View Full Version : Secret Santa gift recommendations for Soldier stationed AFG

12-15-10, 17:05
$25 limit but willing to spend up to $50. I was thinking Magpul stuff is always welcome, what else should I get? I'm planning on shopping online and having the vendor ship to AFG. Ideas please!

12-15-10, 17:10
Smartwool socks of SOF brand insoles.foot powder

12-15-10, 17:26
+1 on the socks or insoles. The best thing you can buy a soldier is something they'll use or something to bring a smile to his/her face.

Phone cards and non-perishable treats (pop tarts, etc) go a long way to raising morale. I know if I was back over there and could call home for 20 minutes while eating a S'mores pop tart...I'd be happy for a week.

12-15-10, 17:37
Any vendors that will ship such treats? It's getting down to the wire, I'd like to get it in the mail tomorrow.