View Full Version : For you Iowa members

11-20-10, 17:37
Outgoing Lame duck Dem governor in Iowa OKs $100 million in raises for state workers...

Gov. Chet Culver's administration agreed Friday to offer pay increases for state employees that will cost taxpayers more than $200 million, despite Republican requests that the decisions be delayed until Terry Branstad becomes governor in January.


11-20-10, 19:17
So... Iowa state government workers make on average of 2x or 3x the state average for similar work now?

Culver was elected with out of state money, and has been sucking dick for the government unions from day one. This is a surprise how?

If you want to be mad, get mad at the Republican Party of Iowa and their "guaranteed to lose to Democrats" election method. You realize that the State Treasurer helped his buddies steal, outright $500 million was caught doing it and the Republican Party couldn't even beat him in an election.

11-20-10, 22:56
Terry will clean house. Lots of heads about to roll. We've really had a bad run of state and local government for the past 8 years.

11-21-10, 04:46
Terry will clean house. Lots of heads about to roll. We've really had a bad run of state and local government for the past 8 years.

You realize that that bad run of state and local government is the result of "Terry's" incompetent underlings blowing election after election, right?

Branstad will reimplement his fiscal responsibility program of years ago, which is good. However, this will be a short term gain and a long-term loss.

What we need is to stage a "night of long knives" within the State Republican party and get some of the worthless losers out of the power band.

11-21-10, 17:37
You realize that that bad run of state and local government is the result of "Terry's" incompetent underlings blowing election after election, right?

Nope you are wrong! It is the electorate that cast the ballots, not the party. The party generally support the winner of the primary and again who votes for the candidates? Only the electorate is responsible for blowing the election.

For example how many of the electorate subscribe to the Des Moines Register? Think about this: Drudge's link "Lame duck Dem governor in Iowa OKs $100 million in raises for state workers." Actually, it's $100 million a year for the next two years. But the linked Des Moines Register article by Jason Clayworth never identifies Culver's Democratic Party affiliation, even though he tags the governor's opposition as Republican twice in the first two paragraphs. In other words, not that it was difficult to show that Culver is a Dem, but Drudge had to figure it out and tell his readers.

The moral of the story: it isn't the 'party' it is the blind electorate.


11-21-10, 21:08
Nope you are wrong! It is the electorate that cast the ballots, not the party. The party generally support the winner of the primary and again who votes for the candidates? Only the electorate is responsible for blowing the election.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! You have no idea how ****ed up the Republican Party of Iowa is. Which makes you just about even with their level of knowlege about how to run an election.

Seriously. Campaign management is everything, when it comes to contested races. The electorate, in Iowa is about 40 - 20 - 40 when it comes to party affiliation/political outlook. And the odd Republican candidate that actually manages to win the election usually snatches the middle 20 with ease. The rest show up, lose, and then blame the electorate as to why they suck at winning.

For example how many of the electorate subscribe to the Des Moines Register? Think about this: Drudge's link "Lame duck Dem governor in Iowa OKs $100 million in raises for state workers." Actually, it's $100 million a year for the next two years. But the linked Des Moines Register article by Jason Clayworth never identifies Culver's Democratic Party affiliation, even though he tags the governor's opposition as Republican twice in the first two paragraphs. In other words, not that it was difficult to show that Culver is a Dem, but Drudge had to figure it out and tell his readers.

The moral of the story: it isn't the 'party' it is the blind electorate.

So why even run? I mean, why even have the election? Dude, do you work for the RPI??? Because that is PRECISELY the attitude the Loser RPI takes, when they inevitably LOSE contested elections. Take the State Treasurer race; The dem incumbent successfully steals $500 million, and when this is pointed out, the RPI fronts a ginger toad, with the social graces of a rock, who proceeds to lose by 20 points to what is now a Legal Felon. This, despite being situated in what should be a conservative rural state. Naw. Those Losers can blame the electorate all they want; I blame them. Doug Gross and his pack of incompetents have just enough swag to dominate the party, but could not lead kindergarteners to a candy store when it comes to election management.


Really? I suggest you don't have enough hair on your balls to "out" me. But if it makes you happy...:rolleyes:

11-22-10, 04:34

Really? I suggest you don't have enough hair on your balls to "out" me. But if it makes you happy...:rolleyes:


As with politics you don't understand military radio communication that is intended for brief and imperative messages the protocol enables users to communicate briefly and effectively.

When the sender is finished delivering the message generally he would say "over' for a counter point, but in this case I terminated the exchange by "OUT", this also informs others the NET is open.


11-22-10, 09:04
As with politics you don't understand military radio communication that is intended for brief and imperative messages the protocol enables users to communicate briefly and effectively.

When the sender is finished delivering the message generally he would say "over' for a counter point, but in this case I terminated the exchange by "OUT", this also informs others the NET is open.


That is, indeed, a very shallow and literal interpretation of politics, as well as radio procedure.

The thing is, saying "OUT" is also a way to show dominance and to indicate that one is issuing a non-debatable order, and no further discussion is allowed. As this is a "discussion" board, and we are at least nominally (ahem) peers, I chose to interpret this as a cheap dominance ploy.

As such, your analysis of RTP is as flawed as your "analysis" of politics.

Of course, you are perfectly welcome to bring further points to the table to support your proposition that the RPI is somehow the "victim" of a bad electorate, the media, or Democrat chicanery. I would welcome that at the very least for its entertainment value.