View Full Version : This tax deal is a swindle

12-11-10, 08:28
It is just a bigger stimulus!

When will they cut spending in Washington?


12-11-10, 08:33

12-11-10, 08:38
Repubs in the Senate should kill it and then Repus in the House can write a better bill in Jan.

Such as a bill which actually cuts taxes AND cuts spending by a greater amount. [Hint: Dissolve dept Energy, dept Education, HUD, ATF, dept Labor, etc.]

12-11-10, 08:49
Republicans are (the current ones in Washington) are part of the problem! Kill it in the Senate? We can only hope!


12-11-10, 09:07
Rush's take:


12-11-10, 13:06
Anyone wanna take a bet spending never goes back to 2008 levels in the next 4 years? Natural disaster, attack, implosion, ect not included..

12-11-10, 13:43
collecctively we are getting hosed.

12-11-10, 14:05
You mean they lied to us....again.


12-11-10, 14:30
Props to Bernie Sanders for filibustering this dog turd.

12-12-10, 23:55
Props to Bernie Sanders for filibustering this dog turd.

For the wrong reasons, but yeah.

12-13-10, 10:36
You mean they lied to us....again.


Yea who would of guessed. I thought everyone sent a message to Washington in November??? Guess not.

12-13-10, 10:44
The message was sent and received; however, sadly, We didn't send the correct message.

We all know what it takes to get governments to change drastically, it aint no letter writing campaign, and doesn't happen in the voting booth.

Until we draw a physical line in the sand and say "No more" stand up and reclaim or republic; this is going to continue down the road to nowhere and eventually the USA will be lost for good or fragmented severly.

12-13-10, 11:03
The message was sent and received; however, sadly, We didn't send the correct message.

We all know what it takes to get governments to change drastically, it aint no letter writing campaign, and doesn't happen in the voting booth.

Until we draw a physical line in the sand and say "No more" stand up and reclaim or republic; this is going to continue down the road to nowhere and eventually the USA will be lost for good or fragmented severly.

Agreed completely. It is becoming apparent (maybe it has been apparent to those of you that grew up in the 60's and 70'3 too, but I don't know), that we the people can yell all we want regarding political change, but unless there is a line drawn nothing will happen.

I'm under the impression having actually looked outside my own little secure box in the last 10 years that the wants and needs of the American People span party lines, and the frustration is equally spread across the populace. People are waking up to the fact that Government has no interest in protecting this nation, providing for it's future, or creating stability. It is literally a Kleptocracy.

What saddens me the most though is that people actually think one of two Party's will come in and change what is going on. They'll fight to the death, use ignorant sources of information, and literally lock their heads in a cloud in an effort to convince themselves that things are going to go back to normal.

I have a friend who grew up in South America during the Cold War. He can illustrate very vividly how the tactics being utilized by power in the United States are the same as those used in South America in order to allow the elite to rape and pillage the coffers of a nation.

They're going to tell you exactly what you want to hear, and they'll do it with a smile on their face and a twinkle in their eye.

The question is are you going to wake up one day with a dead country and go "what the ****?", or are you actually concerned enough to try and save it?

Gutshot John
12-13-10, 11:06
So how many of you are willing to see your taxes go up in order to make this stand?

What's the more important principle? tax cuts? or fiscal discipline? You can't really have both. If you notice Krauthammer's article doesn't lament this kind of stimulus only that it came two years too late.

The cut is the best hope that the economy will pick up and so will revenues while a tax hike involved would probably slay what remains of this anemic recovery and lead to increased fiscal problems. It's interrelated.

The political cost as well (since most Americans don't share your principled perspective) is similarly a hard hit for any politician to take. I'd bet the political cost for making the deal is significantly less than not making it...especially come April 15th.

I know I can't afford it but if one of you gents is willing to make up the difference I'll join your cause.

That's not to say I'm entirely happy with things. The tax cuts should have been made permanent but Rome wasn't built in a day. Any expectation that it should is misinformed.

12-13-10, 12:27
so basically taxes are staying the same but unemployment benefits are continuing for another year (up to 3 years total now, sounds like welfare).

increased spending FTW

Gutshot John
12-13-10, 12:29
so basically taxes are staying the same but unemployment benefits are continuing for another year (up to 3 years total now, sounds like welfare).

increased spending FTW

I don't disagree with the welfare assessment, but the consequences of a tax hike would be more severe than the spending involved with unemployment.

12-13-10, 13:11
paying people not to work isnt a good way to reduce the unemployment. Theres now hiring signs all over the place for low paying jobs, but they cant get filled. Why take this low paying job when I dont have to do anything for up to 3 years because of Uncle Sugar and get my $300/week. Heck even if that person was offered $400/week for a job your basically doing work for an extra $100, not worth it.

12-13-10, 13:38
I think that at some point the UNemployment payments should become a loan or be for community trash removal, you know?

The Repubs could have held out and made it retroactive.