View Full Version : North Korea aggression

Suwannee Tim
11-23-10, 17:54
On 26 March 2010 the ROK corvette Cheonan was sunk by a North Korean torpedo with a loss of 46 sailors. Today, the North fired artillery into an ROK village killing two Marines and wounding dozens. This is very, very worrisome. It seems we are at the brink of war with the DPRK. I fear such a war will be very, very bloody and destructive. Your thoughts?

11-23-10, 17:59
I think the 'contrail' in LA was a Chinese missile launched from a sub as a practically overt threat of some kind. Perhaps China wants to use DPRK to distract us while they try to subvert Taiwan with its commie-leaning President Ma YingJeou (sp?).

If all-out war breaks out on the Korean peninsula, I would expect DPRK to fire all 10,000 artillery pieces that are in range of Seoul and cause several hundred thousand casualties in the first 24 hours.

11-23-10, 18:01
There will be no war. The west is to afraid of conflict, even when justified (and I am not saying this is yet justified).

The North will not invade as they don't have the resources to keep it up.

11-23-10, 19:05
I think the 'contrail' in LA was a Chinese missile launched from a sub as a practically overt threat of some kind. Perhaps China wants to use DPRK to distract us while they try to subvert Taiwan with its commie-leaning President Ma YingJeou (sp?).

If all-out war breaks out on the Korean peninsula, I would expect DPRK to fire all 10,000 artillery pieces that are in range of Seoul and cause several hundred thousand casualties in the first 24 hours.

If war breaks out, China will have some new land for expansion.

11-23-10, 19:21
Pressure needs to be put on China. N. Korea is China's little attack dog. China maintains the N. Korean regime. Ultimately, N. Korea will do nothing that China won't secretly condone. The Key to ending Nuclear proliferation is more Nuclear proliferation. We have to make it so its against China's interest to allow N. Korea to proliferate Nuclear tech and weapons. At the current moment Nuclear proliferation works to China's advantage by causing the U.S. to expend Military, Political and Financial Capital. I think the U.S. should offer Nuclear Weapons to S. Korea and Japan. Maybe even to Taiwan, if China doesn't get the message. This would definitely mess up China's Strategic plans. Fight fire with fire.