View Full Version : Delicate situation. Advice need.

10-31-10, 09:35
I work pretty closely with this woman at work. Usually she is a pretty nice person but for the last few days she has been the witch from hell. Well today I realized why.

She is wearing yellow shorts today and I noticed a spot of menstrual blood seeping through the back of her shorts. Should I tell her and be accused of looking at her crack or should I let someone else notice and fill her in?

I think she would be the most comfortable with me telling her because I know her the best but I don't want her wondering why I was looking at her ass either. What would you guys do?

10-31-10, 09:36


10-31-10, 09:39
Dude, SHE KNOWS!!!!!

She may not know she spotted at that time, but if she is aware of her body, she knows... And the spotting of her shorts would piss her off even more, so watch out... :big_boss:


10-31-10, 09:42
Get a woman at work to tell her if she outwardly "spots" again.

10-31-10, 09:46
Get a woman at work to tell her if she outwardly "spots" again.

This, this and this!!! You are in a loose loose situation, and Chadbag provided you with your best out.

Loss No 1: You tell her and she freaks.

No 2: You don't tell her, she notices her self, realizes she has been working around you all day, and freaks for you not telling her.

(No 1 and 2 are equally as bad)

No 3: You have an awkward conversation with another woman you work with, who will out of the solidarity that all women have, tell your coworker and you'll be done with it. Sure you'll probably get an odd luck from the woman you tell, but it's better then awkwardness for months if 1 or 2 happen.

10-31-10, 09:58
Get a woman at work to tell her if she outwardly "spots" again.


If she's not already aware of the problem, it's going to become evident the first time she uses the restroom and she's likely to be embarrassed as hell (and probably without a change of clothing). Give a heads up to a female coworker who can approach her discretely and maybe offer her some assistance.

lethal dose
10-31-10, 10:00
Wow. Haha. Yeah... don't tell her. Chances are, she noticed when she went home. If it happens again, tell another woman.

10-31-10, 10:06
Well either she discovered it herself or someone else told her. She just left work and said she would be gone for the day.

10-31-10, 10:27
Stay away.

You owe her nothing and HER embarrassment & and lack of personal hygiene will end up being your fault. :laugh:

10-31-10, 11:29
Throw her to the ground and yell "SNIPER, Jennifer is hit in her ass!" ;)

Seriously, do nothing- not even to another woman in the office. If it is that bad someone closer to her will say something. And don't make marks in your desk calendar or your Outlook calendar- she'll figure it out.

10-31-10, 11:33
Throw her to the ground and yell "SNIPER, Jennifer is hit in her ass!" ;)

oh man.. disgustingly disturbing, dude. unfortunately, i laughed out loud... so i guess i'm right there with you.

10-31-10, 12:14
Throw her to the ground and yell "SNIPER, Jennifer is hit in her ass!" ;)

Seriously, do nothing- not even to another woman in the office. If it is that bad someone closer to her will say something. And don't make marks in your desk calendar or your Outlook calendar- she'll figure it out.

Okay I laughed. Hard!

10-31-10, 12:30
After returning from Gulf War, I opted for a training course "C" school at Bethesda. A classmate was in working whites and had an "accident" I told her and a week later was before the "old Man" for NJP Captain's mast for sexual harassment charges. Thankfully I articulated the scenario and was found without "guilt" so to speak. She apparently was uptight and thought every man wanted to get her on her back.

10-31-10, 12:33
Seriously, do nothing- not even to another woman in the office. If it is that bad someone closer to her will say something.

Do yourself a favor an listen to this.

Why anyone would considered getting involved with this is beyond me.

... I didn't even want to get involved in this thread (but the quoted message needed reinforced).

Keep your head/eyes down and make your best attempt at denial.

10-31-10, 13:08
First Satanic Commandment

Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

live by it.

10-31-10, 13:15
Do not, under any circumstances, EVER, bring up the subject of a woman and her cycle. She might be cool with and bring it up herself but even then just leave it at that. Do not elaborate.

Woman hate their period - period. They are very self-conscious about it, even more than their normal level of self-consciousness.

10-31-10, 13:49
Sage advice. There's no "win" here if you're a guy.

Think of it along the same lines if a woman asks you if you think she's fat. If you say yes, you're an insensitive prick. If you say no, you're a no good liar.

Do yourself a favor an listen to this.

Why anyone would considered getting involved with this is beyond me.

... I didn't even want to get involved in this thread (but the quoted message needed reinforced).

Keep your head/eyes down and make your best attempt at denial.

10-31-10, 14:24
This isn't Dr. Laura. Let's close this one down.