View Full Version : Jon Stewart Explains How Bernanke Is Robbing Us Blind

12-08-10, 10:57
There are things that are so serious that you can only joke about them.

--the uncertainty physicist Werner Karl Heisenberg

When was the last time someone laughed at you whn you explained that the FED creates money out of thin air?


Gutshot John
12-08-10, 11:10
Damn funny, it's a bit simplistic (Fed creates money, it doesn't print money) but damn funny.

12-09-10, 08:52
The best line in that bit was when they showed Bernanke on 60 Minutes just last year contradicting himself and Stewart explained that Bernanke must have looked at the average age of the folks that watch 60 Minutes and assumed that anyone who saw him last year was probably dead by now.

Gutshot John
12-09-10, 09:03
The Ben Bernank! :sarcastic:


12-09-10, 09:05
Stewart explained that Bernanke must have looked at the average age of the folks that watch 60 Minutes and assumed that anyone who saw him last year was probably dead by now.

:sarcastic: Best analysis of 60 Minutes EVER!

12-09-10, 09:12
I agree with montanadave..... Funny as shit

Outlander Systems
12-09-10, 17:33
Supreme Chancellor of the Inkjet Federation.

12-10-10, 11:04
"I will not monetize the debt"
"Hi, heres some QE2"

"We are not printing money, we are just buying treasuries"

Cant make this stuff up. The guy looked so nervous it looked like it was taken hostage. :rolleyes::sarcastic:

These people on the show shouldnt have been laughing, they shouldve been enraged.