View Full Version : Marxism still alive and well in the world...G20 Summit letter...Robin Hood Tax

11-10-10, 20:26
As President Obama huddles with world leaders for the G-20 summit in South Korea to weigh proposals aimed at stabilizing the global economy, one idea being pushed is a so-called "Robin Hood tax," aimed at collecting money from rich nations to give to the poor.

Rest: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/11/10/obama-world-leaders-urged-consider-global-tax-rich-help-poorer-nations/

Remember before you say this will never happen....this was Obama's answer for global warming at the Copenhagen Summit...

The deal includes a pledge to limit the rise in global temperatures to 2C - seen as the cut-off point for averting catastrophe - and a pledge to spend £67 billion a year on helping poor countries tackle global warming by 2020.

The agreement said they had agreed to 'listing their national actions and commitments, a finance mechanism, to set a mitigation target of two degrees Celsius and to provide information on the implementation of their actions through national communications, with provisions for international consultations and analysis under clearly defined guidelines'.


Now from India for our very own little commie rebel of a president:

New Delhi: The Left may have staged protests during his visit but US President Barack Obama was "glad" to meet an Indian communist leader last evening.

"I am glad to meet an Indian communist. I am told that communists have been part of the (Indian) political mainstream," Obama told CPM Politburo member Sitaram Yechury at the Rashtrapati Bhawan banquet as they were introduced and both shook hands.


11-10-10, 20:44
**** them, **** them, **** them.

Robin Hood didn't take from the rich and give to the poor. He took the illegal taxes and gave them back the small business people and land owners.

**** them.

If I met a communist from anywhere, the only good thing I could say that it is amazing to meet an actual political fossil.

Bubba FAL
11-10-10, 21:09
I am reminded of a saying from my youth - something along the lines of "the only good commie is a ..."

...well, you know the rest.

And yes, Robin Hood fought the corrupt public officials of his day. He did not steal from the wealthy merely because they were wealthy.

11-10-10, 21:27
My agenda:

Quit the U.N. Bulldoze the building and melt down that offensive anti-gun sculpture.


11-10-10, 21:32
My agenda:

Quit the U.N. Bulldoze the building and melt down that offensive anti-gun sculpture.


Bulldoze the building? Awe come on New York could use another homeless shelter;)