View Full Version : Which Congress Creature do you find most irritating?

12-10-10, 11:04
For me it is Anthony Weiner:





12-10-10, 12:01
Every single one of them! They need to be drug out of that building by their shirt collars, and thrown in jail. Even the ones that were just elected. All of them!!!

12-10-10, 12:03
Yeah - Weiner-boy & Shithead Schumer seem to be cut from the same cloth. :rolleyes: Must be something about New Yawk lawyers...

12-10-10, 13:08
Every single one of them! They need to be drug out of that building by their shirt collars, and thrown in jail. Even the ones that were just elected. All of them!!!

Agreed, but jail would not suffice; put them in glass cages in front of Congress and keep them just barely alive whilst humiliating them constantly, and then I bet the new congressmen/woman wouldn't be so quick to go back to the old ways...

12-10-10, 13:46
Agreed, but jail would not suffice; put them in glass cages in front of Congress and keep them just barely alive whilst humiliating them constantly, and then I bet the new congressmen/woman wouldn't be so quick to go back to the old ways...

Well I wasn't going to say it but... :)

Thomas Jefferson would be ashamed of the American People right now.

Suwannee Tim
12-10-10, 17:41
I think the new House should adopt a rule: If a member kills another member with bare hands he receives a reprimand for the first offense and a censure for the second offense. Under that rule this Anthony Weiner chap might last 15 minutes.

One thing I have heard about lawyering, if the facts favor you, argue the facts, if the law favors you, argue the law, if neither favor you, scream and yell. Representative Weiner clearly has neither the facts or the law in his favor.

12-10-10, 17:44
Is it okay to say Ron Paul has been lately...?

<ducks head and looks for cover>

12-10-10, 20:31
Is it okay to say Ron Paul has been lately...?

<ducks head and looks for cover>

Maybe if you back it up with reasons why. I find him to be just about the only one that is tolerable.

12-10-10, 20:40
Maybe if you back it up with reasons why. I find him to be just about the only one that is tolerable.

This was the latest.

I am not going to get into a Fed or Ron Paul argument on the internet. The question was posed and I answered it candidly. There is a lot I like about RP but there are also parts of his ideology that I differ with.

12-10-10, 21:42
Nancy Reed. A pee in two pods.

12-10-10, 22:47
Upchuck Schumer is my least favorite.

12-11-10, 05:55
all of them but here's what sticks out in my tiny little pea brain
"we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it"
"the fact is, unemployment compensation creates jobs"

that one guy that said
"you got these people telling you to read the bill, it's 2,000 pages......"

WAIT ONE SECOND, I thought it was Congress' job to write the laws, not pass laws that written by someone else that give more power to the executive branch to define the laws as quite a few bills have been wworded lately :confused:

12-11-10, 10:09
Maybe if you back it up with reasons why. I find him to be just about the only one that is tolerable.


12-11-10, 11:02
that one guy that said
"you got these people telling you to read the bill, it's 2,000 pages......"

I think that's John Conyers. Pretty much every incumbent big name democrat has disgusted me completely at this point. I'm sure the rest will shortly.

Republicans aren't a whole hell of a lot better.

12-11-10, 11:08
Currently I am pissed at Boehner, he gets to be in charge of the upcoming majority, based on people not wanting more of the same. Then the dipshit goes and appoints two more of the same folks to major positions.

Suwannee Tim
12-11-10, 11:46
Representative Paul Ryan is a fine fellow. I am pleased with my Representative Cliff Stearns. There are other good Republicans, particularly in the new class.

12-11-10, 11:55
Most of them.

My siter's father in law ( he is some sort of very low level judge --- administrative or something ) had an interesting idea. Go back to the original representation ratios that were set ( people per representative ) originally and as the population increases add in more representatives instead of changing the ratio. So instead of 435 reps still representing up to millions each, we would have some thousand reps. He thinks would get more citizen type legilslators this way and it would severly dilute the money from lobbyists etc and more people would actually know the reps personally as they would likely come from your local community.

12-11-10, 12:08

Weiner tops my list now that Grayson is a short-timer...

12-11-10, 14:47
Weiner bothers me because no one pounds him or calls him back on his antics. Even Megyn Kelly the other day was playing soft ball while he was playing MLB.

Grayson used to be the worse but he has about a month left.

So Ill just have to go with whichever one at the moment is talking about some sob story about someone no ones as the reason why we have to pass XYZ to the tune of billions of dollars. I hate that shit with a passion. Everyone in this country has something going on in their lives at any given point. Do we need to pass a law and spend billions because someone had something go wrong in their lives?

12-11-10, 15:50
I gotta go with Pelosi for obvious reasons. And the little turd with glasses on the republican side who's always on TV spouting BS, i forget his name.

12-11-10, 15:52
I gotta go with Pelosi for obvious reasons. And the little turd with glasses on the republican side who's always on TV spouting BS, i forget his name.


12-11-10, 20:42
yep, thats the guy! he just strikes me as a smarmy little sh*t :D

12-11-10, 20:45
yep, thats the guy! he just strikes me as a smarmy little sh*t :D

Do you not like jews? :p

12-11-10, 21:04
i hate all equally. :D

12-12-10, 00:12
yep, thats the guy! he just strikes me as a smarmy little sh*t :D

Perhaps one of the first things you've said on this forum that I completely agree with. Sleazy as hell...yet I haven't seen an interview with him yet that didn't portray him as some sort of rock star.

12-12-10, 00:18
Ya'll just a bunch of anti-semites.....:mad:

12-12-10, 09:31
I like Eric Cantor.

And I really like John Boehner's handsome suntan. ;););)

12-12-10, 10:15
Where to begin...

Gutshot John
12-12-10, 11:38
Where to begin...


If you put a gun to my head I'd have to go with my own. Mike Doyle.

Suwannee Tim
12-12-10, 16:58
I would have nominated Corrine Brown representing Florida's Third Congressional Homeland as I formerly lived in her district. But, it happens that she and I are members of the same gym and I have spoken to her while lounging in the hot tub. We didn't talk about politics which would have pointless but about other things. She is a nice person, hard to despise a nice person. She once brought to the gym her guest, Representative Maxine Waters who I briefly chatted with. Yikes! She is not nice! I'll leave it at that.

12-12-10, 17:24
As mentioned, I also believe Anthony Weiner has surpassed Nancy Pelosi as the most hated democrat. That hateful, spiteful, literal pencil-necked geek gets under my skin like no other.

12-12-10, 21:20
Maybe if you back it up with reasons why. I find him to be just about the only one that is tolerable.

Yea I totally tolerated when his brown shirt security guard stomped that 100 pound girl's head into a curb with the heal of his shoe. Totally tolerable!!!

12-13-10, 14:26
Yea I totally tolerated when his brown shirt security guard stomped that 100 pound girl's head into a curb with the heal of his shoe. Totally tolerable!!!

You're a generation off. That was Rand Paul...and he weathered that pretty well. I like him(although not that incident)...he's like his dad but less prone to saying crap that spooks or confuses people.

If we're going with ones we dislike but saying so may create a shitstorm, I've had my fill of Palin for a few years now.

12-13-10, 17:26
Anyone with a (D) next to their name.

12-14-10, 03:37
Whichever of them didnt die this week....

12-14-10, 12:45
Pretty much all of them, but as a South Carolinian, Lindsay Graham really tics me off.