View Full Version : "Ma'am"...ERRRRR, Senator Boxer

10-28-10, 13:02
This is funny, regardless of which side of the fence you stand on: http://vimeo.com/16072732

10-28-10, 13:38
Great find. :D

10-28-10, 13:46
That was good.

10-28-10, 13:48
Great find. :D

That is funny shit. An Advertisement has been running in California with that clip.

I laugh every time I see it. I can't stand Boxer. She really needs to be retired.

Here's hopping that she loses the election. It seems many folks in CA are finally fed up with her crap. Most political polls are placing her just ahead or equal to Fiorina.


10-28-10, 13:48
Hilarious! :D

10-28-10, 13:56
She worked so hard to sell out the voters and our military. She should be called "special interest whore".

10-28-10, 14:10
LOL that is great!

10-28-10, 14:40
Oh hellz yeah! That had to be shared...:D

10-28-10, 15:07
I wanted to reach right through the TV and smack her in the face when she said that. Nauseating, arrogant woman.

10-28-10, 15:39
wow.. that's just a good piece of comedy. :D

10-28-10, 15:41
Call that bitch barbara.

What could she possibly do.

11-01-10, 22:14
Just saw this and was going to post it, hilarious. Brought to us by David Zucker, the genius behind the Airplane movies.

11-02-10, 09:51

Cant stand that uppity bitch.

11-02-10, 09:54
Sad part is that she's forecasted to retain her seat as of the latest polls. Hard to believe if it happens, even for California.

11-02-10, 13:41
I don’t care if California screws it’s self when voting for their state offices but could they please stop sending these liberal bicthes to DC and stop screwing us.

11-02-10, 14:05
She makes me sick, and so do all the idiots that keep sending her back as a Senator.

She's playing the "blame Bush" game, and where was she all those years? What legislation did she introduce that would have prevented the economy from tanking? Id glady go back to the Bush years. Even with the economy being shitty the last 6 months he was in office why don't we compare unemployment rates between Bush and Obama. Oh yeah thats right its gotten worse with complete dem control, and has barely started going down. They've increased the deficit spending 3-4X over Bush.

These people are evil, and are an enemy to the country.

11-02-10, 15:16
These people are evil...

While I would probably label you as someone who is often even more critical than myself for the most part, I completely agree with this statement. I really do.

They are evil. This specifically because they are tactfully angry and genuinely hateful, all in the guise of tolerance. And many others simply want to feign injustice so they can steal from those that work while finding a reason to be lazy and utterly dysfunctional.

I hope the staff at MSNBC are all compelled to jump off various Manhattan bridges tonight. Pathetic bastards and bitches.

Think I actually feel better now. :)

11-02-10, 17:51
Very well said, sir. I can't wait for the proverbial mask of sanity to slip on these leftist types. Most barely hang on as it is. This election will unhinge them.

While I would probably label you as someone who is often even more critical than myself for the most part, I completely agree with this statement. I really do.

They are evil. This specifically because they are tactfully angry and genuinely hateful, all in the guise of tolerance. And many others simply want to feign injustice so they can steal from those that work while finding a reason to be lazy and utterly dysfunctional.

I hope the staff at MSNBC are all compelled to jump off various Manhattan bridges tonight. Pathetic bastards and bitches.

Think I actually feel better now. :)

11-02-10, 18:18
While I would probably label you as someone who is often even more critical than myself for the most part, I completely agree with this statement. I really do.

They are evil. This specifically because they are tactfully angry and genuinely hateful, all in the guise of tolerance. And many others simply want to feign injustice so they can steal from those that work while finding a reason to be lazy and utterly dysfunctional.

I hope the staff at MSNBC are all compelled to jump off various Manhattan bridges tonight. Pathetic bastards and bitches.

Think I actually feel better now. :)

I don't think most people realize these types of dems hate free market economics and restricted government. Their hatred of "our system" causes them to do things like Reid calling Bush "stupid" and various dem Congressman insulting our active military despite being sent to TWO wars. These people have equated our military to the Nazi's, called them murderers, ect. They really do hate our current system, the military, ect.

If you boil things down these people want complete control of us outside of the courts, they hate the mostly conservative military, they want to dictate our lives, high taxes, ect.

Very dangerous for a supposed free society.