View Full Version : The Ongoing Wussification of America

Gutshot John
11-21-10, 14:31
When the hell did professional football become a sport for candyasses?

You can't even sack a QB anymore without getting a personal foul? WTF?

11-21-10, 14:46
I agree. The big thing now is helmet to helmet contact. When I played High School F Ball spearing was illegal, but head to head hits, WTF. We used to take pride in who had the most scratched up helmet. I can see the leagues point of view, that they're concerned about they're investments, for example million dollar players. Its just starting to get stupid. I'd rather see them R&D some new helmet designs that work both ways. To protect the wearer while not being a danger to opposing players.

11-21-10, 14:46
Agreed, yet another example.

Gutshot John
11-21-10, 14:51
Pittsburgh has always played smash mouth football. It isn't freakin tennis. Right now Pittsburgh has a record number of penalty yards for a single game (in fact they've got more penalty yards than Oakland has offensive yards) mostly because they're playing good D.

James Harrison got roughing the passer personal foul, not because of helmet to helmet, not because of a late hit, but because he fell on the QB.

Apparently there are different rules for different players.

It's getting ridiculous. You don't want to get hit...don't play football.

11-21-10, 15:33
Saw that...bad call.

That said, Harrison hasn't done anything to help himself and has in fact put a target on his own back. Yeah for better or worse there do tend to be different rules for different players...

11-21-10, 16:11
Welcome to the NFFL... National Flag Football League. :rolleyes:

11-21-10, 17:11
Is that ball getting rounder and the pads getting lighter? Pretty soon they'll stop calling them fans and start calling them Hooligans.

Rugby, my brothers! Integrating tail-gaiting and the game all in one for years!

11-21-10, 18:17
Rugby is a hooligan sport played by civilized men and soccer is a civilized sport played by hooligans ;-)
Go Springbok Rugby!

Here is wussification for you. I picking up 5 ten year olds and driving them from their flag football game where they just got tromped to a birthday party. They are down and grumpy after the stomping so I tell them well atleast we are headed to a big chocolate cake with lots of icing! :)2 of the boys say that they do not like cake and 2 of the other boys say they do not like icing as its too sweet and the 5th boy says I like cake and icing, but like sushi better and then all 5 chime in on how much they prefer sushi to cake and I get to hear about their favorite types of sushi for 20 minutes! WTF??? Sushi over cake and icing? I'm still trying to recover from that one. Next Halloween I guess I'll be handing out raw fish:mad:

11-21-10, 22:20
Either that, or the pansy ****s are bitching about some guy making 100k more a year than them when they both make millions.

This is one of my pet peives.... Teachers, firemen, police officers, soldiers, these are the people that are IMO performing the most important jobs in our country, and for the most part, are woefully underpaid. Further evidence that our society is well and truly ****ed.

11-21-10, 22:48
Either that, or the pansy ****s are bitching about some guy making 100k more a year than them when they both make millions.

This is one of my pet peives.... Teachers, firemen, police officers, soldiers, these are the people that are IMO performing the most important jobs in our country, and for the most part, are woefully underpaid. Further evidence that our society is well and truly ****ed.

These are NOT American Heroes anymore. Celebs and sports stars as the media says are our heroes now and thats why its OK. I've worked as a journalist and todays journalist from the top down believe that showing soldiers as heroes is glorifying war and so they make a point to not tell the stories of our real heroes less it **** up their agendas. Rant over or I'll have a stroke over this.