nothing wrong with your views.

Myself, I have seen savagery from all races and all cultures. I can't be angry or upset that a television show put a "flavor of the day" backwards group of people, like muslim extremists, in a sympathetic light.

10-19-10, 19:14
I can't say enough how much I love South Park, Team America, anything that Matt Stone and Trey Parker come up with. A lot of the things they make fun of and the way they do it represent my own personal feelings on most matters.

As for the douche bags on Jersey Shore, I have several friends from Jersey and they all confirm those d-bags are all there on vacation usually from New York. . . They do not represent the local population.