View Full Version : 2012 Candidates?

11-05-10, 14:30
Who would like to see run for President of the USA in 2012, and why?

I know this is a little early for some peoples liking, but as demonstrated in 2008, I don't have any one or two people that are sticking out in my mind for a good candidate. I've been researching and looking around for a while now and have a couple good people in mind, but whether or not they would run, or be able to mount a successful campaign is another thing.

I personally liked Huckabee, but he doesn't have the organizational skills, or seemingly the party behind him. He has tried to up his exposure through his TV show, and various state trips though. I don't think he's given up yet.

Another one that I've looked at actually just had a story on FOX (which did prompt this thread, since I must not be the only one wondering about 2012 at this point. Link (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/11/05/haley-barbours-success-rate-plus-insider-status-question/) ), is Haley Barbour. He did a good job with Mississippi while Governor there (no new taxes, helped balance budget), but I think his past as a lobbyist might come back to bite him in a Presidential election.

So, what are your opinions and why?

11-05-10, 17:14
I hope to God we don't get another McCain ie. Mitt Romney, he's one of the biggest RINOs out there.

lethal dose
11-05-10, 17:32
Lt. Col. Allan West. Hands down. Hardcore patriot.

11-05-10, 17:37
Two Hoosiers jump to mind. Mitch Daniels and Mike Pence would make solid candidates. Newly elected Governor John Kasich would be great too but he can't start campaigning for President within months of being elected Governor. He'll have to wait until 2016 but by then the field is going to be really crowded with a whole host of rising stars from within the Party.

2016 could be a star studded class for the GOP with candidates like Gov. Chris Christie, Rep. Paul Ryan, Gov. Robert McDonnell, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Rob Portman, Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Sen. Mike Lee, Sen. Ron Johnson, Gov. Susana Martinez and Gov. Nikki Haley. Odds are a bunch of them will fail to live up to the hype or become the victim of some self inflected wounds but that would still leave a couple really good candidates.

11-05-10, 17:58
Bobby Jindal.

I like Chris Christie, especially for how he's given the unions in NJ a big **** you, but I need to see how he is on the 2nd Amendment, he is from New Jersey after all. Jindal is pretty solid on the 2nd already.

11-05-10, 18:03
Bobby Jindal.

I like Chris Christie, especially for how he's given the unions in NJ a big **** you, but I need to see how he is on the 2nd Amendment, he is from New Jersey after all. Jindal is pretty solid on the 2nd already.

Christie is a lot like GWB when it comes to the second amendment. He isn't going to push any major pro second amendment legislation, but he he'll appoint judges like Roberts and Alito and the anti gunners won't find him remotely interested in supporting any new legislation.

11-05-10, 18:11
I want someone who's going to cut funding to BATFE, and who we could possibly expect being open to rolling back some anti-gun legislation, like the portion of McClure-Volkmer banning new production of machine guns, maybe the parts of the Brady Bill that didn't expire, or Bush Sr.'s import ban. I know the 1968 GCA would be a stretch.

11-05-10, 18:16
I'm going to go out on a limb. Considering our current financial crisis and the devaluing of the US dollar along with the continued failure of both parties, I'd like to see Ron Paul make a run. If not maybe Bobby Jindal or Mitch Daniels. No more Rhinos. No more commies.

11-05-10, 19:46
Christie/Rubio, or Christie/West!!!!!

11-06-10, 00:18
Just gonna throw it out there....General Petraeus.

Robb Jensen
11-06-10, 00:21
Lt. Col. Allen West. Hands down. Hardcore patriot.

Hell yeah!

11-06-10, 00:37
Let's travel back to the 80's

11-06-10, 00:54
Mitch Daniels is going to run. And he will make a hell of a President.

11-06-10, 01:34
Anyone besides Palin:suicide:

Left Sig
11-06-10, 13:45
Mitch Daniels is going to run. And he will make a hell of a President.

Mitch is one of the only politicians I've ever voted for who has done exactly what he promised - balanced a budget without cutting school funding (he reduced the increases though, which made the teachers unions cry about "cuts") created a pro-business environment, added new jobs due to business investment, got Indiana time in line with the rest of the country (enacted DST), passed property tax reform and caps.

He did fail to reform local government due to blockage by Democrats in the state legislature, but that's all changed since Tuesday and I expect things will move ahead.

He got the budget in order during the good years instead of going on a spending and hiring spree, so Indiana has been able to weather the recession much better than Illinois next door.

He's will be the best President we could elect based on demonstrated experience. I like Pence a lot, but he's not an executive, he's a legislator. Still, I'd take Pence over Romney in an instant.

11-06-10, 15:07
Just gonna throw it out there....General Petraeus.

He'd make an outstanding VP but right now this country desperately needs a President that understands what businesses need to function efficiently.

11-06-10, 21:17
Mitch Daniels is going to run. And he will make a hell of a President.

I'm impressed with what I'm reading on him. I'd like to see his name in the running.

11-06-10, 21:44
Anyone besides Palin:suicide:

Im from Alaska and I agree 100%

11-06-10, 23:23
Write me in and everything will be good. There will be no mercy to our enemies and I will seek out the smartest minds to solve our economic issues.

I will also declare martial law (for a short time) and crush all opposition parties. Then everything will be back on track. I will also seek a repeal of the NFA of 1934 and revamp of the 1968.

11-06-10, 23:33
It's hard to know this early in the game.

So much comes out about their positions and records during the primary process.

Whoever runs will need to be able to pull all the conservatives and independents, while having little to no Black or Hispanic support if they want to have a prayer of winning

11-06-10, 23:53
He's will be the best President we could elect based on demonstrated experience. I like Pence a lot, but he's not an executive, he's a legislator. Still, I'd take Pence over Romney in an instant.

Pence is a good guy. I was unhappy with him this year in the Primary but that is because he endorsed our opponent. However we won so it is all good.

He will not be running for President. He will be running for Governor at this point. Should be interesting to see him and Becky duke it out in the Primary.

11-07-10, 01:07
Im impressed with Paul Ryan from WI. Sharp as a razor.

While I have alot of respect for Palin, and think she's pretty hot.... I sure as hell hope she doesnt ****-up the works and try to run for President in 2012:eek:

11-07-10, 01:17
If Mitt Romney is my choice for the R Id rather vote Obama.

**** that AWB and mass health care signer. At least Obama hasnt signed any AWB.

11-07-10, 01:57
Every time I hear Palin on the commercial for her TV show on TLC I want her to run for president even less. She sounds like an idiot.

11-07-10, 05:52
Mitch Daniels, or Iraqgunz.

11-07-10, 14:32
I'd like to see a Jim DeMint & Allen West ticket.

11-08-10, 09:49
Write me in and everything will be good. There will be no mercy to our enemies and I will seek out the smartest minds to solve our economic issues.

I will also declare martial law (for a short time) and crush all opposition parties. Then everything will be back on track. I will also seek a repeal of the NFA of 1934 and revamp of the 1968.

I think you'll have a tough run-off agains SteyrAUG;


Also, I really hope Palin understands that she is not a viable candidate. Otherwise I could see her really muddying the waters, and pissing a lot of people off. . .

11-08-10, 10:38
Palin's job is to energize her fans and followers and to raise money.

Not to run.

11-08-10, 10:48
Palin's job is to energize her fans and followers and to raise money.

Not to run.

But does she know that?

11-08-10, 11:23
I would like to see Sarah Palin as a Chairman of GOP and Rick Perry as a GOP Presidential Nominee.

11-08-10, 11:39
Lt. Col. Allan West. Hands down. Hardcore patriot.

Not sure if he'd have the name recognition by 2012, but I'd love to see Lt. Col. West run.

I'd like to see a Jim DeMint & Allen West ticket.

This would be doable as well.

Beyond this, I really don't see much in the GOP to get too excited about.