View Full Version : Watching Boondock Saints now...

12-12-10, 19:55
It's a classic and should be watched at least once a month.;)

Talking to a fat girl on the couch: "Shut your fat ****in mouth! I should be able to go buy a pack of cigarettes without running into nine guys you ****ed!":p

12-12-10, 20:46
While the gun handling is typical John Woo movie crap, at least they have a fairly graphic demonstration of why you shouldn't get stinking drunk and play with pistols...

12-12-10, 20:48
"like 7-11, we may not be working, but we're always open"

12-12-10, 20:57
If you like that find a copy of "The way of the gun", great movie:big_boss:

12-12-10, 20:58
Great movies.

BTW: You got the line wrong. ''SHUT YOUR FAT ASS RAVIE!''

12-12-10, 21:02
The cineamaphotogaphy in that part is great. Dafoe makes that movie. Very Dexter in the end. Blues Brothers on a different kind of mission from God.

12-12-10, 21:14
Love this movie. One of the best. I have heard not to even come within spitting distance of the sequel though, lest I become extremely mad.

12-12-10, 21:22
The sequel was horrid; save your money!!

12-12-10, 21:37
Great movies.

BTW: You got the line wrong. ''SHUT YOUR FAT ASS RAVIE!''


"I can't buy a pack of cigarettes without running into nine guys you ****ed!"

One of the classic movie insults of all time.

12-12-10, 22:36
"What if it was one guy with six guns..." :sarcastic:

12-12-10, 23:27
If you like that find a copy of "The way of the gun", great movie:big_boss:

I liked the gun handling in way of the gun, and some of the acting is very good, but the story itself is strange and I found it hard to like any of the characters.

12-13-10, 00:44
I liked the gun handling in way of the gun, and some of the acting is very good, but the story itself is strange and I found it hard to like any of the characters.

Other than the .308 Galil making perfectly in-line holes in the wall, WotG was pretty well done. If you look closely, you can see Del Toro clearing a malfunction from his pump gun in one of the early fight scenes.

BTW, I found a copy of WotG in the $5 bargain bin at Wally World.

12-13-10, 02:18
Not to swindle Boondock here, but if you have the DVD of WotG, you have to watch it with the Directors commentary (and the music guy also IIRC) audio track. I learned stuff about the movie that my slow brain didn't catch by just watching it.

12-13-10, 08:11
"Why don't you let me do the thinkin, genius...":sarcastic:

"What if it was one guy with six guns..." :sarcastic:

12-13-10, 15:24
If you like that find a copy of "The way of the gun", great movie:big_boss:

Disclaimer-video has explicit lyrics


from youtube comments "The only proper way to treat Sarah Silverman"

I friggin love this movie

12-13-10, 15:32
FBI Agent Smecker:
"Brilliant. So now we got a huge guy theory, and a serial crusher theory. Top notch. What's your name?"

-Quotes not in sequence-

Doc: "He left me his c-c-c... He left me his c-c-c... Oh, he ****ing gave me this. ****! Ass!"

Not realistic with the guns/tactics and all, but I like the Boondock saints, very entertaining; and some memorable quotes for sure!

12-13-10, 15:34
If you like that find a copy of "The way of the gun", great movie:big_boss:

Great recomendation. Benecio Del Toro rocks in way of the gun, I hate Ryan phillipe, but I can actually tolerate him in way of the gun; especially when he knocks the shit out of Sarah Silvermans character; one of the top five best punches in a movie ever!

12-13-10, 17:40
Other than the .308 Galil making perfectly in-line holes in the wall, WotG was pretty well done. If you look closely, you can see Del Toro clearing a malfunction from his pump gun in one of the early fight scenes.

Yeah, Like I said I like the gun handling, I like the fight scenes, and some of the acting/dialogue is great. I just didn't care for the plot much... (Spoilers follow)

...the fact that the two "protagonists" are kidnapping a pregnant woman for ransom, the inplausibility of what seems like two career criminals having that level of skill with weapons, etc.

...especially when he knocks the shit out of Sarah Silvermans character; one of the top five best punches in a movie ever!

IIRC Sarah Silverman's character is "Raving Bitch" in the credits. Fits her in reality IMO as well.


12-13-10, 19:25
Who cares, it was funny....get a life why don't you.:rolleyes:

Great movies.

BTW: You got the line wrong. ''SHUT YOUR FAT ASS RAVIE!''

12-14-10, 11:29
One of my favorite movies of all time!

*After the cat scene*

"Is it dead. . . ?"

The second one was "ehhh". Seemed like they tried to make it more funny than action. While that chick was hot, she couldn't hold a candle to Smecker / Dafoe *Edit before someone gets fresh :) * for acting skills. She beats him in the hotness department by a mile.