View Full Version : Soooooo not politically correct

Gutshot John
11-06-10, 22:37
Enjoy, don't forget to check out the archive...


lethal dose
11-06-10, 22:39
Elle oh elle.

11-06-10, 22:59
That was awesome. Thank you so much!

11-07-10, 14:37
PC or no... that's funny!

11-07-10, 15:50
I love hipster humor.

my fav, Fags on Fixies


11-08-10, 02:57
wow... just wow......

11-08-10, 07:52
That there's funny stuff.

"I have a grenade in my basket. And organic cashews!"

11-08-10, 11:50
That is beyond ****ed up! And I love it!

11-08-10, 11:57
Silly hipsters... I work near the most dense hipster population in Pittsburgh... A few of us have been having "hipster bike spotting" contests...

11-08-10, 14:48
For those of you that love it, I find you a disturbed individual.

Finding humor in anything involving Hitler is childish at best.

As a JEW I find this offensive, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Gutshot John
11-08-10, 14:53
I guess you missed where they're making fun of Hitler...not Jews. If I thought this was insulting to anyone other than Hitler I wouldn't have posted it.

My jewish friends, including the best man at my wedding, laughed their asses off. Sure it's not PC but I get bored with being told where I can find humor.

Lighten up and if you can't do that...keep calm and carry on!

11-08-10, 14:56
It starts out as a joke and winds up making light of the suffering of millions. The more people see humor in things like this the less the find the image of him disturbing, that is my point.

Frankly, the mere sight of the man tends to raise my blood pressure. So this idea of humor doesn't quite cut it for me. To each his own.

Gutshot John
11-08-10, 15:02
It starts out as a joke and winds up making light of the suffering of millions. The more people see humor in things like this the less the find the image of him disturbing, that is my point.

Frankly, the mere sight of the man tends to raise my blood pressure. So this idea of humor doesn't quite cut it for me. To each his own.

Ok well keep that in mind next time you make fun of "insert random oppressed group here." Seriously you've never told a racial joke? or enjoyed some dark humor? If you have than maybe you shouldn't be throwing stones. If you haven't than maybe you need to find a sense of humor. You gotta laugh man, if you don't laugh you'll cry. Life is shitty, find the humor and maybe keep your sanity.

If you think the intent was to make fun of jewish suffering than you clearly misunderstood.

Oh well, don't read it.

11-08-10, 19:07
Yeah, this comic is all about how subversively pretentious hipsters are.
A group of friends always has that guy who wants to go hipster, no matter what you say. He just does dumb shit like buy a fixie and wear nerd glasses with no lenses because he has 20/20.

. . . .just like hitler never listened to damn thing anybody else said about anything.

A song about hipsters > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVmmYMwFj1I

The hipster olympics!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAO4EVMlpwM&feature=related

11-09-10, 08:52
I didn't even know there was a term for these dickheads until yesterday.

Thank you hipster hitler!



11-09-10, 10:48
Ok well keep that in mind next time you make fun of "insert random oppressed group here." Seriously you've never told a racial joke? or enjoyed some dark humor? If you have than maybe you shouldn't be throwing stones. If you haven't than maybe you need to find a sense of humor. You gotta laugh man, if you don't laugh you'll cry. Life is shitty, find the humor and maybe keep your sanity.

Quit with the strawman argument. "Racial jokes" are not the same as mocking genocide. Racial jokes, profiling, and stereotyping exist because they are true 99% of the time for 99% of the people they encompass; they're construed as "funny" because they bring up the truth when no one wants to hear it or talk about it.

Laughing, taking pleasure, in the fact that 6 million people were butchered has nothing to do with humor, truth, or political incorrectness; it is sadistic and grotesque and it speaks loads of your personal morality. Perhaps you should tell us the next time someone close to you dies so we can make fun of the fact that your wife/child/father/mother died. Maybe that will offer some perspective for you.

And to answer your question, I can honestly say I've never made fun of any "oppressed people" nor do I (or have I) enjoy making fun of the sanctity of life. I'm not a minority, nor am I a racist, and I'm pretty politically incorrect, but I find no humor or taste whatsoever in your links.

Gutshot John
11-09-10, 11:05
Laughing, taking pleasure, in the fact that 6 million people were butchered has nothing to do with humor, truth, or political incorrectness; it is sadistic and grotesque and it speaks loads of your personal morality. Perhaps you should tell us the next time someone close to you dies so we can make fun of the fact that your wife/child/father/mother died. Maybe that will offer some perspective for you.

Spare me your sanctimonious BS.

I don't recall you or anyone else getting this upset when everyone was posting that Hitler video about the Remington ACR so my guess is that it's more about me personally that posted this than any real concern about 6 million jews. One more time it doesn't make fun of jews...it's making fun of Hitler and Hipsters. Never seen a comedy that made fun of Hitler? "The Producers"? How about "To Be or Not to Be" Mel Brooks (a jew) made a career making fun of Nazis.


Lighten up francis. You're not a qualified judge of anyone's morality but you're own.

Set back and grow a sense of humor. If you're offended tough shit. You don't like me? I don't like you either. Put me on ignore and carry on. You're getting your panties in a twist over nothing.

11-09-10, 11:17
Spare me your sanctimonious BS.

I don't recall you or anyone else getting this upset when everyone was posting that Hitler video about the Remington ACR so my guess is that it's me that posted this than any real concern about 6 million jews.


Lighten up francis. You're not a qualified judge of anyone's morality but you're own.

Set back and grow a sense of humor.

Yet another strawman argument. What does the above thread have to do with my reply? Did you see me reply to that post you linked? I'll answer it for you: No. I've never even seen, let alone read that thread (until now, anyways). If I had seen it, and you had posted the same twisted and convoluted defense as to how racial jokes are on the same level as getting your rocks off on the slaughtering of millions of Jews, then I'd have replied the same as I have here.

But since you went there, the thread you linked has nothing whatsoever to do with "Jews," does it? Did you even pass a writing class? How about high school? Because you just made a logic leap of colossal proportions - somehow a comic with Hitler wearing a "Jews" t-shirt (mocking the slaughter of 6 million Jews) is the same as Hitler, with zero mention of Jews, giving a tour of a run-down modern-day firearms factory (mocking the poor price and QC of Bushmaster). Then again, you think that 6 million innocents being BURNED ALIVE, GASSED, STARVED until their bones break through their skin is "funny." Yeah, if your moral compass is that jacked up, you might think they were the same.

Lastly, I haven't judged you whatsoever; I simply pointed out the truth. Either you think 6 million people dying is funny (sadistic) or you don't (hypocrite). If you think 6 million people being butchered for sadistic pleasure is funny, then so be it. Expect no quarter, however, if someone mocks the deaths of the ones you love and care about, because you deserve it.

Gutshot John
11-09-10, 11:18
Yet another strawman argument.

Uhm no it isn't a straw man argument. It's directly relevant. Making fun of Hitler and Nazis has taken many different forms. Not just the ACR thread. If you can't see the comparison it's because you're walking 10 miles out of your way to avoid it. Why? Because your indignation has to do with me personally rather than the content of the website. You don't like me? Fine.

The only hypocrite I see here is you.

Of course you can just fix this...put me on ignore and see if I care. That's the wonderful thing about free speech...you can CHOOSE not to listen.

11-09-10, 11:24
Uhm no it isn't a straw man argument. It's directly relevant. Making fun of Hitler and Nazis has taken many different forms. Not just the ACR thread. If you can't see the comparison it's because you're walking 10 miles out of your way to avoid it. Why? Because your indignation has to do with me personally rather than the content of the website.

The only hypocrite I see here is you.

Of course you can just fix this...put me on ignore and see if I care.

It IS a strawman argument when it's purposely sidetracking the issue.

Further, point out where 1) I'm a hypocrite, 2) I'm going "10 miles" out of my way, and 3) my indignation has to do with you compared to the post (hint: it doesn't).

Also, why would I put you on ignore? Is that your first response when someone calls you out on BS? To mute them and ignore them and act like it never happened? "LALALALA I can't hear you!!!" Wow, what kind of sheltered, unrealistic life do YOU live? Then again, coming from the guy who laughs at innocent people being slaughtered, not surprising.

Yep, strawman.

Gutshot John
11-09-10, 11:29
It IS a strawman argument when it's purposely sidetracking the issue.

1. It's not sidetracking the issue (even if it was doing so isn't a strawman)
2. It's drawing a direct comparison
3. You obviously don't know what a straw man is - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man

Further, point out where 1) I'm a hypocrite, 2) I'm going "10 miles" out of my way, and 3) my indignation has to do with you compared to the post (hint: it doesn't).

1. I've done nothing to make fun of jews, you're the one that's amisrepresented my position which would be a straw man - hence your hypocrisy.

2. You refuse to acknowledge that people make fun of Hitler all the time (including jews) the notion that making fun of Hitler is somehow making fun of the Holocaust or endorsing his philosophy is another strawman.

3. Given 1 and 2 the only remaining explanation of your pretentious indignation is that this is personal.

So again, just put me on ignore and we'll both be happier.

11-09-10, 11:40
1. I've done nothing to make fun of jews, you're the one that's done so and so you're misrepresenting my position which would be a straw man - hence your hypocrisy.

1. Point out where I mocked the Jews. You said I did - DO IT.

2. You refuse to acknowledge that people make fun of Hitler all the time (including jews) the notion that making fun of Hitler is somehow making fun of the Holocaust or endorsing his philosophy is another strawman.

1. I never said that (leaping again, are we? Then point it out). I feel that ANY mention of Hitler mocks the death of Jews. I simply stated out that the first example was blatantly mocking them. Quit jumping to conclusions. And you said I was judging, lol.

3. Given 1 and 2 the only remaining explanation of your pretentious indignation is that this is personal.

1. Read 1 and 2 and you'll see it isn't. You simply insist on mocking the deaths of millions by promoting comics that make light of their deaths. I'll insist it's distasteful.

So again, just put me on ignore and we'll both be happier.

1. How about I keep posting and you can put me on ignore, if it annoys you that much?

Gutshot John
11-09-10, 11:45
1. Point out where I mocked the Jews. You said I did - DO IT.

Really? where did I say that? You apparently don't read so well which would explain a lot.

I NEVER said you mocked the jews. I only said you were a hypocrite...you accused me of making a strawman argument by making one of your own. By any objective definition this is hypocrisy and in doing so trivialize the suffering of 6 million people.

I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

So again, put me on ignore and I'll return the favor.

11-09-10, 11:51
You simply insist on mocking the deaths of millions by promoting comics that make light of their deaths. I'll insist it's distasteful.

I am not sure how one can misinterpret making fun of hipsters and Hitler into mocking victims of the holocaust.

11-09-10, 12:05
Have you heard the one about the two Jewish assassins who wait with pistols for Hitler outside his favorite restaurant? Every day Hitler shows up at 3PM for tea and cakes. When Hitler doesn’t show up that afternoon at the appointed hour, one assassin says to the other, “Gee, I hope nothing has happened to him.”

I talked to Google and asked if it is okay to make fun of Hitler, and he told me to read this: Is It OK To Make Fun Of Hitler? (http://politicalmavens.com/index.php/2010/04/28/is-it-ok-to-make-fun-of-hitler/)

[Mel] Brooks once explained his view of Hitler, “I was never crazy about Hitler…If you stand on a soapbox and trade rhetoric with a dictator you never win…That’s what they do so well: they seduce people. But if you ridicule them, bring them down with laughter, they can’t win. You show how crazy they are.”

11-09-10, 12:15
Well then, by proxy let's make fun of Mexicans (by referencing all of them as job sucking illegals), Muslims (by posting their prophet in compromising positions), blacks (picturing them as slaves, or welfare recipients), or Christians (by pictorially making them all redneck, inbred racists).

Where do we draw the line? So let's throw the COC out of the window and make it a free for all.

The truth is what you find humorous, some don't. Don't try and paint me as some crusading choir boy. I've made mistakes in life and I have my PERSONAL views about things, but I don't go around a public forum posting insulting material without thinking first about who I could be insulting.

Oh, and IBTL.

11-09-10, 12:15
Call me an ass-hat... but I care as little about Hitler, Jews and anything related to eons gone bye.... as I do for the black slaves that were saved by bringing them to America. Anyways... on to real life in 2010...

What is a Hipster? I have never heard that term before. Is this the white folk acting like the brothers and trying to be "all getto ~n~ at"? At 39 years old, I must have missed out entirely on this new classification of idiot.

Going back to that Jewish argument, I could see a Jewish person being upset if someone was saying something like... "Man, that Hitler did a good job, but too bad he didn't finish the job...." or saying "Yea, that there slaughter of the jewish folks was some funny stuff right there..." but this post is about a freaking cartoon that pokes fun at a modern style and using the image of Hitler as the ass-hat being dressed as the fool.

What is up with all the over sensative people? Geeze, get over the history of 3-4 generations ago and worry about the current times. We have plenty of issues to be thinking about right here in real life, in 2010!

Gutshot John
11-09-10, 12:21
Well then, by proxy let's make fun of Mexicans (by referencing wetbacks), Muslims (by posting their prophet in compromising positions), blacks (picturing them as slaves), or Christians (by pictorially making them all redneck, inbred racists).

I'm an Irish, German, Mennonite Christian. I've made fun of all those groups. My latino friends often tell mexican jokes, my jewish friends tell jewish jokes and my black friends tell black jokes. That's what makes them my friends. If you've ever served in the military you'll call friends of different ethnicities "beaner" "red sea pedestrian" "homeboy" whatever.

So let's throw the COC out of the window and make it a free for all.

I'm all for that. People need to lighten up.

The truth is what you find humorous, some don't. Don't try and paint me as some crusading choir boy.

Fair enough but don't paint me as some sort of racist for slaughtering a few sacred cows.

I've made mistakes in life and I have my PERSONAL views about things, but I don't go around a public forum posting insulting material without thinking first about who I could be insulting.

Oh I thought about it, which is why I shared it with my jewish friends (who thought it was a gas) and more importantly I gave fair warning in the thread title that it wasn't politically correct. If you read beyond that than it would be because you appreciate non-PC humor and took responsibility that there was a chance you might be insulted.

If you were insulted than you missed the point of the site. The only people that should be insulted were either hipsters or closeted-nazis.

Gutshot John
11-09-10, 12:29
What is a Hipster? I have never heard that term before. Is this the white folk acting like the brothers and trying to be "all getto ~n~ at"? At 39 years old, I must have missed out entirely on this new classification of idiot.

Actually not ghetto at all...more like Eurotrash but without the charm.


11-09-10, 12:32
What is a Hipster? I have never heard that term before. Is this the white folk acting like the brothers and trying to be "all getto ~n~ at"? At 39 years old, I must have missed out entirely on this new classification of idiot.

Ya'all are having so much fun arguing that you missed my question John!

PS: I am a middle aged, white male Christian/Redneck/Pollock/Wop/Bog-trotter/Czech clinging to my guns and bible.

Gutshot John
11-09-10, 12:33
Ya'all are having so much fun arguing that you missed my question John!

No I didn't. See post #29. :)

11-09-10, 12:35
Actually not ghetto at all...more like Eurotrash but without the charm.


Thanks John. I noticed one of the comics mentioned "skinny jeans" and I do see young boys with female looking jeans on, typically also with hair that is long in the front covering the upper quarter of the face including the one eye and a tight fitting shirt. At a distance, it's hard to tell at times if your seeing a dude or a dudette (female).

11-09-10, 12:35
Oh snap.

Took care of it for you. Stop preaching. Get your exercise flying off the handle elsewhere.

Making fun of anything is funny. Read and post and be a sanctimonious prick elsewhere if you find this so offensive. --JMS

Gutshot John
11-09-10, 12:39
[QUOTE=Skyyr;809814]Oh snap.

Snap nothing...

The above quote was a response as to how you were a hypocrite, which I spelled out pretty well and was certainly in the context of a strawman.

Actually there was never an intent to say you mocked the jews, it was a bad edit (my bad but you had to go out of your way to misunderstand that...again) the original text was "I never offered a strawman, you're the one that's done so...hence your hypocrisy." Somehow that got cut off.

Is that really the best retort you can offer? How about you address the substance of your hypocrisy? You accused me of putting up a strawman when you clearly don't know what on eis and more significantly its EXACTLY what you did.

Once again this has nothing to do with 6 million jews and everything to do with you getting your panties in a wad because of a personal issue between us (that's cropped up again and again).

Just put me on ignore and I'll return the favor.

11-09-10, 12:39
I make fun of everyone, equal opportunity hater

11-09-10, 12:40
Actually there was never an intent to say you mocked the jews, it was a bad edit, the original text was "I never offered a strawman, you're the one that's done so."

Editing can be done in all sorts of ways --JMS

11-09-10, 12:43
Two Jews are about to be shot. Suddenly the order comes to hang them instead. One says to the other “You see, they’re running out of bullets.”

11-09-10, 12:46
Actually not ghetto at all...more like Eurotrash but without the charm.


Those are funny definitions.

I wonder if these smart hipsters realize that they epitomize what they look down on...

Gutshot John
11-09-10, 12:47
And you said I was the "unarmed opponent." Now you're the one editing your own posts after the fact and then claiming "it was a bad edit." Riiiiight... :rolleyes:

You can believe what you want, but again you don't have anything of substance and so you focus on a non-issue. More to the point you seem to be in a distinct minority and given all the non-PC humor that flows around here and your lack of offense to anyone but me points to a personal issue.

It's a very simple fix, just pretend I don't exist. You do know how to use the ignore list feature right?

11-09-10, 12:54
Making fun of Hitler is as American as apple pie.


Gutshot John
11-09-10, 12:55
A Nazi, a Communist and a Jew are sitting down for their daily cup of coffee arguing about politics as usual.

God decides he's tired of this nonsense and decides to end the debate.

In a great flash of light he appears before them and announces

"ENOUGH! I've decided to grant each of you one wish and so we'll end this once and for all." He points to the Communist first who speaks up and says...

"All Nazis should be rounded up tomorrow and hung."

"No problem" God replies and points to the Nazi.

"All Communists should be shot at dawn." The Nazi announces

"Done" says God who then points to the Jew.

"If you grant the first two wishes, I'll settle for another cup of coffee."

11-09-10, 12:57
You can believe what you want, but again you don't have anything of substance and so you focus on a non-issue.

Shut it --JMS

11-09-10, 12:58
Knock it off.

Making fun of Hitler is funny. Period.

Gutshot John
11-09-10, 12:59

11-09-10, 13:00
Stop responding to him. It's done.

I can either start wholesale editing, and making mock of what everybody is typing, or everybody can calm the blazes down.

Pick one.

Gutshot John
11-09-10, 13:04
Sorry I didn't see your post by the time I replied with mine. I withdrew it.

11-09-10, 13:36
That enough Hitler humor for the day.