View Full Version : Isn't she supposed to be thwarting terrorism???

12-19-10, 00:25
So NASA gets charged with "Muslim Outreach" and Homeland Security is supposed to work on climate change?

Maybe the EPA can manage public libraries, and the National Institute of Health can be in charge of road and highway construction.

Napolitano Says DHS to Begin Battling Climate Change as Homeland Security Issue

(CNSNews.com) -- At an all-day White House conference on "environmental justice," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that her department is creating a new task force to battle the effects of climate change on domestic security operations.



WTF. Stupid is as stupid does, I guess.


12-19-10, 05:08
Well thank goodness at least ONE gummint agency is getting something done these days!

Record cold in Europe, snow on the ground in SC, oranges frozen on the trees in FL, 15 ft. of snow in the mountains of CA - sounds like mission accomplished! Global warming is solved! :rolleyes:

12-19-10, 08:31
Sounds like a top priority to me.

Maybe they can arrest Frosty the Snowman for formenting climate hatred, and Chris Kringle for aiding an abetting rogue reindeer. :sarcastic::D

We certainly have no other pressing national security issues to deal with at the moment.

Army Chief
12-19-10, 09:14
Some of this might make sense (I'm reaching, here) if the agenda behind it were devoid of political overtones, but this sounds more like an attempt to tie yet another government agency into the global warming cause. If we hire enough people, and spend enough money, there will doubtless be great political capital in claiming victory when the impending doom of global warming is thwarted.

Never mind the fact that it could have simply been part of a larger cyclic weather pattern all along, and that doing nothing would have proven equally effective ... but where's the smug planet-saving satisfaction in that?