View Full Version : Identity theft!

11-24-10, 09:59
So this morning I decided to hop onto my banks web site and check my account in preparation for all the Black Friday sales I hoped to partake in. And by all I meant going to the lcoal place that will have ACOGs on sale..

Imagine my surprise when I saw many hundreds of dollars in holds on my account. These were not purchases but just holds. I hadn't checked my account in a couple days and because of these holds I had a number of Overdraft Fees.

I called the bank and they told me the holds were for a place Called Chilos Seafood in Huston Texas. I jumped on google found three locations and started calling. The first one was a disconnected number. And I was unable to get anyone on the phone at the second two who spoke any English.

Has anyone else had a similar situation? I have to go by the bank at lunch to take care of this and they are telling me it could be up to 10 days before I get my money back.

More importantly, anyone in Huston that feels like doing some recon? :ph34r:

Ok sorry guys. Had to rant a bit there. This is not how I want to start the Holiday season.

11-24-10, 10:54
I feel your pain, last year exact same week as we are in, I had over 700+ charged to dating websites and porno subscriptions. It did take about 7 to 10 biz days to reconcile, but all money was refunded.

I get nervous when buying gun related items from these new boutique companies; I hope their sites are up to snuff on security. Best practice is have a separate card only used for web purchases. Im headed to Plano, or I would firebomb those locations for you.

Hope it works out for you soon, Happy Holidays.

Alex V
11-24-10, 11:11
I left my debit card at a bank ATM once. The bank called me about 10 min after I left and told me they had my card. I picked it up and thought nothing of it. A week later I had 2 subscriptions to dating websites. My GF loved that! I got my money back from the bank, but the bitching and moaning I got from my GF was more of a pain that the missing money.

A friend of mine left his wallet in his work desk during lunch. Some A-hole stole it. This was 7+ years ago and I still hear the occasional story my friend tells me of this douche trying to get a cell phone with my friends SS number. Why my friend had his SS card in his wallet I will never know.

11-24-10, 11:47
Has anyone else had a similar situation? I have to go by the bank at lunch to take care of this and they are telling me it could be up to 10 days before I get my money back.

This is why you use a credit card, not a debit card. Dave Ramsey notwithstanding (love ya Dave ;) ) a credit card is much easier to deal with since it is not your money on hold and missing that the bank has to get back... Just pay the card off every time you use it.

11-24-10, 13:06
yup had this happen turns out some local business was taking CC numbers when ringing things up and using them

we had thousands of dollars on our account lucky the bank noticed before me we got a call saying are you in London ? and I said NO
they stopped it

never did find out who was behind it so the bank told me some things to do
but now I have a separate daily account for stuff and carry a lot more cash
and I am very careful but they said the first one was well organized and effected thousands of people !

sadly it happened again !!! twice since moving to the mainland !!!!! but bank protected us both times

11-24-10, 13:06
Thanks guys. Ban k is doing what the can. My card has been nuked and I should see my money back soon. What really sucks is that I had a lot of this allocated for some planned purchases on Friday.

11-24-10, 15:39
OP: Is the city you are referring to called Houston or Huston?

I can't find a city called Huston on the map. Not being a jerk, just trying to help.

Houston is the biggest city in Texas, and there are likely some members of this board that live there.

And there have been a lot of CC thefts in restaurants, using card skimmers. They are very small devices, and easily hidden.

11-24-10, 16:16
Has anyone else had a similar situation? I have to go by the bank at lunch to take care of this and they are telling me it could be up to 10 days before I get my money back.

More importantly, anyone in Huston that feels like doing some recon? :ph34r:

Ok sorry guys. Had to rant a bit there. This is not how I want to start the Holiday season.

A couple of years ago, I had $5K taken from my account, probably a stolen debit card number. They hit me ona Sunday, starting with a couple Itunes purchases, probably to mmake sure the acct was active, then they went nuts.

Had the most of the money back in my account pretty quick, before the two weeks. Filed a police report, signed an affidavit for the bank, never heard anything more about it.

11-24-10, 19:57
OP: Is the city you are referring to called Houston or Huston?

I can't find a city called Huston on the map. Not being a jerk, just trying to help.

Houston is the biggest city in Texas, and there are likely some members of this board that live there.

And there have been a lot of CC thefts in restaurants, using card skimmers. They are very small devices, and easily hidden.

LOL Sorry I typed while angry. Spelling wasn't on my list of priorities. It is Houston.

11-24-10, 21:46
So this morning I decided to hop onto my banks web site and check my account in preparation for all the Black Friday sales . . .

Imagine my surprise when I saw many hundreds of dollars in holds on my account. These were not purchases but just holds. I hadn't checked my account in a couple days and because of these holds I had a number of Overdraft Fees.

Has anyone else had a similar situation? I have to go by the bank at lunch to take care of this and they are telling me it could be up to 10 days before I get my money back.


I have encountered something similar in the past to a lesser degree.

Agree with the use of a Credit Card only. Personally, I have one specific card that I use only for internet purchases. I never use the bank card or any other cc.

You have likely already done so, but something to strongly consider if you have not. Run a recent credit report on yourself (Experian, Trans Union, etc.).

Never hurts to be sure.

Link: http://www.free3bureaucreditreport.com/?sid=12001&ad=12008

P.S. If your bank is a major lending institution, you will get your money back.

11-25-10, 05:33
By the way, you are entitled to one free credit report from each of the major reporting agencies, once a year. You can get that through this site


which is sponsored by all three of the credit reporting agencies, Trans Union, Experian, Equifax

11-25-10, 07:14
I actually pulled my annual Credit report last week. I do it every year around this time just to keep an eye on things. Mine is kind of depressing so I lump it in with the most depressing time of the year. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. LOL.

11-25-10, 10:56
I actually pulled my annual Credit report last week. I do it every year around this time just to keep an eye on things. Mine is kind of depressing so I lump it in with the most depressing time of the year. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. LOL.

When I do it I pull from just one of the three at any given time so I can spread it out over the year. Most things (but not all) appear on all 3 so I figure I won't miss much just pulling one at a time...

11-25-10, 11:18
Damn, I had the same thing happen to me just two weeks ago. My wife was checking our back accounts and notices two charges totaling almost $500 for items we didn't puchase.

I called the bank right away and disputed the charges, canceled the card the stuff was ordered with and had a replacement card with new number sent to me.

The bank put my money back in my account so I didn't loose anything.

It's a good thing we watch our bank accounts closely or we could have missed those bad charges...

02-16-14, 19:50
Happened to me today, (well, yesterday). some asshat went and booked a trip online with my info!!! there was also another unkown expense as well. Totaled over $1,000.00!! This is the second time this happens to me. Thank goodness I have fraud protection with my bank. Hope this guy(s) rot in the deepest canyon in hell..... :mad:

02-16-14, 20:05
This is why you use a credit card, not a debit card. Dave Ramsey notwithstanding (love ya Dave ;) ) a credit card is much easier to deal with since it is not your money on hold and missing that the bank has to get back... Just pay the card off every time you use it.

The single smartest thing anyone can do is to NEVER and I mean NEVER use a freaking debit card. This may go against some folks principles on debt, however you can pay the credit card off every month and use their money for 30 days interest free.

Debit cards are a fantastic way to find your bank account well cleaned.

I too worry about the security of some of the smaller firearms sellers. There are some I won't do business with just based on the level of professionalism of their web front end.

02-16-14, 20:39
Our bank app texts me on every transaction. A little annoying at times but a nice way to keep a watch in real time. Daughter in law had issues with this thru her college years. Penalties should be life threatening for these types and hackers... swiftly. Always pay cash at restaurants when you can.

02-16-14, 23:18
Setting up alerts to your phone is great. Debit or CC hits come to me. Doubled up with emails too.

02-16-14, 23:50
Thinking of setting up a credit monitoring account as well. It sucks going through these things. Its easy for these a holes to steal our hard earned money!

02-17-14, 13:19
I've only been burned by those retards at TAD gear. The compromised all of their customers' payment info. That was a credit card incident, so not the end of the world.