View Full Version : JTF2/SOCCOM?

12-03-10, 09:02
Joint Task Force 2 is Canada's version of the SEAL's if I understand it correctly. And after reading up on them (or trying to) it seems like the Canadians are much better at keeping their secret task forces actually secret. We all know the terms SEAL's, Delta Force, Marine RECON, and CIA SOG. But does anyone know what is going on in the actual "Black" world of the US military? I'm fairly sure there's some special warfare group out there that we (by that I mean me / common civilians) don't know about. But in reality how much better can you get than the current tier of USSOCCOM forces?

I'm just wondering what will be a common name for the current "black ops/secret ass kicking team" team in 10 years? Do any of M4C members with time served have anything they can say that could give me additional topics to research? This is just something that I've always found interesting, and enjoy reading about.

Actually any information about any of the Special Forces would be welcome, I've enjoyed hearing / reading about them since I was a kid.

12-03-10, 09:31
I think the Canadian seals are called baby seals and they like to go clubbing.

12-03-10, 10:16
The people qualified to answer those questions usually dont post such info on open forums nor should it be.:rolleyes:

People do not need to know how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Try reading some books about that community such as Jaw Breaker, Kill Binladen, Killer Elite etc.


12-03-10, 11:10
The people qualified to answer those questions usually dont post such info on open forums nor should it be.:rolleyes:

People do not need to know how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Try reading some books about that community such as Jaw Breaker, Kill Binladen, Killer Elite etc.


Yeah I've read several books on the community already, and enjoy them greatly. I just ordered Jaw Breaker though, I've heard it recommended before.

Any other suggerstions? Books, websites, personal accounts?

12-03-10, 11:32
Joint Task Force 2 is Canada's version of the SEAL's

If I was asked IMO they are better compared to the SAS.
There are a couple good books out there about them.

12-03-10, 11:52
There mission is counter terrorism....akin to the SAS and Delta.

12-03-10, 12:04
There mission is counter terrorism....akin to the SAS and Delta.

They are the very best of the Canadian Forces, and epitomize the term "high speed low drag" they are the quintessential "grey men" of the military world.