View Full Version : Armed men die in FL home invasion

11-26-10, 06:41
One of the would-be robbers was shot and fatally wounded inside the East Perrine condominium. The other died of the injuries he suffered after he jumped out the third-story window, apparently trying to get away from the homeowner.

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/11/25/1943617/armed-men-die-in-home-invasion.html#ixzz16OLkatPH


11-26-10, 08:05

Robb Jensen
11-26-10, 08:29
Sucks to be them. :sarcastic:

11-26-10, 09:07
Another splendid outcome.:p

11-26-10, 09:34
If we have to live in a world with home invasions - this is the best possible outcome. Good on the resident for not becoming a victim.

11-26-10, 10:48
Looked for pics, could not find them, but the guy who jumped out of the window probably ended a bit like this (NSFW NSFW NSFW):


But generally speaking, the way they live is the way they die (safe for work):


11-26-10, 13:50
Under Florida's Stand Your Ground Law, a resident can presume the threat of bodily harm or death from anyone who breaks into a home, and is allowed to take defensive measures, including deadly force, against an intruder.

I love a happy ending.

11-26-10, 13:56
Another acute failure of the victim selection process.

11-26-10, 16:22
Its a good day when two predator parasites are dispatched to the netherworld...a feel good story all around really! :D

11-26-10, 20:20
home invasion is a dangerous career choice...

11-26-10, 20:40
home invasion is a dangerous career choice...

No kidding!

11-26-10, 20:40
home invasion is a dangerous career choice...

Especially if you pick the house you picked happens to be owned by someone who wont give in.:laugh:

11-27-10, 03:38
Wife was giving me grief about CCWing in the house. I told her that after years and millions of dollars of research, top NASA scientists had determined with 99.9% certianty that victims of home invasions almost always happen at your very own house.

I should have bought a more comfortable couch for the family room.

11-27-10, 06:30
I should have bought a more comfortable couch for the family room.

Stuff a pistol in the crack between two cushions and make guests sit on the chairs instead.



11-27-10, 06:39
Culling the herd some more:

Convict killed during home invasion

ELLENTON, Fla. -- Manatee County Sheriff's deputies say a 19-year-old convicted drug dealer was killed when he and another man broke into a home Thanksgiving morning.

Officials Friday identified the dead man as Brooklenn Gargar of Palmetto.

Detectives say Gargar and another suspect forced their way into a home and fought with Aaron Curry, who then shot and killed Gargar. The second intruder, who has not been identified, fled.

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/11/26/1944383/convict-killed-during-home-invasion.html#ixzz16UAeqSQb


Brooklenn Gargar, 19, a convicted drug dealer, was shot multiple times after he and another accomplice forced their way into a residence in the 300 block of Linden Drive.

Read more: http://www.bradenton.com/2010/11/27/2767887/2nd-invasion-suspect-still-on.html#ixzz16UBslqWq


Fort Smith Man Shoots and Kills Suspect During Home Invasion

A suspect was shot and killed by a Fort Smith homeowner during an attempted home invasion robbery Friday night.

Officers found a man in the yard with two gunshot wounds. According to police the man was shot by the homeowner, after he walked into the residence with a gun and demanded prescription drugs.


11-27-10, 08:33
I also pack at home, but am blessed with a very good guard dog who lets me know when anyone/thing is approaching.

Glad there's some karmic justice dispensed, and two bad guys are out of circulation.

11-27-10, 08:39
LOVE this sheeple quote;

``Nothing like this ever happened here before,'' said Sergio Tejada, who was visiting his aunt in a nearby unit for Thanksgiving. ``It's a pretty safe neighborhood -- or it was.''

I'd say it STILL is! 'Trash' got taken out, now all is well! :D

11-28-10, 01:28
I CCW in my house as well.

As does the woman.

11-28-10, 19:42
It is nice to see the good guys win.

11-28-10, 19:55
Castle doctrine for the win...

11-29-10, 00:53
Under Florida's Stand Your Ground Law, a resident can presume the threat of bodily harm or death from anyone who breaks into a home, and is allowed to take defensive measures, including deadly force, against an intruder.

There's an uncommon amount of common sense in that law.

11-29-10, 01:48
From the CA Penal Code...

198.5. Any person using force intended or likely to cause death or great bodily injury within his or her residence shall be presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury to self, family, or a member of the household when that force is used against another person, not a member of the family or household, who unlawfully and forcibly enters or has unlawfully and forcibly entered the residence and the person using the force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry occurred. As used in this section, great bodily injury means a significant or substantial physical injury.