View Full Version : Anyone else get that cold front today?

11-25-10, 20:56
We went from mid/high 70's to mid 40's in less than an hour...

Also thought our country looks quite pretty tonight....thanks to whoever for allowing me to have been born in such an awesome place...:cool:


11-25-10, 21:18
Quite the change isn’t it. In the 80’s yesterday and now we are having a freeze warning with temps in the low 20’s.

11-25-10, 21:18
Cold and overcast in Maryland.

11-25-10, 21:32
Got hit in NY. I'm looking forward to wet leaves covering my footsteps while out hunting tomorrow. The undergrowth and leaves have been too dry to stalk in lately.

11-26-10, 16:34
We got cold air a few days ago. Nights went from 20-30 to 0-10. Today is a bit warmer though and sunny... 29 outside instead of 15

11-26-10, 22:59
We got cold air a few days ago. Nights went from 20-30 to 0-10. Today is a bit warmer though and sunny... 29 outside instead of 15

Tonight is supposed to be our first hard freeze. Hopefully it will take care of the remaining leaves on the trees, and get the grass dormant.

11-26-10, 23:03
-14 F. at my house 2 nights ago.

11-27-10, 09:20
My wife was out in the Friday morning maddens and said it snowed for about two minutes while she was standing in front of the Home Depot.

11-27-10, 09:25
Mid 80s yesterday to mid 60s today (Orlando)...I'll take it.

11-29-10, 09:57
-14 F. at my house 2 nights ago.

Damn, Santa! That is too darn cold for so early anywhere...

Here in VA I am putting my newly, self-installed Buderus oil-fired boiler to the test... Love that RADIANT heat...


11-29-10, 10:06
Sitting at -20 right now and today is supposed to be the warmest day of the week up until Thursday.

11-29-10, 10:22
Sure was a cold bike ride in today in NoVA.

11-29-10, 21:45
God Bless America.

11-29-10, 21:50
Looks like I'm going to have a heat wave this weekend. Come on 1 above 0.

11-29-10, 22:05
66 last night and 36 tonight. Texas is ****in crazy....:cool:

11-29-10, 22:09
66 last night and 36 tonight. Texas is ****in crazy....:cool:

Texas is ****ing crazy. I was there in 06 when it went from 98 to below 32 the rest of the week. Was in Austin for a PSP paintball tournament.... we walked/scouted the field layout in shorts Wednesday, Sweated our asses off on Thursday then Friday couldnt find enough warm clothing to stay warm even when playing!

That sucked!

11-29-10, 23:11
Florida has Texas beat for crazy. In the 80s today and tomorrow, low in the 30s come Thursday.

11-29-10, 23:15
66 last night and 36 tonight. Texas is ****in crazy....:cool:

36 is nearly short and t-shirt weather. My dad thinks I'm crazy whenever I say that.

11-29-10, 23:29
36 is nearly short and t-shirt weather. My dad thinks I'm crazy whenever I say that.

Yeah maybe to go grab something from the car, and run back inside.

But its more about conditioning. I was in Germany for almost 4 years, and WA for another year + after that. Both those places summer's is like 3 weeks to a month. Here its winter for 1-2 months, and then its either kinda hot or ****in really sweaty balls hot.

Last year we had over 60 days in a row of 100+.

11-30-10, 18:25
Yeah maybe to go grab something from the car, and run back inside.

But its more about conditioning. I was in Germany for almost 4 years, and WA for another year + after that. Both those places summer's is like 3 weeks to a month. Here its winter for 1-2 months, and then its either kinda hot or ****in really sweaty balls hot.

Last year we had over 60 days in a row of 100+.

Not really, more like running errands around town. As a bit of perspective the high today is between -25 to -30. This past May temps dipped to just above freezing and it snowed a few days. Living 100+ miles out of the Arctic Circle is awesome.

11-30-10, 18:50
It really is what you are used to. My TShirt weather is a lot different than the wife's. I grew up in New England and cold and wet and snowy winters. She grew up in sub tropical Japan around Osaka.

I keep the house at 66 during the winter and 60 at night and am fine. The wife is freezing her boobs off at 66 and bundles up. At night she has a big comforter and a nice warm blanket and is still cold. I have a nice warm blanket and am hot.

A lot of it is in your head. When the thermometer says "50" you brain says it is cold and your head reacts accordingly. Those of us more used to it say it is merely cool and we react accordingly. Similar to pain. Some people endure aches and pains easily and some don't. It is in your head. If you think it should be cold, or hurt, it does. If you don't register that, it doesn't.

On the pain bit: I broke my left ankle 2 days ago (Sunday afternoon). I was walking down to the basement (carpeted staircase) and slipped carrying a big heavy computer server I was trying to install in my office. My foot slipped down a step or two and my body came down on top of it. I knew something was wrong as my foot was pointed off to the left about 30 degrees. It hurt a little I will admit. I yelled to the wife and she got the computer off me and I crawled back upstairs and sat on the couch. I was in a little pain but my wife says I was remarkably cool. With the help of a neighbor I got out (in a snow storm) to the car and we went to the ER. I did take some Ibuprofen before I left so I did not have to pay $10 for Ibuprofen when I got there ;) There they tried to get me to take some Lortab for pain or something. They kept bringing it up. I kept refusing. It really did not hurt all that much.

Turns out the foot was dislocated backwards about 17mm and the bottom of the tibia had a large fractured piece off it and a small piece on the other said as well that happened when the foot dislocated. It did hurt a bunch when the ER doc was moving the foot itself and I did opt for a low dose of morphine for when they popped the foot back into place. That did hurt.

My point is, since I have endured low levels of pain at different instances throughout my life, my brain does not freak out when in pain that is not shooting tearing pain, and does not signal to me that I should be feeling all sorts of pain. Pain, like cold, is somewhat in your head. People in Texas and Florida and Arizona are cold when it dips below 70. People in Alaska are hot until it hits 40 or so. Its all in your head! ;)


(The ER doctor told me that up to that point, I was the only one all day who really needed pain meds in their estimation and the only one who refused them. He gave me a Lortab prescription but I only filled it this morning and that is only for when I go to bed and the damn splint thing on my foot starts to dig into my foot and I can't sleep)

11-30-10, 19:05
Not really, more like running errands around town. As a bit of perspective the high today is between -25 to -30. This past May temps dipped to just above freezing and it snowed a few days. Living 100+ miles out of the Arctic Circle is awesome.

Im not sure where I saw it but they did a test of eskimos ability to withstand the cold. They took a normal white guy, and had him stand outside for 10 minutes measuring the temp of his fingers. Did the same thing with an eskimo guy, and he barely had any change. The white guys hand temp went way down.

Similarly there was something else I saw where there is a tribe in the andes mountains where their lung capacity is double the average humans due to living at high altitudes. Humans really can evolve over the generations to deal with the climates they live in. Im convinced Im a sucky runner because my family basically comes from sea level (holland), and has lived there for the last 1500 years. Naturally my lineages lung capacity is suited to 5-10FT ASL conditions. I grew up in CA, and I breathe excellent around the ocean. By body feels good, my nasal passageways open up, I can smell good, ect.

Another example of the sherpas they use in the Himalayas. Those guys can go around the mountains like billy goats while we're huffing and puffing on oxygen bottles.

You can acclimatize to certain areas but nothing beats good old fashioned evolution based on your family heritage.

11-30-10, 21:25
Bless the lord for heated seats.