View Full Version : SHTF movie trailer

11-20-10, 10:51

Something different than the normal mindless drivel put out by Hollywood, certainly looks better than 2012 and Day After Tomorrow.

11-20-10, 11:09
Wow, that looks fantastic!

11-20-10, 11:17
That does look good.

They seem to be on a capital drive … 10 or 15 bucks might not be a bd thing. They have a modest goal of 5k.

11-20-10, 11:35
That looks like it has potential. However I don’t think there would be any warning that a gamma ray burst was coming since it travels at the speed of light.

11-20-10, 13:21
That looks like it has potential. However I don’t think there would be any warning that a gamma ray burst was coming since it travels at the speed of light.

From the website:

A rare astrological event causes a permanent worldwide black out, forcing residents of a middle-class suburb to get by with no modern conveniences.

I'll definitely be checking it out. Nothing on Netflix for it yet.

11-20-10, 14:22
From the website:

I'll definitely be checking it out. Nothing on Netflix for it yet.

It looks like they were planning a January 2011 release but it appears they are still trying to fund the movie so it might be pushed back due to lack of funds.

11-20-10, 14:39
Looks low budget for sure, but good. I enjoy movies like this. Thanks for the heads up.

11-20-10, 19:38
I thought Gamma-ray bursts would fry the planet and kill everything instantly. Or turn us into Spiderman? I'm getting my science classes, Discovery Channel Apocalypse specials, and comic-book based movies mixed up.

Another reason to make fun of my buddy with the Rem700 with Etronix ignition system.

11-20-10, 21:34
Wow...and its being filmed right down the road from me in Raleigh, NC! I'll definitely be purchasing a copy of this film.

11-21-10, 07:21
looks interesting, hope it gets finished.

11-21-10, 16:18
Looks like a great movie, but a gamma ray burst? We'd be toast. Completely unsurvivable unless several miles underground.

11-21-10, 18:40
No one has asked where the AR's in the movie fit on The Chart. :D

11-21-10, 18:41
Looks painfully low budget

11-21-10, 18:51
It would be cool for some M4C members to play in the film as gunslingers. :big_boss:

Looks painfully low budget

11-21-10, 18:54
Here is what you get when you click the Phase 2 pledge link


Gives some background on what they are trying to do etc.

11-22-10, 01:09
from there website

An unusually bright star and a series of impending gamma-ray flares

In the trailer it says that the full affect will happen in three hours. However gamma-rays travel at the speed of light and there would be no warning of what was coming because nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

Also as FromMyColdDeadHands pointed out a gamma-ray burst whould sterilize the entire planet.

I’m not trying to bash the movie but I think their science may be a little off.

11-22-10, 01:22
Looks interesting. Would be willing to see it if it ever gets to theaters

11-22-10, 03:19
It would be cool for some M4C members to play in the film as gunslingers. :big_boss:

Funny, I though the same thing- we'd probably do it for free ;)

Interesting they went with the gamma-ray, when they could have used a super solar flare, which would give you some warning.

11-22-10, 03:43
Looks painfully low budget

dslr, everyone's a director now :p

Not to be to negative, but I gotta gree with VB, it's pretty crummy cinematography and acting.