View Full Version : Operation Payback

12-08-10, 20:51
Interesting times we're living in...


A group of Internet activists took credit for crashing the Visa.com Web site on Wednesday afternoon, hours after they launched a similar attack on MasterCard. The cyber attacks, by activists who call themselves Anonymous, are aimed at punishing companies that have acted to stop the flow of donations to WikiLeaks in recent days.

The group explained that its distributed denial of service attacks — in which they essentially flood Web sites site with traffic to slow them down or knock them offline — were part of a broader effort called Operation Payback, which began as a way of punishing companies that attempted to stop Internet file-sharing and movie downloads.

12-08-10, 20:58
This shit doesn't lend much credibility to their cause.

12-09-10, 02:37
Cyber terrorism from the left and no one says anything. If tea party sympathizers did this there would be a witch hunt in the media about right wing extremists.

The double standard ignoring leftist terrorism continues.

12-09-10, 04:20

12-09-10, 05:43

More like IBS.

12-09-10, 06:20
How are those representatives you all elected into office panning out? Sounds like most of them have capitulated already regarding Obama's recent tax compromise.

They take office in January.


Low Drag
12-09-10, 06:50
Lets see...... Where to begin........
Tea Party folks are not out to take down / radicaly change our goverment/nation. The so-called left is.
There is no one guiding the Tea Party types. There is a number of organizations guiding the so-called left.

12-09-10, 07:41
Cyber terrorism from the left and no one says anything. If tea party sympathizers did this there would be a witch hunt in the media about right wing extremists.

The double standard ignoring leftist terrorism continues.

Anonymous is far from Left Wing.

Not everyone and every group breaks down into Left Vs. Right.

Anonymous represents the ideal of a complete and open society. Where all information is available to everyone.

They have gone after Scientology, child porn rings, left leaning groups, right leaning groups, and now are supporting Wikileaks.

Sometimes I support their agenda, other times I don't. But to call them leftist terrorists is incorrect. If anything they tend to be extremely libertarian in their views.

12-09-10, 08:38
The supposedly "left wing cyper-terrorists" orchestrating these attacks are defending their actions on first amendment grounds (i.e. governmental and corporate efforts to silence WikiLeaks is a violation of free speech).

Oh what a tangled web (no pun intended) we weave. Folks are quick to shout "Free Speech!" as a casus belli for everything from unlimited corporate influence in our electoral process to publishing anything that anyone ever committed to paper or hard drive.

For every individual right which is secured by our Constitution, there is someone waiting to invoke that same right in defending actions which are taken beyond the extreme and into the absurd.

Give some folks an inch, and they take a mile.

Gutshot John
12-09-10, 08:58
The supposedly "left wing cyper-terrorists" orchestrating these attacks are defending their actions on first amendment grounds (i.e. governmental and corporate efforts to silence WikiLeaks is a violation of free speech).

Oh what a tangled web (no pun intended) we weave. Folks are quick to shout "Free Speech!" as a casus belli for everything from unlimited corporate influence in our electoral process to publishing anything that anyone ever committed to paper or hard drive.

For every individual right which is secured by our Constitution, there is someone waiting to invoke that same right in defending actions which are taken beyond the extreme and into the absurd.

Give some folks an inch, and they take a mile.

So you're defending the actions of hackers or condemning them?

The first amendment doesn't entitle you to break the law. Hacking is a crime more to the point so is the theft of classified documents.

If stealing and revealing classified documents were constitutionally permissable (an interpretation which no court anywhere has endorsed) than why have espionage laws, secrecy laws and/or even privacy laws? A spy is only exercising his first amendment rights to betray his country. WTF?

Are these people "terrorists" in the same vein as 9/11? Maybe not but they're defending the actions of someone whose actions at the very least put American soldiers, citizens as well as the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of foreigners in grave jeopardy.

It's a distinction without a difference.

12-09-10, 09:15
So you're defending the actions of hackers or condemning them?

Not defending anyone. Simply pointing out that it is possible to justify any action by invoking a generally universally accepted right and extending that right to its logical extreme, which frequently morphs into an illogical absurdity.

12-09-10, 09:24
Cyber terrorism from the left and no one says anything.

Because it's not "from the left." It's from "a bunch of internet trolls": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_(group)

Basically, if it's attention-getting and something a 13-year old would think was "cool," they do it.

Sometimes it's hard not to appreciate that someone out there has the guts to say/do something (i.e. call scientology out for what it is), most of the time, though, you just shake your head and marvel at the idiocy of the dregs of society.

12-09-10, 09:47
Not defending anyone. Simply pointing out that it is possible to justify any action by invoking a generally universally accepted right and extending that right to its logical extreme, which frequently morphs into an illogical absurdity.

Congratulations! You read chapter 1 of "Philosophy for Id___".

12-09-10, 10:43
Free speech welfare activists.

The idea that if a private company decides to withdraw funding or stops doing business with your private company it is "censorship".

12-09-10, 11:03
I'm tired of editing. Keep it within the rules or I will lock this.

12-09-10, 11:03
They take office in January.


And I heard at least 10 of them say that they will compromise with Obama, and are OK with the tax compromise yesterday on the radio.

But I guess my post was to out of the box for this thread, so it was deleted, and not by me.

12-09-10, 11:10
I'm tired of editing. Keep it within the rules or I will lock this.


12-09-10, 11:26
And I heard at least 10 of them say that they will compromise with Obama, and are OK with the tax compromise yesterday on the radio.

But I guess my post was to out of the box for this thread, so it was deleted, and not by me.

I deleted it. The derogatory comments and profanity aren't tolerated. Even in GD. I decided to edit instead of issue an infraction. Please don't make me regret that.

I was in the process of sending you a PM but since you asked, I answered.

12-09-10, 11:58
I deleted it. The derogatory comments and profanity aren't tolerated. Even in GD. I decided to edit instead of issue an infraction. Please don't make me regret that.

I was in the process of sending you a PM but since you asked, I answered.

I will PM you, you don't have to regret anything.

12-09-10, 14:46
Basically, if it's attention-getting and something a 13-year old would think was "cool," they do it.

This pretty much sums it up.

As someone who's spent a fair share of time in and around the IT business, I can tell you that Flooding a given website is analogous to hacking as unloading 1000 rds from an M60 and hitting someone once or twice is analogous to sniping. It's brute-force bush-league bullshit that was probably, in fact, done by 13 year olds.

And that actually comforts me, a lot. For all their pontificating, "Anon" can best be described as small children playing at cyber war.

12-09-10, 15:12
So you're defending the actions of hackers or condemning them?

The first amendment doesn't entitle you to break the law. Hacking is a crime more to the point so is the theft of classified documents.

If stealing and revealing classified documents were constitutionally permissable (an interpretation which no court anywhere has endorsed) than why have espionage laws, secrecy laws and/or even privacy laws? A spy is only exercising his first amendment rights to betray his country. WTF?

Are these people "terrorists" in the same vein as 9/11? Maybe not but they're defending the actions of someone whose actions at the very least put American soldiers, citizens as well as the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of foreigners in grave jeopardy.

It's a distinction without a difference.

I find this post interesting, mainly because it condemns the hackers while ignoring the bigger issue. If the government hadn't lied, then the hackers wouldn't have had to hack anything.

This is typical of the media (and of people who can't think for themselves) to pin the crime on the last guy in the line, regardless of why the crime was being committed (even if it was to justify a wrong caused by someone else breaking the law).

I'm not justifying the hackers or Wikileaks, but for whatever reason, we're painting Wikileaks and the hackers as villains, while the guys who actually broke Federal and International law are being ignored. What's worse? Denying service to a website? Or covering up the deaths of thousands of civilians and claiming they never happened?

If anything, the crimes of the hackers should be pinned to those who lied about the information in the first place, otherwise there would have been no need to hack it.

12-09-10, 15:13
Anonymous is far from Left Wing.

Not everyone and every group breaks down into Left Vs. Right.

Anonymous represents the ideal of a complete and open society. Where all information is available to everyone.

They have gone after Scientology, child porn rings, left leaning groups, right leaning groups, and now are supporting Wikileaks.

Sometimes I support their agenda, other times I don't. But to call them leftist terrorists is incorrect. If anything they tend to be extremely libertarian in their views.

Agree 100%.

12-09-10, 16:14
I just read an article that they arrested a young teen boy (16 how surprising is that) in Denmark for the attacks yesterday.

Today this hacker group was going to attack Amazon, but their press release was that they didn't: "have the forces" and so were going to go for PayPal. To me that spells: "they arrested one of our primary operators". Sounds like this group may be decapitated.