View Full Version : Gun Safe advice

07-29-07, 14:31
OK, finally deciding to spend some $$ on a decent safe after years of cramming my expensive (and some NFA weapons) guns into a cheapo $150 sheetmetal safe.

Not wanting to spend a huge amount, I checked out Sam's and found this:


It is actually $600 if I pick it up, plus tax of course (7%). I suppose I can find a friend or two to help me move it - I have a Suburban LT so I can fit it in the back of it, get it home, put it on a dolly, and move it inside.

Decent deal, or are there better deals out there?

07-29-07, 15:34
Looks good.... Just make sure you get one big enough for you needs then go bigger. ;)

07-29-07, 20:06
Unless the price has taken a really big jump they used to be $598 or so at the local Sam's store....

07-29-07, 21:28
Just don't get a Remington. You can bend their doors by putting your knee in the middle of it and pulling at the top. If you're going to get a chance to inspect one of these, you might as well test the Winchester, too.

Its tough to find a good quality safe for less than a grand. They're worth it, but its an investment.

07-29-07, 21:49
I was looking at the same safe yesterday. It looks good from the outside and feels sound. Could not open it. Store polices require them to keep them locked ( kids hide in the crazy places). So no inside review.

07-29-07, 22:52
Lowe's also has gun safe's and will deliver (for a fee) if you don't have a way to get it home.


07-29-07, 23:48
Another aspect which is more probable than someone breaking into your house that many forget is a house fire. What ever safe you purchase I'd recommend you take that into consideration. Ask Denny Hansen, Editor of SWAT about that. His safe provided standard fire protection and he lost several nice firearms because of it.

When I purchased a safe last year I did alot of research and found that Patriot Safe Company met my needs to include fire protection. www.patriotsafe.com While more slightly more expensive you get what you pay for, however they will drop ship to your house for free.


08-05-07, 21:16
After working and training for a number of years as Lock Smith , I can reccommend a few things when buying safes. I would avoid electronic locks if you can. Stick with S&G, LaGard, and ILCO mechanical locks. They work everytime, all the time when factory installed correctly. In terms of safes themselves know where your particular safe is made, avoid the imports! Try the safes in the stores . If they say you can't or they do not have the combination leave! Make sure the door opens smoothly, the lock does not bind when dialing, the finish is not important as the function is!! Make sure your floors can take the load of the safe. Also measure the widths of your doorways. Nothing worse than getting you new safe home and you can't get it in your home. Hope this info helps!:cool:

08-05-07, 22:21
After much consideration, and assessing the value of my firearms and how tough it would be to replace some of them, and of course the ATF anal exam if my supressors and SBRs were stolen, I've decided to get an AMSEC safe - probably looking at $2200 installed for one that will handle about 25 rifles, but we're talking 850 pounds, 1/2" thick steel plate for the front part of the door (and more behind it after the fire protection), 10 gauge body, and an amazing warranty. Expensive, but ultimately worth it I think.