View Full Version : Taxes

12-14-10, 09:25
Income tax
Sales tax
Property tax
Gasoline tax
Telephone tax
Highway tax (tires)
Car tax (by state)
Tobacco tax
Excise tax

What did we have that revolution for, anyway?


12-14-10, 11:08
We were actually better off under British rule.....which is why I find 4th of July celebrations sorta humorous :)

12-14-10, 11:15
We were actually better off under British rule.....which is why I find 4th of July celebrations sorta humorous :)
Right. Because the British never taxed us for gasoline or automobiles or telephone, nor did they ever apply sales tax to online purchases.

And I'm sure they wouldn't apply those taxes today, right? I mean, most of those European countries tax their citizens far less than we do and they're in far better financial shape than we are...


12-14-10, 12:19
The Government just spent a trillion dollars - is your life any better for it?

Get angry, get active.

12-14-10, 12:40
The Government just spent a trillion dollars - is your life any better for it?

Get angry, get active.

Half of its how much they spend and the other half is what they spend it on.

12-14-10, 12:45
inflation tax

12-14-10, 13:50
How much of it is going to entitlements? That is what really pisses me off.....

12-14-10, 14:21
The Government just spent a trillion dollars - is your life any better for it?

Get angry, get active.

I got the angry part down. Need help with the active part

12-14-10, 14:25
Representation was the key...

It wasn't so much the tax, but the fact that the Colonists had absolutely no say in the matter.

We only have pseudo-representation now. If anyone really feels (D or R) that their reps are doing the job of representing them, I would be shocked.

The people in Congress are so out of touch with real life, it's appalling. I do like how the VA Congress meets for a portion of the year, but most of them have a real job and real life outside the Congress.

12-14-10, 14:59
Representation was the key...

We only have pseudo-representation now. If anyone really feels (D or R) that their reps are doing the job of representing them, I would be shocked.

This is a major problem. The congresscritters are not scared of the voters throwing them out. They know that it's unlikely their actions will be remembered at the next voting cycle, and doubly so when far too many people vote by party instead of carefully examining each candidate.

12-14-10, 15:41
Representation was the key...

It wasn't so much the tax, but the fact that the Colonists had absolutely no say in the matter.

We only have pseudo-representation now. If anyone really feels (D or R) that their reps are doing the job of representing them, I would be shocked.

The people in Congress are so out of touch with real life, it's appalling. I do like how the VA Congress meets for a portion of the year, but most of them have a real job and real life outside the Congress.

Bingo. Taxes aren't the issue at this point, it's about the elected officials not representing those who elected them.

Thanks for putting the thread back on track. I'm about a libertarian as they come, but seeing tens upon tens of posts that do nothing but complain about government without having a historically-based foundation gets pretty tiring.

12-14-10, 16:27
We were actually better off under British rule.....which is why I find 4th of July celebrations sorta humorous :)

What do you base this on?

12-14-10, 16:51
Income tax
Sales tax
Property tax
Gasoline tax
Telephone tax
Highway tax (tires)
Car tax (by state)
Tobacco tax
Excise tax

What did we have that revolution for, anyway?


A flat tax would be nice I admit. We could save tons of money right off the bat by not needing tax attorney's.

12-14-10, 16:54
How much of it is going to entitlements? That is what really pisses me off.....

I support some social programs but I will admit it sickens me to see the number of people I deal with that are unemployed and have never worked in their life getting a free place to stay, food stamps and other benefits. I support these programs for those who are down on their luck and who need help getting back in the work force. But they do need to get back in the work force. That is the problem. the current system we have encourages people to stay on welfare.

12-14-10, 16:57
A flat tax would be nice I admit. We could save tons of money right off the bat by not needing tax attorney's.

The Fair tax would be better

12-14-10, 17:06
The Fair tax would be better

Not familiar with it.

12-14-10, 17:21
I support some social programs but I will admit it sickens me to see the number of people I deal with that are unemployed and have never worked in their life getting a free place to stay, food stamps and other benefits. I support these programs for those who are down on their luck and who need help getting back in the work force. But they do need to get back in the work force. That is the problem. the current system we have encourages people to stay on welfare.

That societal function was served by charity, until the state decided it should take over. There is an excellent book on the issue, but I dont have it handy. Basically, the down on their luck people were taken care of, but they had to do other work for the local community in exchange. The change is fairly recent.


12-14-10, 17:28
Not familiar with it.

1. Eliminate the IRS, income tax, manufacturing and excise taxes and the like

2. Institute a national sales tax, somewhere along the order of 23% in place of the taxes. This means everyone who buys goods pays taxes, whether they earned their income legitimately or not. And people who buy big ticket items (like luxury yachts and private jets) will pay tax on those very expensive items.

3. Give every person or family a fixed amount monthly to recover the tax amount they would have paid on basic necessities (in other words, it would make basic living goods tax free)


You've probably heard campaign ads run by politicians accusing their opposition of wanting to raise the sales tax "So-and-so wants to raise sales taxes by 23%!"...this is the leftist/RHINO slam on fair tax supporters. Naturally, these type of attack ads don't even talk about the elimination of income tax and such.

lethal dose
12-14-10, 17:30
Of all taxes, property tax burns me up the most.

12-14-10, 17:30
That societal function was served by charity, until the state decided it should take over. There is an excellent book on the issue, but I dont have it handy. Basically, the down on their luck people were taken care of, but they had to do other work for the local community in exchange. The change is fairly recent.


Fedgov is sucking up power and responsibility for the country out of the hands it has always naturally laid in. Used to be once your parents go to a certain age you took care of them. Now they have to have their own home, SS payments, medicaid, ect. We spend an exorbitant amount of money on caring for a relatively small portion of the population. Its sucking the life out of the country and any reason anyone has to really succeed in life.

I just know we are ****ed when there are constantly commercials on TV for medical products paid for by medicare. Its such a booming industry they have commercials on how to get "free shit" from the gov?

12-14-10, 17:41

$1.1T spending bill!


12-14-10, 17:55
Half of its how much they spend and the other half is what they spend it on.

And the third half is how much we borrow.. If we just stuck with two halves we'd be OK, its the third half that is kicking our asses.

12-14-10, 18:17
Of all taxes, property tax burns me up the most.

I agree. You brought it, and now you have to pay the state to not come and take it from you.

12-14-10, 18:39
Not familiar with it.

Avenger29 just gave the most abriviated description of it that I have heard, but it is on point. It is the most heavely researched piece of legislation in US history but its ont fatal flaw is that it takes a great deal of power and control from the Federal gov so the politicians dont want to pass it. The 2 best books on the subject are "Fair Tax" and "Fair Tax, answering the critics" both by Neal Boortz. They are a pretty quick and easy read, but very good in explaining the idea.

12-14-10, 19:12
1. Eliminate the IRS, income tax, manufacturing and excise taxes and the like

2. Institute a national sales tax, somewhere along the order of 23% in place of the taxes. This means everyone who buys goods pays taxes, whether they earned their income legitimately or not. And people who buy big ticket items (like luxury yachts and private jets) will pay tax on those very expensive items.

3. Give every person or family a fixed amount monthly to recover the tax amount they would have paid on basic necessities (in other words, it would make basic living goods tax free)


You've probably heard campaign ads run by politicians accusing their opposition of wanting to raise the sales tax "So-and-so wants to raise sales taxes by 23%!"...this is the leftist/RHINO slam on fair tax supporters. Naturally, these type of attack ads don't even talk about the elimination of income tax and such.

Fair tax imho is the best solution... but it will never happen. The thieves in charge would lose power, can't have that.

12-14-10, 19:15
Originally Posted by lethal dose: Of all taxes, property tax burns me up the most.

I agree. You brought it, and now you have to pay the state to not come and take it from you.

With the housing market down, we were just notified our property value went up, quite a bit, we are looking to pay more after the first of year. I think they are doing this deliberately to cover the revenue losses of foreclosures etc. Crooks all of them.