View Full Version : Man guilty of murder in shooting of off-duty MP.

11-29-10, 14:39

I knew Evan when we were both stationed at Ft.Myer. He was a good troop and didn't deserve this.

Suwannee Tim
11-29-10, 15:09
My reaction to seeing a drunk firing a weapon would be to get the hell away and let the pros handle it. I reckon that don't work when you are a pro. Sad, sad story. I pray God will comfort his survivors. This Vongthongdy chap, I wonder what his ethnicity is. I think Lao or such. There are apparently quite a number of these folks in the Anchorage area and they are bad news. I have no way of knowing whether he was born in the US or not but if not, it is outrageous but typical that his ass wasn't sent back to wherever after his first felony. I am sick to death of good men and women dying at the hands of scum.

11-29-10, 22:00
Tragic indeed that this brave warrior survived his time serving our country to die at the hands of this piece of shit.

Prayers for his family and friends.


11-30-10, 00:50
He'll probably be out by the time he's 40.

The bastard should have gotten a bullet after the guilty verdict.

11-30-10, 02:43
****er shoulda gotten life or the needle.

11-30-10, 08:42
Thanks for the condolences, guys.

Some people (not here obviously) blame the NRA for the perp having a gun. I explained that felons are banned from owning guns/ammunition, and no gun control law would stop a violent felon from buying whatever and using it in the commission of a crime.