View Full Version : Went to a CLEVELAND CAVALIERS game last night

12-09-10, 12:14
Background for the story: My company sponsors Big Brother's/Big Sister's. At the end of the year, they hold a Gala where everyone gets dressed up, has dinner and bids on all kinds of things (jewelry, vacation packages, etc).

I was too sick to attend so my wife went without me. She comes back with 4 box seat tickets to the Cavs VS Bulls game. While I am not a big NBA fan, I have watched the Cavs on TV a few times. My 6yr old though is HUGE fan, knows all the players by name and number. So he was really excited about going.

So last night we made the 1.3hr drive to Cleveland.

Now I have not been to Cleveland since I joined the NAV. My biggest question is, why would anyone live there????

The seats came with a waitress (which was really cool) and she brought us anything we wanted. The Arena was also very clean and nice I thought.

Ok, now for the part that I don't understand (and maybe you folks help me out). Here is the question:

95% of the crowd was white. Why do they ONLY play hard core rap music?? I understand that I am not going to hear them play Country, but how about some rock? Classic rock even would have been nice. There is only so much rap a white guy (like me) can handle. So that really got old.

This above question also applies to the Steelers game I went to last month. The majority of the crowd was white and the majority of the music was rap. WTF??

Thoughts on these athletes (NFL and NBA). It is amazing how fast these guys move. Watching it on TV really doesn't do them justice. For instance, the Bulls guard Rose (who is listed as 6'3) moves like a guy that is 5'9. Amazing to watch him play.
Tom Brady of the Patriots throws a ball that is smokin fast and the accuracy that this guy has is unbelievable.

Pic of my son and I at the Cavs game.


12-09-10, 12:19
Couldnt give you an answer about the music but I agree with watching athletes in person. When the Cavs came to Phx last year I went. Some of those guys are insanely fast and agile for their size. Lebron James is incredibly fast for being nearly 7 feet tall.

12-09-10, 12:47
They do have some pretty decent shows in between quarters and timeouts. How did you do with all the snow they got up there?

12-09-10, 12:51
Like it or not Rap is the music that the teens and 20 somethings want to hear. They are trying to sell the NFL and NBA as a pop culture brand. They could play Rock but most of the groups that they would play for rallies and motivation are old groups. I know they played some AC/DC (30 + years in the biz) at least once during the game. Not to make you feel old but most of the popular rock groups have been around 20 plus years. That makes rap more hip and appealing because the artist are mostly young. I hope this answer passes muster.

12-09-10, 12:54
It's a "culture" thing not a "race" thing.

Race topics always seem to be popular here. Not a complaint, just an observation.


12-09-10, 13:02
It is a sure sign you need to go to a hockey game... Last game I heard Metallica, Judas Priest, Steel Dragon (look them up), Led Zeppelin, and a bunch of new rock as well.

12-09-10, 13:31
They do have some pretty decent shows in between quarters and timeouts. How did you do with all the snow they got up there?

I drove my Tundra (4WD) and it did fantastic. There were cars and semi trucks stuck everywhere and we just drove on past them. :D


12-09-10, 13:34
It's a "culture" thing not a "race" thing.

Race topics always seem to be popular here. Not a complaint, just an observation.


I guess what I fail to realize is that white people really do like Rap. I personally do not have any friends that do, but guess I need to realize it.

My thread isn't about race, but about the fact that the majority of the folks at the game were 30+, white and working a white collar job. My guess is that their interest in "Gangsta Rap" is very low.


12-09-10, 13:35
It is a sure sign you need to go to a hockey game... Last game I heard Metallica, Judas Priest, Steel Dragon (look them up), Led Zeppelin, and a bunch of new rock as well.

Ya, I used to go to the Admiral's games in Hampton Roads all the time. A lot of AC/DC and Metallica.


12-09-10, 13:39
Ok, now for the part that I don't understand (and maybe you folks help me out). Here is the question:

95% of the crowd was white. Why do they ONLY play hard core rap music?? I understand that I am not going to hear them play Country, but how about some rock? Classic rock even would have been nice. There is only so much rap a white guy (like me) can handle. So that really got old.

First, its simply the most popular music right now.

Second, suburban white people are the biggest consumers of gangster rap.

12-09-10, 13:42
First, its simply the most popular music right now.

Second, suburban white people are the biggest consumers of gangster rap.

That is funny. I can see it in the 20yr olds, but not the Doctors and Lawyers sitting in the $200 dollar seats around me.


12-09-10, 13:45
Damn, you stick out like a sore thumb in that crowd as a real tactical kind of dude! Thought by now with all your training you would know to blend in a little better.

Next time wear a hoodie and some Nike shoes. Most importantly make sure your pants are hanging just at the crack of your ass and your boxers are showing.

My problem with going there is leaving all my shit in the car in a place where I am going to need it the most.

Taking your boy or boys to sporting events has to be one of the best parts about being a Dad. Second only to hunting and shooting with them.

Glad you made it out of the jungle alive.

12-09-10, 13:54
Damn, you stick out like a sore thumb in that crowd as a real tactical kind of dude! Thought by now with all your training you would know to blend in a little better.

Next time wear a hoodie and some Nike shoes. Most importantly make sure your pants are hanging just at the crack of your ass and your boxers are showing.

My problem with going there is leaving all my shit in the car in a place where I am going to need it the most.

Taking your boy or boys to sporting events has to be one of the best parts about being a Dad. Second only to hunting and shooting with them.

Glad you made it out of the jungle alive.

LOL, you are right. I did not fit in (in Clev). I was wearing a Merrell fleece, Merrell shoes and a Blackwater hat. :D

We are in one of the connected parking garages so it seemed fairly safe. Once you leave it though, it is time to have your HG available.


12-09-10, 13:59
LOL rap.

You weren't hearing any rap music. Rap hasn't been mainstream for more than a decade and just doesn't get played as much anymore. You were most likely listening to typical hip-hop "club music" that just loves to pollute the radio these days.

12-09-10, 15:17
That is funny. I can see it in the 20yr olds, but not the Doctors and Lawyers sitting in the $200 dollar seats around me.


You'd be surprised.

It's been arround in force since the 80's. I know 40-something, upper middle class housewives and their stockbroker husbands that love the stuff.

And this...

You were most likely listening to typical hip-hop "club music" that just loves to pollute the radio these days.

12-09-10, 15:51
How did Lebron do? Oh. wait...

12-09-10, 16:05
How did Lebron do? Oh. wait...

Now that is just plain mean! :cray:

12-09-10, 18:02
Great pic dad!!! Sounds like you guys had some good father son time. Relish it (as I am sure you do) they grow up fast! My son is a senior in HS and I even with him at the state smart kid school three hours away I am a wreck thinking about him going off to college.

As for the music... It reminds me of all the times "YMCA" is played at rodeos. That is the most gay song about being gay and sung by a group of gay men that ever existed. I have been around a lot of cowboys and have yet to meet one who was gay...


12-09-10, 20:09
Not too sound racist, but I think the NBA went to far integrating Hip Hop(Rap) and basketball. It turned me off on the sport. I remember watching the Celtics in the 80's with Bird, McHale and Parrish. IMO way to much Rap and inner city gang overtones in the sport now.

12-09-10, 21:03
I think a big part of it is that's the music that the players like. As for the crowd, that's a large part of our crowd at the nightclub and that's the type of music we play, watered down gangsta rap or whatever it's called these days. It's hilarious to me, watching these pussies, most of whom haven't been in anything resembling a fight in their life, acting like the hardest gangster in the world when their favorite song comes on. After All Star Weekend here in Vegas and the hell on earth that it was for those of us who work in casinos, the entire NBA can take a long walk off a short pier as far as I'm concerned. Don't get me started on Lakers fans either.

12-09-10, 21:15
It's hilarious to me, watching these pussies, most of whom haven't been in anything resembling a fight in their life, acting like the hardest gangster in the world when their favorite song comes on.

lol, I see these types. ****ers can't enjoy music for what it is.

Damn shame.

12-09-10, 21:42
My biggest question is, why would anyone live there????

Because we all make poor, poor life choices.

Glad you made it alright with that snowstorm we had. Between the game and the storm, I knew a lot of people working downtown who had to wait till 10 PM to leave the city and a lot of people living downtown who had to wait until 10 PM to get back in.

But generally speaking, people up here can't drive for shit. Flurries start falling and people in big SUVs start doing 15 in 35 zones. I mean, some of the roads got seriously nasty, but Clevelanders can't tell the differences between snow on the grass and snow on the road so the second anything white starts falling from the sky it's like ice road truckers even though the roads are clear and dry as could be. And today, when all the roads have been plowed and everything left on them has melted off, people are still driving like they're in the middle of a goddamn blizzard. (Made worse by the fact that none of them turn their headlights on and, those who do, usually have a headlight or a taillight out).

They're the same way with rain.

ETA: Me, I use my car's complete lack of traction to make my turns sharper and scare the ever-loving shit out of the people behind me :).

12-09-10, 21:46
Because we all make poor, poor life choices.

That is ok though, you still have time to make good decisions...

12-09-10, 21:50
That is ok though, you still have time to make good decisions...

I'm going to Afghanistan to escape Cleveland. I think that counts as a good decision right there.

12-09-10, 21:51
It is not the easiest way, but I am glad to see you making the proper steps to leave that state.

12-09-10, 22:02
I don't listen to much rap myself Grant and I'm black so I agree it isn't a race thing. While most of the popular artist are 20 something the doctors sitting behind you probably were listening to NWA, Public Enemy, and other groups 20 years ago while they were in college. So they can tolerate the new garbage that passes as rap art these days. I don't listen to rap because I have kids and I don't want my daughters to listen to bitch this and bitch that. After all, our generation is passing along more than enough with the high national debt. So my kids are stuck with Led Zeppelin, Alice in Chains, and Pearl Jam when I listen to music. More importantly my kids get to listen to conservative talk radio while they roll with the old man. Perfect time to educate them about politics and life in general.

That is funny. I can see it in the 20yr olds, but not the Doctors and Lawyers sitting in the $200 dollar seats around me.


12-09-10, 22:52
Grant, I am glad you got a chance to go with your son. He will remember that forever.

12-09-10, 23:04
It is a sure sign you need to go to a hockey game... Last game I heard Metallica, Judas Priest, Steel Dragon (look them up), Led Zeppelin, and a bunch of new rock as well.

Yep - and you ain't SEEN fast, 'til you see guys the size OF pro football players, do it on ice. :eek: The NEW Igloo is pretty schweet, too. :cool:

12-10-10, 09:06
I don't listen to much rap myself Grant and I'm black so I agree it isn't a race thing. While most of the popular artist are 20 something the doctors sitting behind you probably were listening to NWA, Public Enemy, and other groups 20 years ago while they were in college. So they can tolerate the new garbage that passes as rap art these days. I don't listen to rap because I have kids and I don't want my daughters to listen to bitch this and bitch that. After all, our generation is passing along more than enough with the high national debt. So my kids are stuck with Led Zeppelin, Alice in Chains, and Pearl Jam when I listen to music. More importantly my kids get to listen to conservative talk radio while they roll with the old man. Perfect time to educate them about politics and life in general.

You are probably right. I wouldn't have a problem with the music they played if it wasn't for the fact that they are talking about "slappin bitches and pointing their gun at their girlfriend." :rolleyes:


12-10-10, 09:07
Grant, I am glad you got a chance to go with your son. He will remember that forever.

He had a great time for sure. I asked him if he liked the game in person better than on TV and he got all excited and said "IN PERSON!"


12-10-10, 13:18
He had a great time for sure. I asked him if he liked the game in person better than on TV and he got all excited and said "IN PERSON!"


I still remember my first Cowboys game at Texas Stadium with my dad. Still one of my all time favorite days. My dad is still one of my closest friends.

12-10-10, 17:18
Steel Dragon

They played steel dragon???? Like the fake band from the movie rock star???? Id rather listen to those fake songs then most real artists on the radio. Zakk Wylde played guitar and Jeff Pilson played bass, but i have no clue who was on drums or vox.

12-10-10, 17:21
That is correct. At first I thought it was a Pittsburgh thing because the movie was based in the greatest city in the USA, but I heard it on a broadcast from some other NHL game as well. Hockey tends to have more rock.

12-10-10, 20:48
Maybe I should take my brood to a Spurs game before I leave San Antonio for Killeen. I'm on a six month countdown to a 12 month vacation in the 'Stan and I guess it is time to do all of those things that I have been putting off.

He had a great time for sure. I asked him if he liked the game in person better than on TV and he got all excited and said "IN PERSON!"


12-10-10, 21:07
I attend Cardinals games a few times a year, very little rap music, most of it is rock.