View Full Version : Get ready, New Call of Duty coming in 2011!

11-20-10, 05:19
I've enjoyed every Call of Duty game since Modern Warfare. Bring em. So far the series has been out-freaking-standing

Read the whole story here: http://pc.ign.com/articles/113/1135869p1.html

Call of Duty Franchise Rolls On
Infinity Ward being reconstructed.
November 19, 2010

The success of Call of Duty: Black Ops' at retail is all the proof Activision parent company Vivendi needed.

Speaking at the Morgan Stanley TMT Conference this morning, Chairman and CEO Jean-Bernard Lévy is confident the company is able to replicate Call of Duty's sales each and every year, and that the concern over the departures at Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward has been put in the past.

"The Treyarch studio, which made this year's game, has done better than what the Infinity Ward studio could achieve a year ago," Lévy said. "We have reconstructed Infinity Ward. We have been very happy with the way we have been able to reconstruct it."

11-20-10, 23:12

Variable, what system do you play Black Ops on?

I'm on PS3.

11-21-10, 03:03

Variable, what system do you play Black Ops on?

I'm on PS3.

I play on PC. I have a PS3, but its for blu-ray and netflix only.

11-21-10, 04:09
Aw damn. D:

How is it on PC?

11-21-10, 04:24
Aw damn. D:

How is it on PC?

Balls on PC.

Game runs best on XBOX 360.

The frame rates are way low compared to MW2 because they ported the code unoptimized. Its been patched twice this weekend, and runs a little better, but it still isn't as smooth playing as MW2

11-21-10, 04:31
I hated MW2. Multiplayer was broken.

I haven't seen any frame-rate issues with PS3.

We did get a patch this weekend. Do you know what the patches were supposed to fix?

11-21-10, 04:54
Too bad the storyline on Black Ops was ****ing retarded. I have no desire to replay the campaign like I did in MW or MW2.

11-21-10, 08:08
I've never played the single player versions..only get these things for multiplayer. I agree MW2 just sucked at that...I went back to COD4 MW. The current version has promise as an incremental evolution of the COD series, but Treyarch has a lot of work to do. The PC version always trails because it represents such a small percentage of sales.

11-21-10, 20:57
It's believed next year's title will take place in space and feature space marines.

Space marines? Really?! :rolleyes: If this is the case I predict an epic failure.

11-21-10, 22:25
pretty sure it'll be another COD game with target marking instead of real bullets.

"put crosshair on head of target 1 mile away while he's running, pull trigger, headshot"

11-22-10, 01:36
Too bad the storyline on Black Ops was ****ing retarded. I have no desire to replay the campaign like I did in MW or MW2.

I liked the Black Ops story.

11-22-10, 02:04
I liked the Black Ops story.

I liked the idea of using the numbers station as a backdrop, but the cut scenes gave me a headache and the jumping around between characters got tiresome. I didn't feel that way about the character switches in MW or MW2. Also, there weren't any "holy shit" or epic moments, you know, that just knocked your socks off. Like finding yourself in the middle of a battle in suburban Virginia, gunning down innocent people in a Russian airport, or coming out of the tunnel and seeing the White House under siege. That's why it disappointed me.

11-22-10, 02:19
There was a story?...

That was the most convoluted and contrived piece of garbage I've ever seen.

Bonus points for butchering the russian roulette scene from Deer Hunter. :rolleyes:

the cut scenes gave me a headache

They reminded me of a Head-On commercial for hours on end.

I usually don't pay much attention to the story in games. It was such a trainwreck in BO that I paid attention due to some kinda of masochistic tendency. :(

BO is still riding high on the popularity of MW. I expect future games to get less attention after BO.

11-22-10, 02:27
I'm looking forward to Homefront. The story is written by John Milius and I'm hoping for some epic moments like MW2. Having trouble buying NK as the aggressor, but I can overlook that for a good story.

11-22-10, 02:38
If that guy wrote MW2 I'm not buying the next game.

In MW2 they spoiled all of the would be ''WHOA!'' moments in the trailers.

And I actually liked the Deer Hunter reference. :laugh:

Treyarch delivered.

11-22-10, 02:40
I'm looking forward to Homefront. The story is written by John Milius and I'm hoping for some epic moments like MW2. Having trouble buying NK as the aggressor, but I can overlook that for a good story.

It's about the only shooter in the works I'm really looking forward to.

... Well, the new Deus Ex maybe (the original was a classic). More of a FPS/RPG hybrid though.

11-22-10, 02:55
If that guy wrote MW2 I'm not buying the next game.

In MW2 they spoiled all of the would be ''WHOA!'' moments in the trailers.

Um, John Milius wrote Apocalypse Now and directed Red Dawn.

They did spoil some of the moments in the trailers but it didn't make them any less epic. The trailer with the American general telling the story of Cain and Abel is still my favorite game trailer of all time.