View Full Version : Very odd setup seen on South American Anti-Drug cop's gun

11-29-10, 13:04
Did anyone else catch this?

source (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/11/rios_drug_war.html)

11-29-10, 13:10
Maybe they don't have the RMR's down there yet...............

11-29-10, 14:05
:laugh: i have the same glove i bought it from paint ball store for $5.

most uncomfortable glove ever.:D

11-29-10, 14:06
Scope with a offset RDS :cool:

11-29-10, 14:16
Haha, my first thought was he had mounted a 203 above his bbl and had some sort of holo leaf sight on the side.

11-29-10, 14:21
Interesting. I haven't seen an offset red-dot mounted like that outside of 3-gun. And it's usually on the other side too.

11-29-10, 16:27
Holeee shiite, that thing must weigh a ton.

11-29-10, 16:32
I was intially thinking that was a NF scope by the cap, but aren't they double-knurled?

11-29-10, 17:41
Interesting. I haven't seen an offset red-dot mounted like that outside of 3-gun. And it's usually on the other side too.
They exist on carbines and bolt guns but usually as "one o'clock or eleven o'clock" positions. "Someone" has asked for them and apparently are being evaluated. I find that if mounted at the 1 o'clock position for a right-handed shooter negotiating a left corner is problematic. Perhaps the optic should be at the 11 o'clock position for a right-handed shooter as then it's "ambidextrous".

11-29-10, 18:17
Looks like a cheap ass scope/ring combo....

11-29-10, 18:30
pmag in the first pic.

they really like the Fal down there.

Why they picked Rio for the Olympics is beyond me.

11-29-10, 18:39
I went there for a week when I was in the NAVY they dont have lot of money so I'm supprised that he even has that.

Wolf Spyder
11-29-10, 18:42
That has got to be one of those goofy "Tri-rail" thingies you can buy on ebay for $20.oo


11-29-10, 18:49
He must be the designated optics/accessories carrier.
All the other AR's pictured are bare. :big_boss:

11-30-10, 01:39
Imbel in spades.



11-30-10, 03:00
adapt and overcome, Am I right?


11-30-10, 03:33
Twisted Sisters singer is a cop?

11-30-10, 05:53
Wow. You're right, he does look like Dee Snider.

11-30-10, 07:38
his scope has no gold dot on the side focus, it is a clone mark 4 m1 (i think).

11-30-10, 09:44
Imbel in spades.


I was going to post this photo too. I would hate to be one of the dudes up front in that pile!!!


Then you got this photo. How would you like to have that many people crowded around you if you were ordered to take a shot?

For those of you that have been deployed, is it common to have that many media flies buzzing around you?

11-30-10, 12:49
his scope has no gold dot on the side focus, it is a clone mark 4 m1 (i think).

That Eotech glass seems to be more reflective than it should be as well. Someone with more experience could maybe chime in about it, but I think that might be a fake. L-3's document on clones specifically references reflective glass as indicative of a fake.

11-30-10, 13:45
+1 for the EO Tech imposter idea. Throw lever looks wrong as well.

11-30-10, 13:49
Look at the first picture again. He's single-handedly solved the 'right hand, left eye dominant' problem:sarcastic: !

11-30-10, 15:09
with foakleys!

11-30-10, 15:18
He definitely has a lot going on there.

11-30-10, 15:24
He definitely has a lot going on there.

And he's subscribing to the pimp school of gunfighting: "It's not the skills, it's the bling you bring..."

11-30-10, 17:52
Mall ninja, plain and simple.

Whats up with all the mag grabs on the FAL holds?

11-30-10, 17:56
The drug runners in Rio seem to be packing some serious heat as well.

Isn't Brasil touted by the gun grabbers as a model for effective gun control?

Not a sermon, just a thought.

11-30-10, 21:28
Isn't Brasil touted by the gun grabbers as a model for effective gun control?

Not a sermon, just a thought.

In 2005 the anti-gunners held a vote to ban the sale of ammunition and guns. It was voted down by 62% of the population. The Brazilian constitution has the right to self defense in it and it was this right the pro-gun groups used to defeat the anti's.

So Brazil is not an anti-gunners haven. There are millions of legal guns in Brazil. It's no Arizona but it is FAR from being the UK.

12-09-10, 18:34
Is he multi-tasking or what? lol!:sarcastic:

12-09-10, 18:56
For those of you that have been deployed, is it common to have that many media flies buzzing around you?

Media? What Media? :sarcastic:

12-09-10, 19:11
Are those Oakley Thumps?

12-09-10, 19:37
What the hell kinda rifles are those two cops using in picture 6? They look like a combination between an HK and a Galil.

12-09-10, 19:43
What the hell kinda rifles are those two cops using in picture 6? They look like a combination between an HK and a Galil.

FALs :cool:

12-09-10, 19:49
Nope. FNH FNC's. Compact version of the rifle most people recognize from the movie Heat.


12-09-10, 19:53
Might be referring to Picture 6 in the original original article (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/11/rios_drug_war.html)
Taurus made Carabina CT-30. Remember, Taurus is from that neck of the woods. Similar to FNC, but note the smaller magazine.
seen here:
Youtube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IFa2FO_9x4)
and here:
How's your Portuguese? (http://www.taurusarmas.com.br/carabina-taurus-ct30-30carbine-policia-forcasarmadas)

12-09-10, 23:45
I think he has been reading to much arfcom.

12-10-10, 02:01
with foakleys!

Are those Oakley Thumps?

Look more like those DVR "spy" sunglasses.
Like these. http://www.spygadgets.com/spy-sunglasses-camera.aspx

12-10-10, 09:46
The DUDE in the orignal picture is ABSOLUTELY a STAFF member or Moderator at AR15.com. :sarcastic:

12-10-10, 10:02
Taurus made Carabina CT-30. Remember, Taurus is from that neck of the woods. Similar to FNC, but note the smaller magazine.

The taurus ct30 is related to the chilian SAF, which is a sub gun variant of the SIG540 family.



Taurus CT30 in 30 carbine

12-10-10, 11:00
Correct- its a Taurus CT-30 which is based off of a Sig design. Its chambered in .30 carbine... very interesting little gun.

Could be a cool little PDW. .30 carbine with a decent soft point is a pretty solid short range round.

The taurus ct30 is related to the chilian SAF, which is a sub gun variant of the SIG540 family.



Taurus CT30 in 30 carbine

12-10-10, 12:01
Bad guys setting up defensive positions, wearing armor, have commo gear (a radio at least) carrying a secondary weapon, and carrying a good bit of ammo. Capt. Chickenwing looks to have an Eotech or clone more likely, on his rifle. Looks like the Brazilian cops have there hands full.

12-10-10, 16:34
Correct- its a Taurus CT-30 which is based off of a Sig design. Its chambered in .30 carbine... very interesting little gun.

Could be a cool little PDW. .30 carbine with a decent soft point is a pretty solid short range round.

Interesting, never even heard of them before. Learn something new everyday I guess

12-10-10, 17:54
Looks like a lot of gun fighting. Stay Frosty Rio

12-10-10, 19:10
cover vs concealment LOL!!!


12-10-10, 20:13
yeah, FALs and FNCs are cool but check out captain happy pants.
This cat is so good he has no time to zip his fly before he goes full tilt boogey with his duel Aks.
Welcome to the third world.

i guess this guy is related to the dude above and thinks a life vest = body armour.
http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/8199/008ch4.th.jpg (http://img183.imageshack.us/i/008ch4.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

12-10-10, 21:58
Why they picked Rio for the Olympics is beyond me.

Beautiful city, beautiful scantily clad women, a laid back attitude and people, an economy that's about to skyrocket, and great sporting infrastructure already in place because of their football clubs. Yeah a terrible idea.

Is it perfect for everyone? Clearly not, the police and MP's have more on their plate every single day than any department in the US could dream of. Fortunately the problems are pretty limited to the favelas which will shrink as their economy continues growing.

With that said, there are very few cities in the world that I find more appealing than Rio de Janeiro. I spent a lot of time there during the past few years, and it's the only foreign city that I actually miss. In fact I'd rather live there than in many American cities.

12-10-10, 23:50
If you don't go anywhere dangerous, you won't have any good stories, or visible scars.

04-19-11, 14:49
Liberian warfighting tactics... link to some pretty funny photos. Some are familiar...


04-19-11, 15:09
Liberian warfighting tactics... link to some pretty funny photos. Some are familiar...



04-19-11, 15:22
Liberian warfighting tactics... link to some pretty funny photos. Some are familiar...

#5 is the best. He is trying to clear a malfuncion but his mag spring busted out the floor platel I LOLed at this.

Grunt Medic TXARNG
04-19-11, 15:49
Poster boy for 'RDJ Mall Ninja Cops'. Airsoft/knockoff tri-rail and scope mounts, absurdly large scope, knockoff EOTech Holosight (and the large one, at that), some type of laser aiming light above the barrel, airsoft gloves, and iKam video glasses to record it all for posterity = douche!