View Full Version : Bumper Sticker Rant

12-18-10, 10:35
I see cars as a machine that gets me from A-B, hopefully in comfort and safety, and fits my particular needs/recs, and I can afford it.

I do not see it as my personal billboard to express my opinions/political views/religious views, etc.

I don't give a fu&% that you love pure bread cats, don't give a fu&$ your kids wen to X camp, or your car climbed X stupid a$$ mountain.

Don't care you wish for world peace, or want you to tell me a joke - via your car - while I'm driving, or that you feel abortion is right or wrong...

I think your letting the entire world know you belong to the NRA pure PERSEC stupidity.

No, that thin blue line sticker will not get you out of a ticket, and unless you are LEO, most LEOs consider you a tool for having one.

One bumper sticker is OK (if that's your thing), covering the rear end of the car with them = get a life and stop trying to use your car as a way to force me to know all your views/likes/dislikes.

Spend more time paying attention to the rules of the road and the fact you are not the only car on the road, less time trying to convince others of your views/likes/opinions via the a$$ end your (usually) POS rust bucket car.

You f-in tool...rant off...feel better now...:big_boss:

Am I the only one who feels this way, or will I be flamed by members with 4,850,0273 stickers on cars?

Did I miss your favorites??!! :sarcastic:

12-18-10, 11:02
No stickers on my car but I also don't care what other people put on theirs.

12-18-10, 11:16
You missed the LaRue one and the one from WarriorTalk about my one true GOD can beat up your arab myth.

12-18-10, 11:21
The one that seems popular in my area right now is the little stick figures representing the members in your family. People are putting this crap on their vehicles representing themselves and broadcasting to everyone out their the size of their families and now they even have stickers representing their dogs and cats.

12-18-10, 11:35
The one that seems popular in my area right now is the little stick figures representing the members in your family. People are putting this crap on their vehicles representing themselves and broadcasting to everyone out their the size of their families and now they even have stickers representing their dogs and cats.

Don't think I have seen 'em but sounds like baby on board style nonsense.

12-18-10, 11:54
Don't think I have seen 'em but sounds like baby on board style nonsense.

It's seems that there is quite the market for these little stickers. I got a kick out of one lady's vehicle the other day. She had the usual stickers representing all the members of her family but the fathers sticker had been taken off representing a divorce or god forbid a death.

Way too much information to be broadcasting to total strangers out on the road.

Heavy Metal
12-18-10, 11:55
I have a Vicker's Tactical sticker on my car and Jeep and a Magpul too on my Jeep.

12-18-10, 12:37
I really like the RIP with the name & date of the deceased as well. A rolling headstone minus the corpse. :rolleyes:

12-18-10, 18:54
It kind of amazes me.

You can walk up to someone having never met them and carry on a whole conversation about their lives based on the back of their cars.

"Hay man, how are the wife and kids? How are they liking school this year? Are they still at XYZ school? Is your son/daughter still playing soccer/baseball/football/cheerleading? Etc, etc, etc..."

You can get all these off the back of their cars. Often their kids name and team number too. Their church, politcal views, etc. Might as well just go ahead and put your account and pin numbers on the back too.

I'm not a fan of the stickers either if you can't tell.

12-18-10, 19:00
My car is sticker free, but it doesn't bother me that others are not in the slightest. Just another one of those under appreciated American freedoms I suppose. Your car is your property, do with it as you please as long as it does not endanger me. Putting a sticker on the back of your car does not directly affect me, have at it. And before someone says 'but reading them causes accidents', if people start having accidents when they read bumper stickers the person reading it is a dumb ass that should not be on the road. You have to read SIGNS, too. If you can't handle reading and driving, get off the road.

12-18-10, 19:36
While I have to refrain from ramming vehicles with the vote for the current POTUS or hippie bumper stickers, I do enjoy the occasional "My kid beat up your honor student" bumper sticker.

12-18-10, 20:20
No stickers on my car but I also don't care what other people put on theirs.

This fits me

12-18-10, 20:30
it's nice to live in a country where people are free to express themselves whichever way they want. Wait till someone in the government get's the idea and will try to regulate what size or color or content sticker you can put on, if you could put one at all.

12-18-10, 20:34
Best bumper sticker ever is one my brother saw in Wyoming a few years ago... "Save Gay Wales for Jesus"


12-18-10, 20:36
Wouldn't you get pissed if you saw this? :laugh:


12-18-10, 20:45
I don't care about bumper stickers. There are none on any of my privately owned vehicles. I don't read them while I'm cruising down the road. When I'm driving I'm to busy avoiding the person swerving all over the road because he is reading bumper stickers. I never pass that person because they are usually throwing a fit because of the sticker. You never know how that person is going to react when you pull up next to them. Seriously :big_boss:, they are scary.

12-18-10, 22:15
I dont have any stickers on my car because they are stupid. Plain and simple, there is nothing more to say. I can maybe see stickers on the windows, but nothing should touch the paint but a GOOD microfiber (read NOT walmart or the auto parts store), a GOOD wax applicator, or a good buffing pad.

12-18-10, 23:07
It kind of amazes me.

You can walk up to someone having never met them and carry on a whole conversation about their lives based on the back of their cars.

"Hay man, how are the wife and kids? How are they liking school this year? Are they still at XYZ school? Is your son/daughter still playing soccer/baseball/football/cheerleading? Etc, etc, etc..."

You can get all these off the back of their cars. Often their kids name and team number too. Their church, politcal views, etc. Might as well just go ahead and put your account and pin numbers on the back too.

I'm not a fan of the stickers either if you can't tell.

most definitely not tactically sound.

12-19-10, 06:55
I really like the RIP with the name & date of the deceased as well. A rolling headstone minus the corpse. :rolleyes:

I still dont get this tbh. "in loving memory of ____" Does this mean you bought this car in memory of? Or is this saying you reserved that portion of your car in their memory? I personally think the crosses on the side of the road are a hazard and not a warning.

Might as well just go ahead and put your account and pin numbers on the back too.

Every password I have is different so I'm as paranoid as the next guy but I think this comment is pushing it. I doubt any criminal is smart enough to count the stickers on your car then think "oooo i got the upper hand" :sarcastic:

12-19-10, 07:11
I agree with your Bumpersticker philosophy....The one I hate the most states....My Other Car is a Broomstick.

As for stickers which denote membership in the NRA or this vehicle is protected by a Smith and Wesson....Why not just put a note on the car that says. "Attention Thieves! If you break into my car/truck, you are likely to find a valuable firearm inside.?"

I will at times place political stickers on my vehicle around election time...but the day after said elections I remove these as well...Nothing sadder than seeing a Clinton/Gore sticker on some old hippy jalopy.

12-19-10, 07:30
No stickers on my car but I also don't care what other people put on theirs.

I felt this way until I stopped a car that had a "Lobotomize Republicans" bumper sticker on it. I wrote the driver and her husband traffic infractions (for the traffic violations that they were guilty of).

12-19-10, 12:40
I have a select few bumper stickers I display from time to time. All are on magnets so that I can remove or move them between vehicles at will.

Over the years, I've collected pics of sticker-covered cars I've seen in my travels. One day, I need to put them all together. Vehicles like these:



12-20-10, 00:27
No stickers on my car but I also don't care what other people put on theirs.


12-20-10, 00:29
That dude really REALLY hates cats. And I thought my neighbor growing up didn't like them... WOW!

12-20-10, 01:53
Wouldn't you get pissed if you saw this? :laugh:


Bahahaha, that while cutting in front of him in crowded traffic!

With a "You mad" one next to it. :D

I want a "I trane UFC" or "FAPOUT" on mine.

Suwannee Tim
12-20-10, 04:35
In the South we don't really need them but up north they are useful for holding rusted out cars and trucks together.

Suwannee Tim
12-20-10, 04:43
....As for stickers which denote membership in the NRA or this vehicle is protected by a Smith and Wesson....Why not just put a note on the car that says. "Attention Thieves! If you break into my car/truck, you are likely to find a valuable firearm inside.?".....

I learned that one a long time ago. The cop that took the call congratulated me for putting another handgun in the hands of a criminal.:sad:

.....I will at times place political stickers on my vehicle around election time......

I don't. I don't want my car vandalized.

12-20-10, 08:02
the one from WarriorTalk about my one true GOD can beat up your arab myth.

Ooooh... me LIKEY! :cool: Where can I get it?

12-20-10, 08:06

Such cars exist soley, so as to have something to 'check your zero' with, once the SHTF. :haha:

12-20-10, 10:29
I don't. I don't want my car vandalized.

Not, if you put "left-leaning" stickers on.

12-20-10, 10:30
I have "Reagan for President" on my truck. And a small GOA sticker, but I never leave my firearms inside.

I don't. I don't want my car vandalized.

Not, if you put "left-leaning" stickers on.

12-20-10, 10:41
Earlier this year, I rented a car and slapped my magnetic LT "Extremely Rightwing" bumper sticker on the car. While at a park in a 'burb north of Minn/StP, I saw a man and woman giving the rental undue attention, pointing at the rear end. They weren't leaving anytime soon, but it was time for us to. As I made it back to the car, they asked me if it was my car and sticker. They didn't look either supportive or disdainful, and I answered in a flat affirmative. Ultimately, I learned that they were like-minded. They shared further... They had a working theory that conservatives mostly put their stickers either on window glass, or on bumpers, and liberals put them everywhere, especially trunk lids trim, body panels. They had been surprised to see the LT sticker on the painted trunk lid.

Since that odd meeting, I've seen some validity to their theory, except in areas where people are commonly found going full-redneck.

Alex F
12-20-10, 10:59
I don't care about bumper stickers, their placement, or who has what on their cars.

That being said, I'm also not easily spun up about inconsequential shit.

I have a Tadgear topo sticker, an NRA sticker (ooh!), a Richmond Riot (defunct NPPL paintball team) sticker, and an Apple (Mac) sticker on my car.

Oh, I have a 'TOS' BFL sticker next to my license plate on the back.