View Full Version : You voted for Obama to prove you are not racist.... "I want my vote back."

12-07-10, 09:49
An NBC news commentator (forgot name) said "You voted for Obama to prove you are not racist. Now who are you going to vote for to prove you are not an idiot?"

It seems Gene Simmons has woken up on the same side of the bed as that commentator.

Unqualified’ Obama

At least rocker Gene Simmons is honest.

Appearing on CNN’s “Parker/Spitzer” last week, the KISS front man admitted that he voted for Barack Obama because the young senator was a “moment in history,” and he wanted to show the world how far the United States had come from its slavery past. But now Simmons says he realizes how “unqualified” Obama is for the job.


Includes a video.


12-07-10, 09:53
We I see people driving around with Obama bumper stickers I wonder if they feel the same way now.

12-07-10, 09:55
Oops, I probably should have put this in the pres Obama sticky thread above. Can someone please move it for me? THank you.

12-07-10, 10:01
We I see people driving around with Obama bumper stickers I wonder if they feel the same way now.

More likley than not they're probably still happy with their vote.

12-07-10, 10:27
So in other words the 2008 Presidential election was nothing more than an affirmative action hire. The least qualified candidate was given the job just because of his race or at least that what Simmons thinks.

12-07-10, 10:58
affirmative action

Understand the definition, before you start throwing the "unqualified" around. Most people DON'T know.

African American's make up 13% of the US population, and the maority of them DO NOT vote. So less than 13% of the population voted him into office? I think NOT. Think about who put him there.

I didn't vote for Obama, because I do not agree with his "politics", simple enough.


12-07-10, 11:54
Understand the definition, before you start throwing the "unqualified" around. Most people DON'T know.

African American's make up 13% of the US population, and the maority of them DO NOT vote. So less than 13% of the population voted him into office? I think NOT. Think about who put him there.

I didn't vote for Obama, because I do not agree with his "politics", simple enough.


Would you have been less ass hurt if I said grossly under qualified? Not that it matters as if you had bothered to read what I wrote you would realize that my comments were aimed directly at Gene Simmons, who essentially said that he voted for an unqualified candidate (his words not mine) just because of his race.

FWIW I think our current President lacked the minimum qualifications for the job even if he met the legal requirements to run, but here he is as our 44th President. If you have a problem with that than that's your cross to bare.

12-07-10, 11:54
So in other words the 2008 Presidential election was nothing more than an affirmative action hire. The least qualified candidate was given the job just because of his race or at least that what Simmons thinks.

Seems to be a pretty accurate statement. In reality though, we played Survivor President, electing candidates on meaningless criteria and pop culture considerations.

12-07-10, 11:58
One last thing being the least qualified is not the same thing as being unqualified. Thanks for putting words in my mouth.:rolleyes:

12-07-10, 12:00
It's no secret that race played a huge part in the last election, I don't think anyone can deny that.

Gene Simmons wasn't alone in voting for Obama because of his race. What I found interesting when talking to African-American co-workers was they were pretty split, 50/50, about voting for him. On one hand half realized he wasn't qualified or didn't like his politics but on the other hand they were going to vote for him simply because of his race.

And boy it was fun to hear them agrue! :D

However, I'm sure there was a good majority of the population that voted against him because of his race so it worked both ways.

12-07-10, 12:01
One last thing being the least qualified is not the same thing as being unqualified. Thanks for putting words in my mouth.:rolleyes:

Actually being president has some pretty simple criteria that all of the presidential candidates met (qualified)... except that small issue where one of them wouldn't produce a birth certificate to the public. :sarcastic:

12-07-10, 12:03
Every time they chime in about how great Hussein is compared to GW, due to them being extreme Dems. I just ask them about their health care, retirement, unemployment rates, etc... They shut up really quick since they don't have a reply. They are intelligent people mind you, just duped into thinking Obama was the "Great White(Black) Hope".

12-07-10, 12:20
I think he also won the Nobel Prize or something.

12-07-10, 14:45
Cross to bare? :sarcastic:

Dude, I could care less. All your bitch'n and moaning on the "Net" won't change the fact that HE IS THERE.

Did I vote for him? No. Do I agree with his politics? No.

He's there....deal with it. Now what?


12-07-10, 15:33
The sticker on my F250s bumper says "Sorry Yet?" with the Obama symbol as the "O" in sorry, right beneath my "Extremely Rightwing" sticker.

12-07-10, 15:38
My Obama voting MIL now sends me anti-Obama emails, and has basically conceded I was right during the elections without expressly saying as much.....:D

12-07-10, 15:54
Knock off the bickering gentlemen.

12-07-10, 16:00
As unpopular as he may be now, who knows where we'll be by election time 2012. Clinton regrouped after his party's losses in the 1994 elections, to be re-elected again in '96.

Unless the Republicans live up to their campaign promises, and field a candidate that is popular with the average Schlub voter, we may well have Obama until January 2017.

12-07-10, 16:57
We I see people driving around with Obama bumper stickers I wonder if they feel the same way now.

I don't see nearly as many as I used to.

12-07-10, 23:40
We I see people driving around with Obama bumper stickers I wonder if they feel the same way now.

When I get behind cars that are still sporting the obama-biden stickers on them; all I wonder is if I can get away with running them off the road!! :p

12-08-10, 12:33
9 times out of 10 when I get cut off on the highway and almost killed by some moron not paying attention; then they flip me off, since nothing could possibly be the fault of the perfect angel that they are; they have a "Hope and Chnage" sticker or an "Obama Biden" sticker on the bumper.

Go figure...

Only one person in my family admitted to voting Obama/Biden; my eldest sister; she used to talk about Obama all the time, how he was going to usher in the new era for America and peace and love would resonate; constantly throwing the BS in our faces; she is very quite now-a-days, and won't even talk about Obama with family when they bring it up; she just scoots on out of the room.

I'm thinking about screen printing her a T-Shirt for Christmas that says:

"I am idiot, therefore I voted Obama"