View Full Version : TSA fails to find loaded Glock in Iranian's carry on.

12-16-10, 21:29
I guess they were distracted by a girl with nice boobies going through the nudie scanner.

Gaping Holes in Airline Security: Loaded Gun Slips Past TSA Screeners

Last fall, as he had done hundreds of times, Iranian-American businessman Farid Seif passed through security at a Houston airport and boarded an international flight.

He didn't realize he had forgotten to remove the loaded snub nose "baby" Glock pistol from his computer bag. But TSA officers never noticed as his bag glided along the belt and was x-rayed. When he got to his hotel after the three-hour flight, he was shocked to discover the gun traveled unnoticed from Houston.


12-16-10, 21:34
Saw that on the evening news tonite as I was flipping channels. When pressed for a comment, the head of TSA Operations replied...


12-16-10, 21:38
What a surprise. :rolleyes:

12-16-10, 21:39
If it was unnoticed, how did it end up on the news? Did he report himself? Why would he do that? I suppose if that happened to me, I would UPS the thing back to a dealer back home; I sure wouldn't report myself to the feds!

12-16-10, 21:39
I don't have time to read the article at the moment. Is there any talk of the TSA or DHS filing charges against this guy? They usually do it for spite.

12-16-10, 21:44
I don't have time to read the article at the moment. Is there any talk of the TSA or DHS filing charges against this guy? They usually do it for spite.

The article moves on past him on page one and doesn't mention him again. One of my biggest gripes with news stories is they usually leave more questions than they answer with the biggest and most obvious questions being ignored.

12-16-10, 21:51
If it was unnoticed, how did it end up on the news? Did he report himself? Why would he do that? I suppose if that happened to me, I would UPS the thing back to a dealer back home; I sure wouldn't report myself to the feds!

What I saw on NBC this evening, the guy actually reported the oversight himself when he landed. :eek:

12-16-10, 21:57
Why do you think there are so many instances of these "muslims with oddly configured wire masses" reported...

The TSA misses a lot of stuff. No person, or technology, is perfect. The terrorists are certainly still testing their odds, and likely logging what makes it through a higher % of times without detection and where.

12-16-10, 21:58
In response to this, more gropings I'm sure...

12-16-10, 22:34
In response to this, more gropings I'm sure...

I was thinking forced high pressure showers and cattle prods.

12-16-10, 22:35
had this happen in Bragg one time in 05. The SSG in front of me had an empty mag in his carry on they freeked out. He was a NYS trooper. The guy behind him was a MAJ. When we landed at our final distination the MAJ was looking for something in his bag and out fell 2 loaded mags fo his M9 TSA never saw them they went through the XRAY and everything he was like "I dont feel safe do you"?

12-17-10, 07:58
And they think my bar of soap is C4....

12-17-10, 10:03
And they think my bar of soap is C4....

Well, MY soap IS C4 - screw your 'LAVA, with pumice!' :D

12-17-10, 11:26
And they think my bar of soap is C4....

Only when combined with your shampoo and tooth paste.

12-17-10, 12:13
Well, MY soap IS C4 - screw your 'LAVA, with pumice!' :D

Well played. :laugh:

12-17-10, 12:39
I know a guy who was a TSA supervisor. He gave me some insight on your average TSA screener and management:

For most, the screener job is a temp thing. No one wants to admit wanting to be a lifer. It's a well paid version of a 7-11/Circle K job. Some have aspiration to move onto real LE jobs, but most are in the in-between career jobs.

No TSA employee wants to admit working for TSA out of embarrassment and fear of ridicule. As screeners, even more so. TSA screeners resent the lack of respect they get from the public and management that is out of touch with reality.

Your average TSA screener are not gun people. Many never fired a gun and probably never will.

The hiring process and training is done with a big emphasis on affirmative action and political correctness. Speaking of training, there is no basic academy.

If you get a complaint, it's better that it comes from an old white person, followed by a not old white person, US citizen blacks, and US citizen hispanics. Management will scrutinize any complaint coming from a middle easterner, or any non-spanish speaking foreign traveler of color. The goal is to be impartial, unbiased, and fair when screening travelers. However a complaint from an old white person makes you appear unbiased and impartial. A complaint coming froma middle easterner makes you look like you've racially profiled.

Management is under constant fear or reprisal action from DC level.

The daily goal of every TSA office is to have a trouble free day.

Among screeners some challenge each other to find those nail clippers, razor blades, and more than 3 oz of liquid. Although they are suppose to also look for guns and bombs, that's what they end up focusing on. That and not getting any complaints from anyone other than old white people.

My buddy has said the system is set up for failure. At both the management and employee levels are not staffed by law enforcement types and they are basically doing a law enforcement type job by prevention using ineffective tactics. He said ex-cops in TSA seem to always clash with management and other TSA employees there just to collect a pay check.

He also said people have forgotten what it was like before the TSA screeners. That airports had low paid security, usually illegal aliens, and the airlines footed the bill and thus was under the airline scrutiny which was far worse than what it is today. He says going back to a contract security would be detrimental but TSA needs to change their way of of thinking.

12-17-10, 16:42
He also said people have forgotten what it was like before the TSA screeners. That airports had low paid security, usually illegal aliens, and the airlines footed the bill and thus was under the airline scrutiny which was far worse than what it is today.

Sorry to be abrupt but where in the **** did he come up with this amazing statistic? I've been flying my entire life, and I don't really remember "illegal aliens" being baggage screeners. In fact I remember several times flying pre Sept 11th where there were on duty local police officers at every security check point while airport personal manned the screening process.

I am so sick of people re-writing history. Especially when they throw in words like "illegal aliens" in order to pull at the emotions of the target audience for their lies.

12-17-10, 17:12
The illegal alien part is true. The Bush admin. made one of the big airline security contractors fire a whole bunch of illegal alien workers. I assume they were Mexicans, but






Musl** ???

12-17-10, 22:22
Sorry to be abrupt but where in the **** did he come up with this amazing statistic? I've been flying my entire life, and I don't really remember "illegal aliens" being baggage screeners. In fact I remember several times flying pre Sept 11th where there were on duty local police officers at every security check point while airport personal manned the screening process.

I am so sick of people re-writing history. Especially when they throw in words like "illegal aliens" in order to pull at the emotions of the target audience for their lies.

A suggestion I would impart about their lies and feelings about words like "illegal aliens" and rewriting history, please get a grip on reality. With 18 years in LE, 14 of those is solely dealing with "illegal aliens", the last 3 specific to worksite enforcement, I've become quite astute in picking out who's "illegal" and who is not and deal with them daily. We even challenge ourselves to profile and ID those who who came in with out inspection (EWI's or "border jumpers"), those who overstay their visa or in violation of their visa, and pick out those who are USC's from "legal"resident "aliens". The last two we do solely so we can ID those we don't want to waste time on. I've become quite good at it. It is what is is, and if a person were to say it's something different then they are living in a fantasy world.

I speak Spanish fluently and I'm intimately knowledgeable about several Latin cultures. "Illegal alien" is an accepted legal term used to identify those who are not in the US "legally". If this is a lie, look it up and prove otherwise. There are also those terms we use that I will not mention, and no "mojado" isn't one of them or the English version. That's what they use on each other (Mex, ElSals, Guats and Hondo specific) besides "pollo". The other inaccurate made up terms used, not by me, are "undocumented", "undocumented workers", "undocumented immigrants", and the most inappropriate term used to identify an illegal alien is "immigrant". They all try to de-criminalize a person who in violation of law (typically 8USC1325/1182/INA Section 212 and 235) by simply changing a term.

So just like yourself, I too am sick of people re-writing history and spew lies to pull at the emotions of their target audiences.

And about "statistics", any statistics can be manipulated, it's seldom confirmed, and how would someone gather data about a subculture that thrives on not being revealed? There is no statistics. It's like asking what are the stats on how many Taliban and Al Queda remain in Afghanistan and Pakistan? I've said all I will about that and we can either go to pm or bring up another thread and discuss it there.

And this former TSA'r I know is dead on about who was working security and other jobs in what was supposed to be a secured area of an airport. I saw the same thing too. BTW, a little BG; He was one of the first TSA guys hired on at JFK and he worked for Continental at La Guardia right up to the time he got hired on at TSA.

I don't know what airport you were accustomed to flying in and out of but in my experience it depended on the city and terminals. Prior to 9/11 they were either all illegal or all old US citizens. Rarely did I notice anything in between. The worst airports were in NYC with mostly "illegal aliens" from DR, Boston were either DR or "Brazilian", Miami had a mix or "illegal aliens" from DR, or "legal" by asylum "Cubans", and "Puerto Rican" UCS's. Out west was much better that the east coast AP except LAX, SD, SF, OAK, and SAC. SEA-TAC and PDX never seen them at the security points. Those mentioned had security staffed by "illegal aliens" from Mexico (AKA "Mexicans") but they were typically visa overstays or working in violation of visa conditions. PHX was a bit better about it, but they also staffed with "legal"ones from Somalia.

Then there are those other terminal workers to include cleaning staff, concession workers, and whatever those guys that cart around the wheelchairs and so on. They were worse. Likely also the baggage handlers.

That was then. It's a totally different ball game now. It's much better now since it was DHS and TSA that pretty much shut that door and made AP facilities accountable since they basically had one higher standard if you spoke English and a lower standard if you didn't. However I can assure you "illegal aliens" are still those gaining access to secure areas of AP facilities facilitated by their employers, typically construction crews.

Based on my observations and experience I can tell that this guy knows what he is talking about when it came to ID'ing an "illegal alien" working at the terminal. He now works for my agency and I met him during training some 2 years ago. I also know quite a few current and former air marshalls who hate being identified as working for TSA and would often say they work for DHS to avoid the stigmatization.