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11-07-10, 06:55
Obama calls India creator, not poacher, of US jobs

MUMBAI, India — Searching for help half a world away, President Barack Obama on Saturday embraced India as the next jobs-creating giant for hurting Americans, not a cheap-labor rival that outsources opportunity from the United States.


50% of the time I call somewhere I have to press 1 for English and get someone in India that barely speaks a lick of it. I'm sure there are plenty of unemployed Americans that would take this job over being unemployed. Especially after having to call India for customer service and getting nowhere 50% of the time.

Not to mention a ton of IT jobs are outsourced as well.

11-07-10, 10:22
Obama calls India creator, not poacher, of US jobs

MUMBAI, India — Searching for help half a world away, President Barack Obama on Saturday embraced India as the next jobs-creating giant for hurting Americans, not a cheap-labor rival that outsources opportunity from the United States.


50% of the time I call somewhere I have to press 1 for English and get someone in India that barely speaks a lick of it. I'm sure there are plenty of unemployed Americans that would take this job over being unemployed. Especially after having to call India for customer service and getting nowhere 50% of the time.

Not to mention a ton of IT jobs are outsourced as well.

I work with a bunch of Indians at my IT job. They are almost all trying to get green cards and then citizenship. I've seen two gain citizenship in my time there, and they were as proud as hell to do it. They love this country, and its opportunities. As far as skills, they're fairly well represented across the spectrum: some are outstanding, some are retarded, but most are reasonably competent. The ones who try the hardest for permanent residency and citizenship tend to be the more skilled ones, for some reason. Probably a result of the same drive to succeed.

If anything, our office prefers to hire people who already have green cards and/or US citizenship, because H1-B Visa paperwork is a pain in the ass.

Plus, it makes our office potlucks DELICIOUS. One of them curried up an elk that one of the local DBAs bagged, and it was out of this world.

Finally, when we do have to call some vendor's Indian tech support line, it's very useful to be able to hand the phone off to Ashok or Satish and have them tell the call center weenie off properly in his own language :)

11-07-10, 10:24
We live in Bizzaro World..... What's next? Praising China for their human rights record?

11-07-10, 10:27
I think working with them here and the outsourcing to over there are two dif things ;)

a lot of the call centers are over there :)

osamas idea of what he wants is to bring everyone down to the lowest level he can so he can retain power and wealth and you will never ever have the chance to get up their with the elites EVER and once you need them for everything you have to obey ?

I think thats the planet he lives on and I bet I am not alone in my thoughts