View Full Version : Keith Olberman tonight...

11-03-10, 19:08
Just for the trainwreck factor, I thought I'd watch the jackass. I don't know who is more delusional, Keith Olberman or Comical Ali from back in Iraq. Keith led off with the few Dems that won. Republicans didn't win, it was pure mathematics of how bad the Bush economy is and how much Republicans lie. They should have won the Senate, so they actually lost! People aren't lurching to the right, they are just hurting...... :sarcastic:

I think I might watch to see if he actually can go the full hour with out breaking down.

11-03-10, 19:12
I wonder what he has to take to even get up for the show today considering the amount of sedatives it it probably took for him to get to sleep after last night.

I might DVR this to see how crazy he is, thanks for the heads up.

11-03-10, 19:18
The first commercial break had a polar bear walking from the arctic circle to suburbia to give a guy a hug for driving an electric car...

I never knew these guys were that funny! No wonder people can't tell that The Daily Show from reality.

11-03-10, 19:20
EJ Dione, check.

When is Krugmann going to be on???

I got thru college because of a guy like EJ. Whenever he said something in class, I would take the counterpoint and the Proff would say I was right.

If Kristi Noem was around in 1994, Clinton would have converted to being a Republican.

11-03-10, 19:22
Not a single one of the big polling houses said the r's would take the senate. Why does he think they "should" have won it, and didnt?

Oh thats right to be a liberal you have to believe in an alternate reality.

Did he by chance miss mentioning the fact the r's won the most seats of any election, and dems have not had this few of seats in decades?

11-03-10, 19:24
I wish I had married Olberman's sister. Having him as a brother-in-law and getting to punk his ass all thru Thanksgiving Dinner would be worth being married to the ugly hag.

11-03-10, 19:42
I like the Thanksgiving thing.

This guy is a major ****. I complained to NBC - football when he was doing some part a couple years ago or so. This is the guy who freaked, in his blog, asking, begging for any info on Beck and Fox after Beck got the Marxist Van Jones removed.

11-03-10, 19:52
Olberman is a douchebag. 'nuff said.

11-03-10, 20:04
Oh my God, Michelle Bachmann's people held a sign upside down!!!! What ignorant buffons!

It would be really hard not to beat senseless that nit-wit if I saw him on the street. Just go all out him and yell "What's the frequency Kenneth!!!".

Who is the man on after Olberman???? :sad:

11-03-10, 20:09
Oh my God, Michelle Bachmann's people held a sign upside down!!!! What ignorant buffons!

It would be really hard not to beat senseless that nit-wit if I saw him on the street. Just go all out him and yell "What's the frequency Kenneth!!!".

Who is the man on after Olberman???? :sad:

That little boy? He reminds me of Marcy Darcy from MWC.

11-03-10, 20:15
...i wish I could bump into nancy and give her a "Ha-Ha!!" in my best Nelson (from the simpsons) voice.

wonder what Bill on comedy central had to say.:rolleyes:

11-03-10, 22:54
I'm amazed that he wasn't hauled off in a straight jacket given the results of yesterday's election.:D

11-03-10, 23:11
The guys a ****wit, plain and simple.

11-03-10, 23:45
MSNBC is comedy 24/7, especially when the libs get kicked down the stairs like they did yesterday.

Maddow was a complete loon today. Matthews had the night off, and I didn't watch Olberman.

The Fox guys were making fun of MSNBC all night because their meltdown and crap coverage was epic last night.

11-04-10, 21:04

11-04-10, 23:39

One of Ben Affleck's greatest roles.

11-05-10, 04:22
Being Olbermann for 8 minutes has to be easily one of the most exhausting things one can try to do in their lifetime.

11-05-10, 11:24

Forgot about that...hilarious :sarcastic:

11-05-10, 14:08
Olbermann just got suspended from MSNBC for political donations in violation of company ethics rules :sarcastic:


11-05-10, 14:10
I suspect MSNBC is trying to weasel out of Olberman's expensive contract because their ratings are in the shitter and they cannot afford to pay. Certainly no one at MSNBC would object to a donation to a Dem candidate, or yellow journalism.

11-05-10, 14:57
Olbermann just got suspended from MSNBC for political donations in violation of company ethics rules :sarcastic:

Actually, it's more like :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:.

Best story of the day, couldn't possibly happen to a more deserving fellow.

11-05-10, 17:17
Actually, it's more like :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:.

Best story of the day, couldn't possibly happen to a more deserving fellow.

And better yet, suspended with out pay!!!

The only bad news is that he'll probably run for the senate now...

11-05-10, 17:21
Ben Affleck's only great performance.

I fixed it for you.

11-05-10, 18:03
I fixed it for you.

Apparently you didn't see The Town.

11-05-10, 18:12
Apparently you didn't see The Town.

I don't watch Ben Affleck movies because I enjoy actors that can actually act. Maybe he was good in The Town but every other film I have seen him in his performance hasn't been worth a bucket of warm crap.

11-05-10, 18:17
Who gives a shit? Actors are actors and have no real relevance to anything meaningful.

11-05-10, 18:37
The best President this country has produced in the last 100 years was an actor.

11-05-10, 18:49
The best President this country has produced in the last 100 years was an actor.

What was his overall relevance during the time he was an actor other than having been an actor?

11-05-10, 19:08
What was his overall relevance during the time he was an actor other than having been an actor?

He didn't just appear on the national stage one day after leaving the film industry. He was a leading conservative voice nationally while he was still making films. He was one of the more complex Presidents this country has ever produced, even if the chattering class liked to portray him as a bumbling idiot.

He was still making movies when the Goldwater campaign asked him to speak at the 1964 convention. He delivered one of the greatest political speeches ever delivered while still an actor as it laid out what modern conservativism stood for. I'd say he was relevant.


11-05-10, 19:17
Ay Caramba, it seems you've got me on that one. Actually made me laugh out loud. :D

But surely we can both agree that he is without question the exception to the rule.

Edit: Except for Charlton Heston. Oh boy...

11-05-10, 19:19
Ay Caramba, it seems you've got me on that one. Actually made me laugh out loud. :D

But surely we can both agree that he is without question the exception to the rule.

Edit: Except for Charlton Heston. Oh boy...

and Fred Dalton Thompson.:D

11-05-10, 19:53
Enough, enough. Back to skewering Olberman.

Man, is his mom going to be upset when they have to move to a new apartment.

11-05-10, 20:09
Olbermann just got suspended from MSNBC for political donations in violation of company ethics rules :sarcastic:


thats great and all.. but man..... he was so ridiculously leftist, i think he actually did more good than bad for our cause. every time he spoke, he went deeper and deeper, and took his small leftist following deeper and deeper into insanity that it really made our side look even more rational than it otherwise does.

if i was filthy rich, i'd hire him at full salary to keep doing what he's doing.

ETA- hell, i'd give him free reign- say and do whatever your heart desires. within a few months, America would eject leftism like bad clams.

11-05-10, 20:46
Enough, enough. Back to skewering Olberman.

Man, is his mom going to be upset when they have to move to a new apartment.

What about Miss Princess Perfect? :laugh:

bkb has a point, I think its great and all that he may have lost his job (which I doubt this will be permanent) but he's such a left wing buffoon I don't think he was ever hurting our cause.

11-05-10, 20:58
Im dedicating every beer I drink tonight to Keith getting fired.

11-05-10, 20:58
thats great and all.. but man..... he was so ridiculously leftist, i think he actually did more good than bad for our cause. every time he spoke, he went deeper and deeper, and took his small leftist following deeper and deeper into insanity that it really made our side look even more rational than it otherwise does.

if i was filthy rich, i'd hire him at full salary to keep doing what he's doing.

ETA- hell, i'd give him free reign- say and do whatever your heart desires. within a few months, America would eject leftism like bad clams.

Oh don't get me wrong, I think it's funny he got suspended but I don't really want him off the air. I agree with you.

Gutshot John
11-05-10, 21:00
What was his overall relevance during the time he was an actor other than having been an actor?

Ask and you shall receive...

Peggy Noonan - "Americans Vote for Maturity" (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703805704575594772776292394.html)

11-05-10, 21:00
I don't care if they fire him, just please don't put him back on Sunday Night Football.

11-05-10, 21:49
Actors are nothing more than modern day court jesters and yet people but them up on a pedestal.

11-05-10, 21:51
He has been suspended from MSNBC? :sarcastic:

I do hope its permanent!

Robb Jensen
11-05-10, 22:41
Olbermann just got suspended from MSNBC for political donations in violation of company ethics rules :sarcastic:



11-05-10, 23:16
I don't care if they fire him, just please don't put him back on Sunday Night Football.

Soccer's only chance!!!

11-07-10, 21:59
Aw, damnit!


Well, folks, it was good while it lasted.

11-07-10, 22:27
I was getting used to my FIL, bitching at me about being Republican and the Olberman is the voice of reason and we should respect him.

11-07-10, 22:29
Aw, damnit!


Well, folks, it was good while it lasted.

Are you surprised. His contract would probably be nearly a hundred million to pay out. Also, he is MSNBC's flagship turd.

11-07-10, 22:32
Not at all surprised. If he breaches his contract though, which I would think these donations could be, couldn't they get out of paying it? I want him to stay on the air and they should give him more free reign to say whatever he wants, no matter what. Let him really make an ass of himself.

01-24-11, 18:57

Olbermann and MSNBC parted ways today.

Just watched some of his videos on youtube to me remind me of what we won't be missing. What a douche. While I appreciate eloquence and command of the English language, nobody likes the guy who tries to exude an air of intelligence and superiority by seemingly using a thesaurus for every word of his commentary. Hope he's off the air for good.

01-24-11, 19:02
I can only suspect that as the realities of the public distaste for the the far-left mindset sunk in after the midterms, this accompanied by the immenent Comcast takeover, he and his hardcore stance were becoming increasingly frowned upon.

01-24-11, 19:17
When he had a job at least we knew where he was every night. That nut case is on the loose and perhaps in your neighborhood right now!!! :D

Seriously, what is that nut bag going to do now? Run for the other senate seat from MN?

If I were Roger Ailes I'd offer him a job on FoxNews just to see his head explode.

Maybe he and Carson Palmer are planning on running off together.

01-24-11, 19:26
They ought to put him on with Hannity now that Colmes is gone. Hannity & Olbermann. Blowhard to Blowhard.

01-24-11, 23:30
You may have an On Demand UFC special if those 2 shared a show!


They ought to put him on with Hannity now that Colmes is gone. Hannity & Olbermann. Blowhard to Blowhard.

01-25-11, 00:14
Now that he's mentioned, I think I actually like Colmes.

I've only seen like two episodes of that show though. I still think Hannity is a jackass.

Olbermann will not be missed.

01-25-11, 07:32
Olbermann definitely will not be missed. A lot of what Hannity says is right on the button. His presentation sucks and he definitely won't let anyone get a word in edge wise but he does bring about good points.

01-25-11, 08:37
Olbermann definitely will not be missed. A lot of what Hannity says is right on the button. His presentation sucks and he definitely won't let anyone get a word in edge wise but he does bring about good points.

Interesting...I can't say I've ever seen more than 5 minutes of his TV show but on his radio show, he has left-of-center people on on a pretty regular basis the times I've heard it; both callers and guests, and it seemed to me he gave them a fair shake.

01-25-11, 12:36
Interesting...I can't say I've ever seen more than 5 minutes of his TV show but on his radio show, he has left-of-center people on on a pretty regular basis the times I've heard it; both callers and guests, and it seemed to me he gave them a fair shake.

I listen to his radio show most every day. He normally does give liberals a chance to speak. Quite a bit of the time he gets going and will talk all over a guest also. Don't get me wrong I like him but he is frustrating listening to at times when he won't let someone make a point. His TV show is usually pretty good. I don't watch it too much but what I do see is good.

Olbermann on the other hand is enough to make you want to reach down your throat grab your ass from the inside and pull it out through your mouth. Wait a minute, how about reach down his throat and do that to him:D Rachel Maddow(Madcow), as she is often called, is just as bad as Olbermann.

01-25-11, 22:23
Hannity does not know how to complete a sentence on the radio, which I find annoying. He does better on tv.

01-26-11, 02:49
Every episode I've seen of Hannity, the man won't let anybody talk, it's him ranting for an hour about how liberalism is bad - cool, we agree - but won't tell why, or let anybody debate (not argue) with him. He just talks over them.

Colmes isn't bad, too bad he's a Democrat.

01-26-11, 15:52
You may have an On Demand UFC special if those 2 shared a show!

My money is on Hannity to win via tapout due to strikes within a minute or two.

People can say what they want about Hannity's style or whatever compared to other talk show hosts, but he would easily win any "celebrity deathmatch" type thing between the two, like I said probably by Olbermann bitching out with Hannity raining down ground and pound, LOL.