View Full Version : T.T. in the news

11-18-10, 20:09

11-18-10, 20:31
Very interesting.

11-18-10, 20:48
:rolleyes: @ "whistleblowing" local TV journalists.

i'm terribly unconcerned. as to why wen was seen back in the TT parking lot- think maybe he might be dropping off an order TT's already bought and paid for??

i hate the media so much.

11-19-10, 05:42
If it's sewn here...... isn't that American made even if it it's "sweatshop" labor?

As to the lady making $1.60 an hour....... can't she sew faster? That is how that works. I had a friend whose mom worked for the company around here who makes .mil gear. He was always turning pockets for her.

Lot of "emotion" in that and not a lot of fact.

11-19-10, 11:29
if the person told TT they were up and up then TT is %100 in the clear
this is not about TT in my book its about what most likely is a shady sewing operation and I would bet that TT was told yes our people are paid proper by this lady

but the bigger thing is this is why people coming to America need to go through a process and understand the laws and speak our language
so they wont be treated like they were in the country they left !!!!

if they come here and dont assimilate learn the laws live the laws etc. they might as well be in their old country

this is a company owner out of their garage that should be checked would be easy enough to see the income and salaries and nail her to the wall if she cheated people and send the message

I somehow think its a sweat shop in someones garage ? sad but this happens
sadly it seems to happen to people that are not from this country originally and then bring their old ways with them and manipulate people coming in under their own culture

again this is why people need to learn the laws be truly legal and assimilate into the US way of life so they understand whats going on

11-19-10, 11:37
:rolleyes: @ "whistleblowing" local TV journalists.

i'm terribly unconcerned. as to why wen was seen back in the TT parking lot- think maybe he might be dropping off an order TT's already bought and paid for??

i hate the media so much.

I'll second this, I was laughing at the writing style while reading what should simply be an informative article.

11-19-10, 15:11
They were playing the "capitalist" and hypocrisy hard...

I saw TT's sewing room with only one lady sewing on a slower machine, yet the garage had several people sewing on super-fast industrial machines...

It be interesting to see WHO is getting the huge profit margin from those illegally-waged tailors... The garage owner or TT...

Better than sending it to China or Malasia I guess...


11-19-10, 16:42
yea, it was a pretty weak exposé. didn't bother to dig too deep and get the facts.

these people are making piecework, and even doing it while watching TV at home. i've worked piecework my entire adult non-military life, and sometimes you only make $5/hr. but you keep at it, because sometimes you make $100/hr, but usually it's somewhere closer to $25-$50/hr. these days, for me, i'm usually at closer $75+/hr., and have had jobs that ended up averaging out to more than $150/hr. i'm a construction contractor- i'm not sewing, obviously, but i'm sure it's very similar, pay structure wise.. why the hell else would they do it? NOBODY has to make less than minimum wage- i don't care how bad the economy is, there's still ALWAYS assloads of cush minimum wage jobs out there.

so we have absolutely no clue how much these people's pay averages out to.