View Full Version : Commentator calling President a 'lunatic'

11-30-10, 10:03
That seems to be an aside in the article, as the point of the article is to explain the current international situation lucidly, and moan about the U.S.'s deaf ears and inaction. [note: now that I look back, the thread title does not fit the content. If a moderator could change it, that would be great.]

Between the lines of revelations in the 250,000 diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks is proof that [the] approach of "engaging" Iran and coddling Pakistan is failing badly. Obsessively pursuing a more multipolar world, the US president has shown an almost delusional neglect of Tehran's nuclear ambitions and Islamabad's dalliance with terrorism.


Important data:

"American career diplomats have been telling their masters [...] that every theater of American policy is in full-blown rout, forwarding to Washington the growing alarm of foreign leaders."

Harsh news about Iran:

"It is wishful thinking that the Iranian problem can be managed without bringing ruin to the Persian pocket empire. In many respects, Iran resembles the Soviet Union just before the collapse of communism. It turned out that there were no communists in Russia outside the upper echelons of the party. There are very few Muslims in Iran outside of the predatory mullahcracy."

Good news about Iran:

"According to Zohreh Soleimani of the BBC, Iran has the lowest mosque attendance of any Muslim country; only 2% of adults attend Friday services, a gauge of disaffection comparable to church attendance in Western Europe."