View Full Version : ammunitiontogo.com still use it?

11-12-10, 00:36
Anyone still use this site?

I used before and it was great place to buy. fast shipping and all.

But one day i found out that Someone used my card number.

Then, couple days later i found out that many people had same problem after using ammuitiontogo.com i can't say for sure it was this website but, it was possibility.

And time passed, i wonder if anybody else is still using them with no problem.

Or any other good place?

11-12-10, 00:38
I use them from time to time, and Ammoman.com

Bummer that your card got compromised :(

11-12-10, 00:44
Anyone still use this site?

I used before and it was great place to buy. fast shipping and all.

But one day i found out that Someone used my card number.

Then, couple days later i found out that many people had same problem after using ammuitiontogo.com i can't say for sure it was this website but, it was possibility.

And time passed, i wonder if anybody else is still using them with no problem.

Or any other good place?

Could you give us a time frame of when this happened?

11-12-10, 01:42
I use them for self-defense ammo as they usually have the stuff I want at the better prices.

Lately though, it seems that their prices have gone up. At least in .45ACP flavors anyway.

No problems with CC fraud though, sucks to hear that it occurred through their site.

11-12-10, 01:50
i use ammo to go every now and then, especially when i need something that wal-mart doesnt have like .223 thats over 55gr. and i also got my .45 Ranger Talon +P. I've had nothing but great experiences with them and will continue to buy from them. Thats really weird about ur card though:confused: I didnt have that problem but then again they wouldnt get much using my card:sarcastic: Did u report it and find out any details like where the fraudulent charges were made? Because i'm pretty sure ammotogo is in Texas. I guess the website could have been hacked

11-12-10, 04:20
Like I said. Iam sure where it went wrong. But from research. They were on the list. I did emailed at that time, asked them about if anyone else connected you for card problem. All they told me was their site is secure check out.

hmmm. I guess I will give another shot. Maybe this time I can find out for sure.

11-12-10, 07:13
I use them all the time, twice in the past month actually. Didn't know about the credit card thing.

11-12-10, 07:48
Just placed an order two days ago. That's my third in the past three months. Have had NO problems with CC info being stolen. There are random events and holes that occur in the so-called secure check outs. They can not be predicted or guarded against. Your best defense is CC insurance against fraud. Good luck and order with confidence!

11-12-10, 08:37
Been using them for 3 yrs now.

Never had a problem, fast shipping and alright pricing.

11-12-10, 08:40
They are great people to work with, never had an issue of any sort.

11-12-10, 08:45
No problems here. Great prices and quick shipment has been my experience.

11-12-10, 10:39
I have been using them for the last year and have had zero issues myself. Sorry about the CC getting compromised, I watched my good buddy go through that, not fun.

11-12-10, 11:20
No problems here either... I ordered with them maybe 4 months ago and things went smoothly. Thanks for the heads up

11-12-10, 13:10
They have been GTG for me, two orders in the last three months.

11-12-10, 15:38
My cc# was compromised back in September. Interestingly enough, I used ammunition to go about a week before this happened. I had a sneaky suspicion in the back of my mind, but I really did not give it much thought.

Skang, if you are curious, my card was charged for some type of PS3 video game. I wonder if your fraudulant charge was for something similar. If so, ding-ding, I think we have a winner!

11-12-10, 15:44
Since I am thinking about putting in a pretty big order with them, do you mind giving us the source for your info that other people have had problems with ammo to go?

Since your credit card info can be swiped in a lot of different ways - dishonest waiters, hacked gas station pumps, your own compromised computer - I would hesitate to blame any particular online company for it without good evidence.

11-12-10, 21:13
Skang, I'm just curious--was your credit card that got nabbed posted with some of your other personal information on a foreign website and you found this info out because someone else's card who got stolen emailed you along with a group?

Reason I ask is I received an email from someone a few weeks ago-that I first thought to be spam-claiming that their CC had been compromised and they found a foreign language forum (arabic?) forum posting their personal information and card number along with a list of other folks. It was found by searching their email in Google and clicking on one of the first cached links. The person was asking everyone to file a ticket with Google to have the cached site removed. As I said I thought it was a some kind of scam at first so I didn't follow the link in the email but instead just searched one of email addresses and sure enough there was the page described -- complete with one my credit card number that had been compromised (and long since canceled) back in Jan of this year. Honestly I had been blaming it on a restaurant I had eaten at shortly before the bogus charges started appearing. However when I started looking at all the other people who were sent the same email as me; I noticed that a large number of the email addresses were .mil or had other ammo/gun type both names and email domains -- the types of email addresses that folks who would be ordering gun parts or supplies would have. Alot of the addresses were random also but it really had the look as if that info had been compromised from some ammo/gun/tactical online web store or poorly secured database.

Anyway I couldn't narrow it down as I had ordered quite a bit of stuff both firearms related and not around that time and it really could be any vendor. When I saw your post though I was just curious because while I cannot confirm or prove anything and therefore won't and can't make any accusations against any particular vendor; I will say that is one of the places I had ordered from around that time.

11-12-10, 23:03
it's been so long when that happened. I'd say almost a year or so?

One day, i was trying to use CC (debit/mastercard) to pay from ATG and it would not process to check out.

So i thought something was wrong with the website. And i moved on.

Then couple days later i was buying something from Ebay and my Paypal would not process too. So i called my CC and asked them why is my card not working?

They told me, they froze my account. Because of random activity that site called international sporting good blah blah.... I was like no, i never heard that or used it.

So, got my new card few weeks later. And stopped using few web sites that was listed by someone and never had any problems from on-line shopping after that.

And sorry. thank god it was not my credit card. I never use real credit card on internet shopping. Only use Debit/Mastercard that i only put some mount of money. I have two accounts.

And Yes, When i was using ATG website, Service and shipping was fast.

*Like i said I am not sure what caused it. ATG just happened to be on that list at that time*

And for the Link, Geez....If i remember right, i posted on some forum, and someone linked me to the 2-3 forums that have same issues. I will try to find it.

EDIT: found the link, but seems like admin try to close the thread or delete. ***I am not a member on that forum***


11-13-10, 00:12
WOW!!! After my 1st post on this subject last night about not having any probs with ATG.....this happened....coincidence? DOUBT IT

Today i got my mail and found a letter from my bank that says this: "XXXBank has been notified by Visa Fraud Control of a Debit card number compromise in a confirmed network intrusion. The exposure window is July 22, 2010 through October 7, 2010. In light of the possible exposure to card members, they have informed us of the possible risk to our customers.

Your account number was provided to us by visa Fraud Control as an "at risk" card. The card number was linked to an incident of unauthorized access to a merchant's database of customer information and has a high probability of being in the criminal's inventory.

We have done a cursory review of your recent account activity for "like" transactions and did not detect any such activity or unusual activity.

However, to protect your account from the likelihood of the card number being used fraudulently in the future, we have closed your card immediately and placed an order for a new card and PIN number for you. You should receive your new card and PIN number within 7-10 business days.

We encourage you to review your account statement and notify us of any unauthorized transactions"......

That wasn't the whole letter but you get the idea. I'm not saying it has anything to do with ATG but its pretty weird i saw this thread last night and then today i get this letter. But, i would still order from them with confidence as i would think they got this fixed..

11-13-10, 00:33
The store is run by a buddy of one our dispatchers. He is a pro LE and pro 2A guy. Just opened a nice gun shop next door from what I hear.

I would recommend, always easy sailing.

11-13-10, 05:45
Duplicate post in error

11-13-10, 05:49
I've been buying LE/defense ammo from them for years with no problems and good service.

Their prices spiked when nOBama was anointed, but that seemed to be the case everywhere. Recently, their prices seem to have tempered a bit.

They're a good source for LE ammo that can be hard to find elsewhere.

WC 2-3
11-13-10, 14:50
I actually had my account compromised recently and it was shortly after placing an order from them.

I order from them on a fairly regular basis and have no issues with their service.