View Full Version : US warns allies about possible Wikileaks' potential diplomatic leaks

11-26-10, 13:15

11-26-10, 13:22
That Assange guy is a real pot stirrer. I wish this was 30 years ago, he would have gotten a .22 doubletap while drinking his morning coffee.

11-26-10, 19:01
That Assange guy is a real pot stirrer. I wish this was 30 years ago, he would have gotten a .22 doubletap while drinking his morning coffee.

He's pissed off enough of the right people, so that's still a possibilty..Sooner or later I think he'll be found with a couple extra holes in his head, And I don't think anyone will look real hard for whoever popped him..

11-27-10, 00:59
Is it just the U.S. this guy has a problem with? I haven't heard about him leaking documents from other countries.

Ralph, I think you're entirely right. Sooner or later someone is going to do him in.

11-27-10, 08:20
I think, in principal, the idea behind Wikileaks is sound: a place where whistle-blowers with few other options can expose things the public really should know (i.e. some chemical company pumping toxic waste into the water supply or endangering the public is some seedy way). It should be a site that is an asset to society: it should help people at large.

But I fail to see how the latest high-profile leaks (and the upcoming one) do anything but hurt or embarrass certain parties while the rest of the world looks at the information that was leaked and goes "yeah, that's pretty much stuff we already knew... so what?" (Or in the diplomatic cables case will probably have no conception of what most classified cables entail and will flip out when they get to read a real, live one.)

From the articles I've read about how deep into paranoia he has fallen and how egomaniacal Assange has become, though, it seems to me that Wikileaks is now just Assange's way of saying "HEY LOOK, WORLD! I HAVE CLASSIFIED THINGS, LOL!" As far as I'm concerned he's just a 6-year old kid who got his hands on his dad's copy of Hustler and is running around impressing all his friends with contraband.

11-27-10, 21:19
I think, in principal, the idea behind Wikileaks is sound: a place where whistle-blowers with few other options can expose things the public really should know (i.e. some chemical company pumping toxic waste into the water supply or endangering the public is some seedy way). It should be a site that is an asset to society: it should help people at large.

But I fail to see how the latest high-profile leaks (and the upcoming one) do anything but hurt or embarrass certain parties while the rest of the world looks at the information that was leaked and goes "yeah, that's pretty much stuff we already knew... so what?" (Or in the diplomatic cables case will probably have no conception of what most classified cables entail and will flip out when they get to read a real, live one.)

From the articles I've read about how deep into paranoia he has fallen and how egomaniacal Assange has become, though, it seems to me that Wikileaks is now just Assange's way of saying "HEY LOOK, WORLD! I HAVE CLASSIFIED THINGS, LOL!" As far as I'm concerned he's just a 6-year old kid who got his hands on his dad's copy of Hustler and is running around impressing all his friends with contraband.

I see your point, as far as whistleblowing on companys for pollution, that's one thing. But, leaking intel that can get people killed is another, Correct me if I'm wrong, but did'nt some to the intel that was leaked include names of Afgans, and Iraqui's who helped U.S. troops by informing them of insurgants whereabouts, IED's etc,? Those people are as as good as dead..and Asshole Assange is responsable..No Doubt he deserves a double-tap...And the little jackoff who gave him the intel deserves nothing less than a court martial, a verdict finding him guilty of treason, and a date with firing squad....

11-28-10, 18:14
Is it just the U.S. this guy has a problem with? I haven't heard about him leaking documents from other countries.

Ralph, I think you're entirely right. Sooner or later someone is going to do him in.

He's getting ready to publish stuff from Russia, and the Russians have already insinuated that they'd be interested in killing him if he does.

The latest release has nasty things to say about the leaders of Germany, Afghanistan, the UK, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, so I think that list is going to get longer real quick.

11-28-10, 18:38
I saw an interview once where he said he had an insurance plan planted with many people in different locations in case his life were to be taken.

11-28-10, 18:43
The only good thing about these particular leaks is to expose the level of governmental incompetence, malfeasance and corruption that has been going on.

11-28-10, 20:45
Correct me if I'm wrong, but did'nt some to the intel that was leaked include names of Afgans, and Iraqui's who helped U.S. troops by informing them of insurgants whereabouts, IED's etc,?

If I recall, the first big leak (the Afghanistan one) did not redact names. A lot of those close to him disagreed strongly with his decision to release the documents without protecting identities of those people at risk. I want to say he redacted names in the following leak, but I'm not certain.

I mean, even if there was a really great reason to release all the information he did, there's absolutely no excuse for putting peoples' lives in danger like he did.

11-28-10, 21:22
We have all the power and in this case right to put an end to this guy and what he is doing. It is about protecting out assets(troops, methods, friends, etc.) So what about Sweden. We can always say we were sorry for the cruise missile.

The fact out govt isnt doing more than sending letters saying "stop" simply shows how much out leaders almost welcome crisis to take advantage of having us look bad(more reasons for BHO to apologize for) as well as possibility get us to not follow the ball as other agenda's are pushed.

11-28-10, 21:23
My guess is the CIA or someone along those lines will take care of the problem...

11-28-10, 21:27
We have all the power and in this case right to put an end to this guy and what he is doing. It is about protecting out assets(troops, methods, friends, etc.) So what about Sweden. We can always say we were sorry for the cruise missile.

The fact out govt isnt doing more than sending letters saying "stop" simply shows how much out leaders almost welcome crisis to take advantage of having us look bad(more reasons for BHO to apologize for) as well as possibility get us to not follow the ball as other agenda's are pushed.

Sounds an awful lot like something Iran/NK/a less civilized govt would do. When a bully steals your kid's lunch money, you teach your kid to defend himself and you let the teacher know, you don't tell your kid to take a tire iron to the bully's head. Something called law and order. Can't just go bomb everyone.

11-28-10, 23:08
Some of the content leaked is on drudge.

Some of the content is juicy. Someone is going to be in deep shit.

11-28-10, 23:35
I would not be the pilot of any private jet or helicopter that Assigne got on.

His organization is supposed to be about going after corrupt regimes and closed countries. He seems to be following the safe road and picking on US. Expose Chinese human rights issues or Russian shenanigans and people get whacked.

Who are the asshats in the US that are leaking these things.

11-29-10, 02:41
Who are the asshats in the US that are leaking these things.

That's just it, he's not really doing anything to gather the info, people are giving him this shit. I guess Russians & Chinese know how to not share information, than again the punishment is a little more harsh.

11-29-10, 07:05
I think, in principal, the idea behind Wikileaks is sound: a place where whistle-blowers with few other options can expose things the public really should know (i.e. some chemical company pumping toxic waste into the water supply or endangering the public is some seedy way). It should be a site that is an asset to society: it should help people at large.

But I fail to see how the latest high-profile leaks (and the upcoming one) do anything but hurt or embarrass certain parties

That's the difference between the idea of whistle-blowers that is sold to the public and the reality of what somebody like this Assange jackass is really about.

He's no servant to free speech or to any higher cause...he's pushing his own agenda.

My guess is the CIA or someone along those lines will take care of the problem...

No, because nobody in the CIA or the administration is going to green light killing this guy because he's pissing us off. That's not how the US government works.

11-29-10, 08:11
I'd watch the malevolent little weasel burn alive.

11-29-10, 08:13
That's the difference between the idea of whistle-blowers that is sold to the public and the reality of what somebody like this Assange jackass is really about.

He's no servant to free speech or to any higher cause...he's pushing his own agenda.

No, because nobody in the CIA or the administration is going to green light killing this guy because he's pissing us off. That's not how the US government works.

they've already pursued the policy of assassinating US citizens abroad that they believe are involved in terrorism

11-29-10, 08:31
No, because nobody in the CIA or the administration is going to green light killing this guy because he's pissing us off. That's not how the US government works.

Sure, thats never happened. :D

11-29-10, 08:38
My guess is that he'll piss the Russians off, and that will be that...

11-29-10, 08:43
they've already pursued the policy of assassinating US citizens abroad that they believe are involved in terrorism

There's a bit of a difference between killing someone that is a part of an active terrorist cell and killing some dude who is just pissing you off.

...and even killing an active terrorist in a foreign country is not as easily done as people think.

11-29-10, 08:59
how long before they use the terrorist/treason label on Assage and apply the same concept. They have already put their foot in the door by wanting to assassinate US citizens without a trial or due process. What makes them stop at terrorists, what about those involved in "treason". Using the treason term very loosely here since the Constitution has clear rules on how you can be tried for treason. Some people in this thread want to get him for treason but they aren't familiar with how the Constitution defines how you can be tried for treason. It was not meant to be used so easily.

11-29-10, 09:00
Would a frontal lobotomy be easier than just making him disappear?

11-29-10, 09:00
To quote my 87 year old Grandmother; "They should string him up by his toes".

I agree with those of you that say he will pick on the USA because we (well, the people that call the shots) are unwilling to do something permanent about it. I'm sure that Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, or Israel would have taken care of this "issue" after the first leak that compromised troops/informants lives.

I've been reading some of the cables in my free time here at work, and let me tell you, this could be very bad. . .

Outright policy and plans are discussed, names are named, and everyone will know exactly what was said at a lot of high level meetings, and then to make it worse, it has our take on the meetings. . . A lot of our allies in the middle east are going to be pissed. Regardless of what they've told other countries about discussions with the USA, now there is outright proof of what was discussed.

And a lot of it has to do with Iran, Iraq, and Yemen. But mostly Iran.

11-29-10, 12:38
The leaker is a foreign born, open homosexual, PFC with lots of access to top secret material...what could go wrong?

The problem isn't wikileaks. It's traitors. If we shot them with a firing squad they would be less inclined to engage in treason

11-29-10, 12:50
foreign born, open homosexual PFC with lots of access to top secret material...what could go wrong?

Hold the phone there, slick.

First off, Manning was born in Oklahoma. He spent some time in Wales growing up, but that's a far cry from being educated in an Afghani madrassa.

Secondly, are you suggesting that people born outside the US or who are gay are somehow innately untrustworthy? I'm willing to be there are thousands of foreign-born men and women in the services (and those serving alongside them) who are just as--if not more--dedicated to their new home (the US) than a lot of soldiers, Marines, sailors, and airmen born right here in the good old US of A (how many self-entitled, irresponsible, selfish American teenagers do you think are out there?). And I fail to see how sexual preference somehow predisposes someone to betraying their country and countrymen.

If you want to criticize the clearance protocols or procedures behind top secret clearances, go ahead--it appears that criticism is more than justified. But just because you don't trust people who spent time abroad or who might be gay doesn't mean they're automatically more likely to commit treason. I mean that ranks right up there with "women aren't smart enough to understand politics, why give them the right to vote" and "the negro mind isn't intelligent enough to fly aircraft."

ETA: I'm totally for firing squads for traitors, though. And I think Manning has earned his.

11-29-10, 13:03
Hold the phone there, slick.

First off, Manning was born in Oklahoma. He spent some time in Wales growing up, but that's a far cry from being educated in an Afghani madrassa.

Secondly, are you suggesting that people born outside the US or who are gay are somehow innately untrustworthy? I'm willing to be there are thousands of foreign-born men and women in the services (and those serving alongside them) who are just as--if not more--dedicated to their new home (the US) than a lot of soldiers, Marines, sailors, and airmen born right here in the good old US of A (how many self-entitled, irresponsible, selfish American teenagers do you think are out there?). And I fail to see how sexual preference somehow predisposes someone to betraying their country and countrymen.

If you want to criticize the clearance protocols or procedures behind top secret clearances, go ahead--it appears that criticism is more than justified. But just because you don't trust people who spent time abroad or who might be gay doesn't mean they're automatically more likely to commit treason. I mean that ranks right up there with "women aren't smart enough to understand politics, why give them the right to vote" and "the negro mind isn't intelligent enough to fly aircraft."

ETA: I'm totally for firing squads for traitors, though. And I think Manning has earned his.

Thank You!

11-29-10, 13:04
I've been reading some of the cables in my free time here at work,

I can't get to anything with out getting the "IE not responding" page.

11-29-10, 13:32

11-29-10, 13:34
Wikileaks is callings this "Cablegate"? Good lord. What are they? A major news network?

That's just.... stupid.

11-29-10, 13:56

I'm trying to see the iraq/afghan war logs.

Over 60% of deaths in Iraq are civilian....what the ****. I had to read that a couple times to make sure I was not misreading.

11-29-10, 14:14
Wikileaks is callings this "Cablegate"? Good lord. What are they? A major news network?

That's just.... stupid.

Welcome to the "genius" behind the website. . . To be honest, if someone dropped info like this in my lap, I can almost 100% guarantee that I wouldn't put it on the internet. Most* of this stuff is embarrassing, but nothing in here is what I would call "scandal worthy". *(I haven't read them all yet) And a lot governments can make bad things happen to people. . .

I'm trying to see the iraq/afghan war logs.

Over 60% of deaths in Iraq are civilian....what the ****. I had to read that a couple times to make sure I was not misreading.

You realize that we've been there for almost 10 years, and that suicide bombers aren't exactly "discriminate" with there being civilians around or not. If you look at most news reports covering attacks it will read something like "3 Army soldiers, 17 civilians killed, 50+ injured in bombing".

It adds up. It doesn't make it any less upsetting though.

11-30-10, 02:16
Hold the phone there, slick.

First off, Manning was born in Oklahoma. He spent some time in Wales growing up, but that's a far cry from being educated in an Afghani madrassa.

Secondly, are you suggesting that people born outside the US or who are gay are somehow innately untrustworthy? I'm willing to be there are thousands of foreign-born men and women in the services (and those serving alongside them) who are just as--if not more--dedicated to their new home (the US) than a lot of soldiers, Marines, sailors, and airmen born right here in the good old US of A (how many self-entitled, irresponsible, selfish American teenagers do you think are out there?). And I fail to see how sexual preference somehow predisposes someone to betraying their country and countrymen.

If you want to criticize the clearance protocols or procedures behind top secret clearances, go ahead--it appears that criticism is more than justified. But just because you don't trust people who spent time abroad or who might be gay doesn't mean they're automatically more likely to commit treason. I mean that ranks right up there with "women aren't smart enough to understand politics, why give them the right to vote" and "the negro mind isn't intelligent enough to fly aircraft."

ETA: I'm totally for firing squads for traitors, though. And I think Manning has earned his.

This is a bunch of happy go lucky, la la land bullshit.

His living abroad makes his life and affiliations impossible investigate to the extent needed to determine how trust worthy someone is, especially at his age.

This applies to all foreigners, or Americans with a long history overseas. As a result, he should not have been allowed to MOS-Q as a 35 series and be privy to highly classified information. If he wanted to join as another MOS, with no TS access fine, but having a TS is a higher standard

2nd. Manning is a lying sack of shit, and violated nearly every army value prior to the leak, by being a lying ****ing turd. During your TS interview, you asked outright if anything in your life can be used as blackmail to coerce you to cause harm to the USA.

HE LIED. **** HIM. He is gay, and if you take it in the ass, you by default have something in your life that can be used against the Government. DADT! If he didnt lie he wouldn't be in the Army.

Another question you get asked is if you have committed computer crime. Manning called himself a hacker. Think he was forthcoming about that?

If you have shit to hide, like having a man pleaser for a mouth, and have a black hole that prevents your past from being vetted 100% you don't get classified access, end of story.

11-30-10, 07:31
This is a bunch of happy go lucky, la la land bullshit.

His living abroad makes his life and affiliations impossible investigate to the extent needed to determine how trust worthy someone is, especially at his age.

This applies to all foreigners, or Americans with a long history overseas. As a result, he should not have been allowed to MOS-Q as a 35 series and be privy to highly classified information. If he wanted to join as another MOS, with no TS access fine, but having a TS is a higher standard

2nd. Manning is a lying sack of shit, and violated nearly every army value prior to the leak, by being a lying ****ing turd. During your TS interview, you asked outright if anything in your life can be used as blackmail to coerce you to cause harm to the USA.

HE LIED. **** HIM. He is gay, and if you take it in the ass, you by default have something in your life that can be used against the Government. DADT! If he didnt lie he wouldn't be in the Army.

Another question you get asked is if you have committed computer crime. Manning called himself a hacker. Think he was forthcoming about that?

If you have shit to hide, like having a man pleaser for a mouth, and have a black hole that prevents your past from being vetted 100% you don't get classified access, end of story.


I thought using the word "bigot" in my first response was a bit over the top. Now I'm not so sure.

Look, if you're going to kick every American with some years overseas out of their TS positions, you're going to have a lot of smart intelligence analysts who know a lot about their region of expertise because they've actually ****ing lived there and/or studied there. In M4C parlance: "You don't get to become a SME just by reading a lot about ARs... you actually have to ****ing shoot one... a lot."

Living overseas is a stupid reason to keep someone from TS clearance. That's why it doesn't bar you from the clearance (hint, hint). Having suspect contacts, a suspect history, or suspect obligations will be an obstacle. But the same is true of those who spend every moment of their insular lives without leaving the borders of the grand ol' USA. You think living in the US your whole life makes your life 100% vettable or even somehow trustworthy?

And you need to make up your mind: is he openly gay? Or is he secretly gay which is why he is liable to DADT blackmail?

If having a man-pleaser for a mouth, having a cock and balls on your mind, and liking it up the ass somehow makes you a traitor to our country, then you're going to have a lot less women around the TS community, too.

If you hate him because he's gay, fine. That's a little queer, but whatever--your prerogative. But stop trying to make the argument that just because he takes it up the ass he's a national security liability. It's stupid. Seriously. How about shifting a little more emphasis onto the "liar" part of "gay liar."

ESPECIALLY when there's so much else about him that you can criticize:
He obviously has serious psychological issues--shouldn't have gotten TS clearance.
He's a whiny little bitch, prone to showing off that he's in-the-know by breaking serious laws.
He freaking bragged about smuggling those documents out.

Maybe if he was 100% perfect in every other way and the reason he leaked all this crap (remember that while he's the prime suspect, nothing's been proven in the court of law yet) was because someone was using his sexual orientation to blackmail him, THEN rabidly ranting about his being gay would make sense. But since there's no shred of evidence for that, all this frothing at the mouth makes you look the fool.

11-30-10, 08:00
So has this Manning character been taken into custody? If not, why?

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

11-30-10, 13:04
^ He's being held in pre-trial confinement at Arifjan.

Anyone ever look at who funds Wikileaks? One particular name keeps coming up...Soros. Like that's a big surprise :rolleyes:

11-30-10, 15:58
Interesting article/take on the situation by RJ Harris (http://harrisforoklahoma.com/?p=116) (2010 Oklahoma candidate that lost nomination). Usually I'm slow to quote others' opinions, but I find myself agreeing with him more and more.

11-30-10, 17:52
I bet George Soros is funding this guy in an attempt to discredit the US as not being trust worthy. Another tactic to bring a socialist " change we can believe in".

I'm with VB. The PFC lied to getting into the Army, on his Clearance and spent an unusually long time outside the US and is a Homo. He shouldn't have been issued a Clearance at all. He should have been classified as a cook or a clerk in a non classified position. Back in the day, being Gay = Mentally unstable and untrustworthy. I and many others, still believe that.

He should be executed for treason in times of war.

11-30-10, 18:03
There is now an international INTERPOL arrest warrant out for this guy (wikileaks) for a rape case in Sweden.

11-30-10, 19:21
The bit about China not really being against Korean unification under control of SK is sure to cause some NK issues and make them even more unstable...

12-01-10, 08:19
There is now an international INTERPOL arrest warrant out for this guy (wikileaks) for a rape case in Sweden.

funny thing is they cant even get this straight:

The Stockholm Criminal Court two weeks ago issued an international arrest warrant for Assange on probable cause, saying he is suspected of rape, sexual molestation and illegal use of force in August incidents.

Sweden asked Interpol, the international police organization, to post a "Red Notice" after a judge approved a motion to bring him into custody.

The "Red Notice" is not an international arrest warrant. It is an advisory and request, issued to 188 member countries "to assist the national police forces in identifying or locating those persons with a view to their arrest and extradition," according to Interpol.

uh what?

12-01-10, 14:09
to those who want him to be charged with espionage or spying, you;re going to have trouble proving your case. Especially when Assange didnt steal the documents directly. Supreme Court has ruled in the past that a news organization cannot be penalized or barred from publishing "newsworthy" information. Say hello to the 1st Amendment freedom of the press.


12-01-10, 14:34
None of that will matter if the Russians get their hands on him.
They won't be so.....concerned about his rights as we are. This guy really didn't think this thing though, did he?

to those who want him to be charged with espionage or spying, you;re going to have trouble proving your case. Especially when Assange didnt steal the documents directly. Supreme Court has ruled in the past that a news organization cannot be penalized or barred from publishing "newsworthy" information. Say hello to the 1st Amendment freedom of the press.


12-02-10, 11:45
Well various people are trying to say that they had multiple sources for the leaks, and that Pvt. Manning is just the fall guy.

All I know is that while Assange didn't hack, steal or break any laws to get the cables / leaks. He broke laws by releasing them, and trying to make any kind of money off of the deal.

Last I checked "Receiving stolen property" is still a crime. As for the Russians getting a hold of him, to be honest, 90% of these (that I've read anyways) are embarrassing to us. The remaining 10% seem to not be a very big deal, as everyone is referring to how it will harm our relationships with the other countries. Not so much on the whole "Ohhhh, now (x country named) is screwed" going on. Everyone likes to see the big guy go down, and we've been the big guy for a long time now.

12-02-10, 13:15
its obvious hes a fall guy. Why would a Private have that level of security clearance to obtain these documents? Sure...

12-02-10, 13:46
its obvious hes a fall guy. Why would a Private have that level of security clearance to obtain these documents? Sure...

He was a Specialist when he was accused of committing the crime in question (like that matters).

TS/SCI opens a lot of doors. Should someone is his chain have been watching him? Obviously...where's the dump on what his first line leader was doing when this stuff was supposedly happening?

But yeah - he did indeed "have that level of security clearance."

12-03-10, 16:26
If these documents contain the truth about whats really been going on then there should be absolutely no debate or discussion on their release regardless of his motives or how he obtained them.

12-03-10, 16:30

12-05-10, 15:37
If these documents contain the truth about whats really been going on then there should be absolutely no debate or discussion on their release regardless of his motives or how he obtained them.

That is really childish. PM me and I'll send you an extra copy I have of 'The Prince'.


In light of his "Doomsday" threat.


But how hypocritcal is it that he is trying to hold people 'accountable' when he says if you arrest him for his rape and pillaging he'll release the poison pill.

If I had my way, I'd show him being eaten alive by pigs. You don't go into a tigers cage, poke it with a stick and expect to walk out unscathed. The guy fancies himself a martyr with out the inconvience of dying. Let's make him a real hero.

Why is the left still so engrosed with the Valarie Plame 'outing' (when it appears if you got her bra undone, she told you she was a spy) but this guy is a hero?

12-05-10, 17:24
That is really childish. PM me and I'll send you an extra copy I have of 'The Prince'.

In light of his "Doomsday" threat.


But how hypocritcal is it that he is trying to hold people 'accountable' when he says if you arrest him for his rape and pillaging he'll release the poison pill.

If I had my way, I'd show him being eaten alive by pigs. You don't go into a tigers cage, poke it with a stick and expect to walk out unscathed. The guy fancies himself a martyr with out the inconvience of dying. Let's make him a real hero.

Why is the left still so engrosed with the Valarie Plame 'outing' (when it appears if you got her bra undone, she told you she was a spy) but this guy is a hero?

guilty before innocent it looks like :sarcastic: People ignore all the attacks which are criminal on his server. That warrant for rape is so politicized, its a probable cause warrant BTW, not even formal charges. What a joke

12-07-10, 05:08
There is now an international INTERPOL arrest warrant out for this guy (wikileaks) for a rape case in Sweden.

Assange arrested in London.


12-07-10, 07:40
you cannot make this stuff up, an INTERPOL arrest warrant for not wearing a raincoat?


12-07-10, 12:40
you cannot make this stuff up, an INTERPOL arrest warrant for not wearing a raincoat?


Charges are; 1 count of rape, 2 counts of sexual harassment, 1 count unlawful coercion.

I don't know if you're being snide or not, but sexual crimes are the bottom of the scum barrel to me. Not that it's a surprise coming from this guy.

12-07-10, 14:10
I just edited out links posted earlier to the wikileaks site.

I would strongly encourage everyone reading this to refrain from visiting their site and downloading those documents in any way, shape, or form, as it can have extremely bad consequences if you have a security clearance or work for a government entity.

02-04-11, 11:12
Someone leaked the details on the Swedish case against Assange.

Talk about your "really? really?" moments...

Some details can be found here:
