View Full Version : Scalia takes Kagan to gun range

10-25-10, 13:03
"Scalia takes Kagan to gun range, sources say"


Well, it's not like she enrolled in a Pat Rogers course, but I'd like to think that any shooting experience would help.

10-25-10, 13:09
I wish we had more SC Justices, like Scalia.

From what I hear, he and Ginsberg are real good friends, despite their opposing views.

I need to find the interview he did, where he said Judges just need to follow the constitution.

10-25-10, 13:24
I'd prefer she go hunting with Cheney.

10-25-10, 13:48
I wonder if Sotamayor will take Justice Roberts to CA for some pot smoking...


Alex V
10-25-10, 15:19
Interesting if true. If more people get a chance to shoot and see how fun it is, we would not be worried about restrictive gun laws. People who are anti-gun are simply those who are afraid of things they do not know anything/much about.

I have personaly taken 2 people who have never touched a gun, and thought them to be unnecessary, after one hour at the range, they made a full 180. Not talking about firearms for self defence, but simply recreation.

I'd prefer she go hunting with Cheney.

Oh snap!

10-25-10, 16:05
Skeet or whatever is a start...

Bubba FAL
10-25-10, 19:43
Interesting if true. If more people get a chance to shoot and see how fun it is, we would not be worried about restrictive gun laws. People who are anti-gun are simply those who are afraid of things they do not know anything/much about.

My own mother is one of those people. Spent 60 some years of her life hating guns 'til she went to Citizens Police Academy and actually shot one. Never could figure out her hoplophobia as her father is responsible for the gun nut gene in my own DNA.

10-25-10, 20:23
I'd prefer she go hunting with Cheney.

At least you did not propose something really dangerous.

Like getting into an automobile with a Kennedy......


And Scalia's my fave, as far as Justices go.

10-26-10, 03:29
Maybe there is hope after all....

10-26-10, 08:31
Kinda like my Mom. She is "afraid" of guns....... till she needs one to shoot something and then she has no problem with it.

I think she is just afraid for her picture window.......