View Full Version : Sebastian Junger Documentry : The Sal Giunta Story. Medal of Honor recipient

11-16-10, 17:49
For anyone that hasn't seen Restrepo, this small piece is done by the same director.

Touching stuff. A real glimpse into the hearts and minds of those who serve.


11-16-10, 21:35
God bless Sal Giunta and the 173rd! I know no soldier wants to wear the Medal of Honor, but I cannot think of a more deserving serviceman or woman. Thank you for your service, sir!

Army Chief
11-17-10, 05:42
Not only is this a great story, but the production values of the film/video make it a pleasure to view. Highly recommended!


Oscar 319
11-17-10, 06:56
I missed VB's post yesterday.


This short documentry made my contacts float out of my eyes. Very powerful.

11-17-10, 07:45
Very proud to see this fine soldier awarded with the highest of honors.

I read Sebation Junger's book "War" upon which the film Restrepo was a companion piece. Sal Giunta's actions and this fight are in the book. Simply outstanding. I've had a number of others read it and all agree it's one of the best books on combat and brotherhood we've seen.