View Full Version : LF Down All Day For Me Am I Alone?

11-22-10, 20:53
Any mods or other knowledgeable folks have any insight into why Lightfighter is down?
Not able to pull it up since odark30 this AM.

11-22-10, 22:05
working for me.

11-23-10, 00:46
LF still down in ETX, STX but up in NV???

Takes you to a domain hosting site.

Dave L.
11-23-10, 04:14
It's down for me also. This is the second day in a row.
Anyone know why?

11-23-10, 06:59
LF still down in ETX, STX but up in NV???

Takes you to a domain hosting site.

Not sure why, but yeah it's up for me.

11-23-10, 07:12
It's been down for me as well.

RAM Engineer
11-23-10, 07:22
down here too.

11-23-10, 09:52
LF is back on line this AM, don't know what caused the issue,

mods may want to close or delete this thread, thx for the bandwidth.

11-23-10, 10:20
Not for me. Continues to redirect to some sort of web domain selling site.

11-24-10, 07:28
still down............

11-24-10, 08:25
It's been down for a couple days on my end as well, but is working as of this morning. They have this posted on the homepage:

We're currently working on a new look for Lightfighter.net so if you see any weird content appear while your on our site, don't freak out, its just us working on a site overhaul. If you experience any trouble while using the site during these changes, please feel free and send us an e-mail at mike.lose@atstacticalgear.com and we'll try and get back to you as soon as possible. If it just can't wait and you need to bark at someone, call Mike at 1-800-639-5938.

I'm not for certain how long this has been posted on the homepage, but am willing to bet that the 'site overhaul' is the culprit.

11-24-10, 14:23
Nope, site overhaul message has been there for months. Working here too.

Try clearing your cache, or a simple ctrl+F5.

11-24-10, 14:48
Nope, site overhaul message has been there for months. Working here too.

Try clearing your cache, or a simple ctrl+F5.

Hmm, well it was just a guess on my part. I'm essentially retarded when it comes to the inner workings of the web (amongst many other things). I figured maybe the 'sight overhaul' might still be causing issues for some, myself included. I was having some issues with it again earlier in the afternoon but all is well again.

11-24-10, 14:52
Has been working on and off for me in southern Wisconsin.