View Full Version : Jimmy V Week

12-04-10, 12:23
In honor of the great Jimmy Valvano, here is the famous speech he gave shortly before he passed. Good stuff.


When Jimmy was only 17 years old, he bought a white 3x5 note card and wrote a list of all his professional aspirations. They were: #1. Play college basketball. #2. Coach college basketball. #3. Achieve a victory in Madison Square Garden. #4. Cut down the net at a National Championship game.

He carried this note card everyday and 19 years later, he was able to mark off every one of his ambitions. Before he died, he wrote down one more goal on his note card. #5. Find the cure for cancer.

Jimmy was a simple man with big dreams and his enthusiasm, hard work, and compassion has influenced the lives of many.

What would your note card say?