View Full Version : Bye Bye Euro

11-26-10, 00:51
Ill be glad when the European countries actually have a currency tied to their economies so we can get fair trade rates again....


I went to Europe 3 times in my life....twice on leisure and once for almost 4 years courtesy of the gov. The price difference between pre euro and post euro is crazy. Setup for failure from the start.

Bring back deutsch marks so I can get a SB PMII for a good price!

11-26-10, 00:58
It won't happen. With the creation of the EU and the free movement of commerce between each of these very small countries with corresponding economies, unique currencies are not sustainable.

11-26-10, 01:01
It won't happen. With the creation of the EU and the free movement of commerce between each of these very small countries with corresponding economies, unique currencies are not sustainable.

Then the prosperous countries are going to take the hit for the weak ones.

The Euro can't stay elevated the way it has been.

Gutshot John
11-26-10, 01:11
It won't happen. With the creation of the EU and the free movement of commerce between each of these very small countries with corresponding economies, unique currencies are not sustainable.

You mean like the Pound Sterling?

11-26-10, 07:30
Or the Swiss Franc or the Czech, erm, whatever?

Point is, the Germans could go back to the Mark.


11-26-10, 12:10
I read an article from an economist I follow stating that there will probably be two different Euros in the future. One more expensive one for the countries like Germany, and one lesser valued one for the countries like Greece, Portugal, etc.

I highly doubt the Euro is going to disappear, but there will be some changes forthcoming.

11-26-10, 12:13
Yes, the Swiss Franc the Pound drive the EU economy; right. The point is that having the economic power houses on the same currency is a good thing for them. There will be no going back unless the wall goes up and we go back to 1988. It isn't going to happen. The only people who make money on currency exchange are currency exchange house.

11-26-10, 13:31
Yes, the Swiss Franc the Pound drive the EU economy; right. The point is that having the economic power houses on the same currency is a good thing for them. There will be no going back unless the wall goes up and we go back to 1988. It isn't going to happen. The only people who make money on currency exchange are currency exchange house.

I was hoping someoe would bring up that swindle they pulled. Who really goes from country to country to country anyway? No one except Eurocrats looking for an excuse to push a common currency. Besides, most savvy travelers go to an ATM, not a currency exchange. Plus, business to business transactions are electronic and have no settlement charges based on currency.


11-26-10, 16:55
An interesting tidbit is that this is an artifact of fiat currency. Since there is nothing real backing the currency it comes down to trust. Mixing strong and weak economies together behind one currency lowers the trust for the whole currency which affects weak and strong.

11-27-10, 09:09
Count on the Mohammedans to make GREAT advances, once Europe falls apart. They are strategically placed there already. :mad: