View Full Version : MRP 10.5 Barrel Discolored after shooting.

11-13-10, 13:51
I ran my AR pretty hard and after getting the BBL pretty hot it turned white and orangeish.
I have never had any other AR do this before.
It is a New MRP 10.5 with about 400 rds through it


11-13-10, 14:48
Nothing real shocking with that. The solvent in the oils burn off and leave deposits.

11-13-10, 15:53
Nothing real shocking with that. The solvent in the oils burn off and leave deposits.

10-4 as long as its normal, I had the barrel smoking for a bit.

11-13-10, 17:43
It must be whatever oil they use before shipping or in production as mine did the same thing. No worries, if it's an issue, just wipe it down with your brand of oil, mine was wiped down with Kroil when I switched barrels and it do it after I shot that one again.

CAG - 516
11-13-10, 17:50
Yep thats a pretty normal thing.

Its the oil burning off and then leaving some residue left over.

Not too worry theres nothing wrong with ur rifle.

11-13-10, 18:17
10-4 thanks guys

11-13-10, 19:07
Sweet! I loves me my 10.5" MRP. Mine didn't do that...but I got the barrel in unfired but used condition from someone else so it was pretty dry and oil free.

11-13-10, 19:22
shoot it hot in the rain for an afternoon... it'll turn all sorts of colors.

just oil down when you're done, all better.