View Full Version : Don't be a Dumb-Ass (pick up your S**t after you shoot)

08-06-07, 10:21
This too could be what your shooting areas look like if you don't pick up your shit.
Why anyone would go to the effort to bring a couch or a refrigerator into the mountains and up a 4 wheel drive road just to destroy it is outside the bounds of logical thinking.
Pick up your shit..............and no that is not me shooting but it is my Jeep

08-06-07, 11:10
Looks like many of the public areas I've been to. We're our own worst enemy sometimes.

I've asked folks to pack out what they pack in, but you'd think I was asking them to mow the national forest.

08-06-07, 11:22
That is called dumping. Why would anyone go through the trouble of taking a couch somewhere to shoot it? That is some scumbag dumping his trash and leaving.

08-06-07, 17:30
I think that’s the WORST I’ve ever seen L/H! I no longer go there simply for that reason, I’m surprised it’s even open to shooting still.

08-06-07, 18:17
I think that’s the WORST I’ve ever seen L/H!
This was sometime last year.

08-06-07, 19:48
Amen Brother

My usual spot isn't quite that bad but the same dumbasses are at work

I haul out a good size garbage bag every time I go but it is a losing battle

They are just making things easy for the antigun NFS to shut it down

08-06-07, 19:58
I always try to pick up my trash, including all of the spent cartridges I can find (aside from the indoor, they clean them up every night).

I may not get everything, but if that range had 75% less garbage than it does now, it'd look a lot better wouldn't it. ;)

Low Drag
08-06-07, 22:07
Sadly I know the exact spot you posted. I used to have to shoot there. I too get disgusted at the crap left behind.

The shooters that do that are only adding fuel to the Boulder, CO US Forestry Service that wants to shut down shooting in the enter Roosevelt National Forest.

Don Robison
08-06-07, 22:11
Would it be possible to get a dumpster company to donate a dumpster for a day; then organize a clean up day? It might not last forever, but it could be good PR with the forest service seeing folks take an active interest in keeping it open.

08-06-07, 22:21
Would it be possible to get a dumpster company to donate a dumpster for a day; then organize a clean up day? It might not last forever, but it could be good PR with the forest service seeing folks take an active interest in keeping it open.

That's a good idea, if you could organize it through a local club or something, even better. Off-road guys do it for trails all the time, helps with PR and keeping the greenies from shutting down their hobby...

Low Drag
08-06-07, 22:49
Would it be possible to get a dumpster company to donate a dumpster for a day; then organize a clean up day? It might not last forever, but it could be good PR with the forest service seeing folks take an active interest in keeping it open.

Last time I checked they do just that once per year. IIRC, it's in May.

08-06-07, 23:20
As an Officer of Marines I learned very early on to leave ranges and training facilities cleaner and better (i.e. even repair things that needed fixing) before leaving them. I remember as a Company Commander falling in on a range facility that had been vacated the day prior by another unit. They left it completely trashed, MRE and ammo packaging strewn every where. I called up my SNCOs and more importantly my NCOs and used it as a teachable moment. I asked them to take a look around and determine what intelligence and material that could be used to hide IEDs (keep in mind this was the mid-90s) the previous unit left the enemy. I asked them what they could tell about the small unit leadership and discipline of the previous unit. Determine the type of unit, number of personnel, how well were they fed, etc. This hammered home better than anything else why I was a prick about such things and it energized my NCOs to set and maintain a high standard of discipline when ever we were in the field after that. By the way even though it didn't make the Marines in my company happy we policed up the range instead of waiting for Range Control to send a working party from the previous unit. We didn't have time to wait for them and they were probably so undisciplined they would have sent some slackers who would have taken all day to clean the range.

Bottomline is that we have to lead by example and to take it upon ourselves to leave public ranges cleaner than we found them. Sucks we have to pick up after slobs and it would be nice to hold them more accountable for their crappy behavior, but the alternative is worse.


08-07-07, 06:13
That makes me want to throw up. :mad:

08-07-07, 06:55
Reminds me of the public range around here.

You had better not fall down because if you do you will be cut to ribbons by the pieces of VCR, televisions, glass bottles, computer parts, you name it. My favorite was the time I drove up to see people shooting BOWLING BALLS with high powered rifles. And, of course, there were six packs of Bud evident among the shooters. :rolleyes:

I instantly got in the car and went home, valuing my life more than the opportunity to shoot.

If you are going to shoot stuff and leave it, shoot fruit and veggies. That stuff will decompose or more likely become a welcome meal for the critters who live around the ranges. If you are going to blow up a computer, go right ahead...just make sure you clean up the mess afterwards.

That's the drawback of free public ranges. Any idiot can access them and frequently does....

Low Drag
08-07-07, 07:13
This was sometime last year.

So are you still in the front range area?

08-07-07, 08:45
that is crazy, that dosent even resemble any public range i've ever seen. the most you see at public ranges around here are spent brass. granted our public ranges are in wildlife protection areas and they have a ranger there while their open.

08-07-07, 08:56
There were several time where myself and some shooting partners would make a trip to the public land we shot on recreationally just to police up all the trash.

Its disheartening considering how hard it is to keep access these days.

08-07-07, 18:51
Sadly I know the exact spot you posted. I used to have to shoot there. I too get disgusted at the crap left behind.

The shooters that do that are only adding fuel to the Boulder, CO US Forestry Service that wants to shut down shooting in the enter Roosevelt National Forest.

Is this Left Hand Canyon?

Low Drag
08-07-07, 22:54
Is this Left Hand Canyon?

Yes. It's a mess up there. I've even seen a guy putting clay up on the bank against dirt, rock etc, just spread them out. Then pulled out an AR to shoot them with.

I left.

M4 Colt
08-08-07, 08:53
I think that’s the WORST I’ve ever seen L/H! I no longer go there simply for that reason, I’m surprised it’s even open to shooting still.

if that is the worst you ever saw, then you missed the photo(s) in the Blue Press about a year ago of an area near where i live, it is at least 5 times more junky.

08-08-07, 10:19
When local dumps started charging....low lifes began trashing in the woods.
What amazes me is that when these idiots do the "shoot up the trash" thing,
they don't think they are doing anything wrong by leaving it.
My "two cents" is that local dumps should not charge at all....and that way,
these local idiots will spend more time at the dump shopping for crap
to decorate their castles with.

08-08-07, 11:30
if that is the worst you ever saw, then you missed the photo(s) in the Blue Press about a year ago of an area near where i live, it is at least 5 times more junky.

Those photos are the worst I’ve ever seen that particular shooting area. Not public ranges in general.

08-08-07, 13:33
There was an area in San Diego County called Kitchen Creek (Although the creek was a long way from the area called Kitchen Creek. Weird.) that was shut down to shooting because the stuff left out there. That range was about half as messy as the one pictured, too. Ranges get lost to this kind of thing all the time, so its definitely worth making the effort to pack out more than you packed in.

Bat Guano
08-09-07, 22:08
I live in some pretty nice mountain country and I can always find beer bottles, etc., anywhere people go. Never have been able to fathom a mindset that thinks it's okay to haul things in and leave them there for others to pick up.

On top of that I would bet there are more slob shooters than the good kind these days.

Pretty embarassing.

08-10-07, 08:20
Rather amazing, isn't it? With all we have to lose, there are still people in the community that just don't care enough to take out what they bring in.

08-11-07, 11:49
...I hate that this is my first post here, but exactly the same thing is happnin' at the Rampart Range up above the Garden of the Gods...I've been using that range since 1990 and it's been horrid at times...I always take big bags of stuff out with me, but there aren't many of us doin' it...At least there has been someone bringin' up a big dumpster once a month or so...I think the county has given a maintenance contract to someone, but I've never actually seen them doing anything...sheesh...http://emoticons4u.com/smoking/rauch06.gif