View Full Version : Corrosion in gas block?

12-02-10, 10:04
I just received a KAC folding front sight gas block and upon inspection I noticed rust inside the hole meant for the gas tube. I was able to get some out, but not all. Is this going to cause a problem down the road or is it nothing to worry about? I have not contacted them yet because I don't really think it's going to affect anything, but I just wanted to double check before I pin it to a barrel. Thanks.

12-02-10, 11:12
Could it be copper grease? If not I really don't think a little surface rust will hurt anything, but I would see if you could get a replacement first.

12-02-10, 11:26
It's rust for sure. I sent KAC a message so hopefully they get back to me.

12-02-10, 11:28
I imagine it would be difficult, but is it possible to get a picture of it?

12-02-10, 11:41
I took some, but you can barely see the corrosion.

12-02-10, 12:06
I took some, but you can barely see the corrosion.

That's what I figured. Can you tell if there's any pitting or anything, or is it just surface rust?

12-02-10, 12:34
I shined a light in it to try to take a better pic and it looks a lot worse than I thought. I can't really tell if there is any pitting.

12-02-10, 13:25
Hmm, well that certainly is interesting. I wouldn't worry about it too much though. Based on my own personal experiences and those that I've read from others on this site, KAC should get it sorted out for you.

12-02-10, 14:48
I'm sure they will get it sorted out. Like I said it most likely won't have any ill affect, I just want to be certain.