View Full Version : Russian Boy Scouts Combat Camp

12-19-10, 12:57

Russian kids at a combat camp with AK-74's.

12-19-10, 13:07
man.. i love the honesty. excellent vid, temp.

12-19-10, 13:08
While our country is liberalized and turned into mindless over weight desk jockeys that sit at home and play video games, our enemies are at the gates doing this kind of thing.

12-19-10, 13:12
Anyone who has a problem with this fails to realize that it is a volunteer program. The kids or parents elected to do it, and none of them seem to regret that. All kids shown enjoy it.

Did anyone else catch that the video made it look like they had to bow in front of Medvedev's poster? Sly tactic by the reporters.

Don Robison
12-19-10, 13:19
There were similar programs in the U.S. back in the early 1900's that were run by the Army. They are talked about in Legendary Lawman; apparently Jelly Bryce went several times as a teenager.

12-19-10, 14:06
How are they training for Spetsnaz if they're not doing speed reloads while doing forward flips?:D

12-19-10, 14:15
Believe it or not the US Army has a similar program: The American Cadet Alliance. The biggest difference is that I don't think they let the kids handles guns (as per regulations). This program is for children aged 13 -18 with follow-on programs available for older cadets.

I ran into them back in the Summer of 2008 while doing my weekend drill at a base. They had the kids conducting pugil stick fights between the barracks every afternoon. I don't recall what the cost was, but the program was a few weeks long and they charged each participant to participate.

Two of my Soldiers were allowed to fight each other. Eveidently the male PV2 challenged the female PFC to it at the egging of some of his peers. This was a mistake as the female PFC, although she was petit in size, was one tough cookie. Needless to say the male PV2 (who was later discharged for being underweight) got his butt kicked in front of his unit and the kids.

My female PFC received a coin from the CSM who was running that program. I wouldn't be surprised if the USMC has a similar program.

ADDED: My favorite quote: "I think that all men, at least all REAL men are attracted to guns.." :D

12-19-10, 14:24
The Corps still runs the Devil Pups program here is the good old US of A...


12-19-10, 14:25
I thought it was manditory beacuse Russia had a conscript army. I have read many times over about how every kid in russia is expected to defend the mother land. They are all taught close order drill, marksmanship and tactics from a young age. It makes boot camp go faster cause everyone is already fimilar.

They are tougher than us

12-19-10, 14:35
"I think that all men, at least all real men, are attracted to guns"

Soo true

12-19-10, 14:39
They Russians wait until age 10??? ;););) Very interesting film.

Seriously, no matter what your kids decide to do for work, the world is going to me a more dangerous and more cruel place for our children than it was for us.

Age 9:






12-19-10, 14:44
:cray:Seriously man, that's beautiful. I had my son shooting at 2, maybe we'll be there one day soon.

12-19-10, 16:59
I love that video, and this thread! The Corps has the Devil Pups and Young Marines I think. I doubt they train this hard and realistically though. Youre giving young boys a sense of patriotism, strength, freedom, honor, responsibility, and pride. Its great.

12-19-10, 17:22

12-19-10, 17:57
If you join the RIGHT Scout Troop, you can do that in America, too... ;)

12-19-10, 18:26
I can just hear it:

"No, Dmitri, your OTHER left, you dim-witted son of a Cossack!"


12-19-10, 18:35
Wish we could see more of that here in the US instead of this crap:


Just happen to see one that bad today.

12-19-10, 18:45
ADDED: My favorite quote: "I think that all men, at least all REAL men are attracted to guns.." :D

Yes. Yes we are. This guy speaks the down and nasty truth. It goes back to what is a natural instinct which is to kill for either defense, control, and food.

Here is what that commander was referring to; read this essay written by Kim du Toit, "The Pussification of the Western Male"


12-19-10, 18:55
This young man belongs to one of our members here, Xcibes.



12-19-10, 19:38
What a happy little guy! "I get to go to the range with Pa!" :D

Even a half-century later, my favorite childhood memories are being taught by my grandfather to shoot firearms and ride horses.

12-19-10, 21:54
What a happy little guy! "I get to go to the range with Pa!" :D

Even a half-century later, my favorite childhood memories are being taught by my grandfather to shoot firearms and ride horses.

Yep mine too. Old Ford tractor though, no horses.

12-19-10, 22:12
Anyone who has a problem with this fails to realize that it is a volunteer program. The kids or parents elected to do it, and none of them seem to regret that. All kids shown enjoy it.


And while the Hitler Jugend was modeled after our Boy Scouts, the mandatory involvement (and some more militarized training) is all that separated the two.

I wish we had a viable Scouts program like what existed when my father grew up. They actually learned camping and survival skills which led to kids becoming self reliant and productive people. And they even had actual "scouting" based upon the skills of Native Americans.

If you taught actual scouting (tracking, etc.) today people would probably lose their minds. Sadly today's scouts seem to be content with making "crafts" (soon they'll be selling cookies like the girls) and worrying about homosexuals and atheists in their ranks.

12-19-10, 22:16
The Corps still runs the Devil Pups program here is the good old US of A...


Sadly, I've never even heard of it till now. Good to know it exists.

12-19-10, 22:25
My kid in Urban/Hawaii camo doing a little training at 3 years old.:D


12-19-10, 22:29

And while the Hitler Jugend was modeled after our Boy Scouts, the mandatory involvement (and some more militarized training) is all that separated the two.

I wish we had a viable Scouts program like what existed when my father grew up. They actually learned camping and survival skills which led to kids becoming self reliant and productive people. And they even had actual "scouting" based upon the skills of Native Americans.

If you taught actual scouting (tracking, etc.) today people would probably lose their minds. Sadly today's scouts seem to be content with making "crafts" (soon they'll be selling cookies like the girls) and worrying about homosexuals and atheists in their ranks.

No lie, my parents put me in scouts for a FEW MONTHS. They were the least dependable pieces of shit in the world. There would be meetings and events, which my dad and I would get to on time every time... and no one would be there. IF we could ever get a hold of someone it was either canceled, they hadn't heard anything about it, or never planned to go. I walked through the park ONE TIME with a small group and identified some birds and trees. That was the extent of my outdoors knowledge taught by the scouts. They drag you in with talk of rappelling and scuba diving and climbing and long week camping events in the wild.... But they really want you to making ****ing bracelets and macaroni art to pawn off to your grandparents as a fundraiser so they can make some money.

It's been a long time since I've been in that church basement for one of their seldom meetings... My kids will not be involved. They will be taught by me and by those I trust.

TL;DR - F*ck the boy scouts. At least any in my area.

12-19-10, 23:01
my oldest, age 5, first time on a 5.56 carbine


just tonight, i was thinking about cub/boy/eagle scouts, and how i haven't done any looking into it for my own boys. i even had the notion that i might volunteer, maybe even see about leading a troop.

are real survival skills, marksmanship, archery, hunting, trapping, etc., all done away with??

and what would happen if i managed to get into a troop leadership position, and tried to bring all these things back?

12-19-10, 23:18
If you taught actual scouting (tracking, etc.) today people would probably lose their minds. Sadly today's scouts seem to be content with making "crafts" (soon they'll be selling cookies like the girls) and worrying about homosexuals and atheists in their ranks.

I am hoping they learn good things also and worry a bit ?

my 6 year old girl joined Daises a few weeks back ! the first thing they did was create care packages for the troops and wrote letters to them thanking them and learned what they do for us !!!!!

I think we got her in the correct troop ;) they do other things but this was cool :)

12-19-10, 23:32
I'll occasionally help out as a RSO for both Boy and Girl Scouts to get their marksmanship merit badges.

A few years ago, after the single shot .22's were put up and it ceased being an official Scout function, I pulled out a Colt 6520 and a couple of AK's and let the boys apply what they had learned with the .22's in regards to sight picture, trigger control, and breath control on something with a bit more punch.

Wolverines, Class of 12/06.




12-19-10, 23:36
my oldest, age 5, first time on a 5.56 carbine


just tonight, i was thinking about cub/boy/eagle scouts, and how i haven't done any looking into it for my own boys. i even had the notion that i might volunteer, maybe even see about leading a troop.

are real survival skills, marksmanship, archery, hunting, trapping, etc., all done away with??

and what would happen if i managed to get into a troop leadership position, and tried to bring all these things back?

Probably run into the same thing I ran into when I tried to offer FREE martial arts instruction to the local Boys & Girls club. I have about 35 years involvement in the martial arts and about 20 years as an instructor. I had a program tailored for children and teens from my days as a PAL instructor. Didn't have any of the potentially dangerous contact one might find in High School football and ran far more injury free than High School wrestling and gymnastics.

In addition to martial arts with a heavy emphasis on self defense, character development and thinking as an individual we also taught the usual drug awareness and gang prevention stuff associated with most PAL programs. And this is the program I hoped to teach at my local Boys and Girls Club for free as an unpaid volunteer.

The director informed me that in order for the program to be considered (with no guarantee of actual acceptance) I would basically need to carry a million dollar liability insurance policy. This is the same kind of retardedness that has caused many Scout programs and similar groups to abandon any "at risk" activity. So they makes crafts and sell cookies.

12-19-10, 23:42

12-20-10, 14:28
I'm mixed on the whole thing...

On the one hand, it's good to teach youngsters firearms safety, etc.

The Russian program seems to have a bit of totalitarianism mixed in, as well as "Russia STRONG".

If these youngsters regard America as a threat, they were probably taught that by the cadre.

The current threat to Ivan isn't from the West, it's from the declining birth rate, HIV, alcoholism and an Islamic insurgency raging in the breakaway republics. China also has designs on parts of Siberia as well.

Russia (like the French) is no longer a superpower, but it pretends that it is.

12-20-10, 15:08
While our country is liberalized and turned into mindless over weight desk jockeys that sit at home and play video games, our enemies are at the gates doing this kind of thing.

The Russians are "our enemies at the gates?" They got their asses kicked just trying to take over neighboring Ossetia.

I think we're OK.

12-20-10, 16:45
What would be a cool name for a camp like that in the USA?

We need to get it started up.

12-20-10, 17:10
Youth Social Justice Outings?

What would be a cool name for a camp like that in the USA?

We need to get it started up.

12-20-10, 17:26
I'm mixed on the whole thing...

On the one hand, it's good to teach youngsters firearms safety, etc.

The Russian program seems to have a bit of totalitarianism mixed in, as well as "Russia STRONG".

If these youngsters regard America as a threat, they were probably taught that by the cadre.

The current threat to Ivan isn't from the West, it's from the declining birth rate, HIV, alcoholism and an Islamic insurgency raging in the breakaway republics. China also has designs on parts of Siberia as well.

Russia (like the French) is no longer a superpower, but it pretends that it is.

I took it as they were being indoctrinated against actual threats such as Chechens and the like more than against the USA. The Spetnaz gains most of their experience fighting Chechens than Americans.

But so what if they were, what's the point of it all if you don't indoctrinate them to take pride in their own country. I'd be pissed if my kid were to attend something similar here but wasn't "USA STRONG".

Did you really think that the Russians would run a camp like this and teach the kids about how much better the USA is? I mean, seriously?

Russia may no longer be a superpower, but they also have not totally aligned themselves with us or the French. They are also taking the fight to their current enemy, instead of waiting for them to repeat Beslan.

Besides, how many Russians have publicly come out in support of assant or osama bin laden? Have you ever heard Russia's President apologize to the world for their "arrogance" like our great obama has repeatedly? Just sayin'.

12-20-10, 17:41
You make some valid points. However, when I was referring to Russia no longer being a superpower, I was thinking about the following:

-declining birth rate among native Russians

-alcoholism and rise of HIV/Hepatitis infection

-lack of a standing volunteer army, reliant on conscription

-naval assets left to rust/flounder in the Barents, Pacific and other coastlines & waterways

As for instilling a sense of national pride in the young troops to be, I have no issue with it. The one kid commenting about America being a possible enemy did catch me a little off guard, however.

This sort of resembles the Young Pioneer program in the former DDR.

Putin/Medvedev are nationalists, and are utterly ruthless when dealing with the enemies of Russia. This can be an admirable trait in a national leader, IMHO.

I took it as they were being indoctrinated against actual threats such as Chechens and the like more than against the USA. The Spetnaz gains most of their experience fighting Chechens than Americans.

But so what if they were, what's the point of it all if you don't indoctrinate them to take pride in their own country. I'd be pissed if my kid were to attend something similar here but wasn't "USA STRONG".

Did you really think that the Russians would run a camp like this and teach the kids about how much better the USA is? I mean, seriously?

Russia may no longer be a superpower, but they also have not totally aligned themselves with us or the French. They are also taking the fight to their current enemy, instead of waiting for them to repeat Beslan.

Besides, how many Russians have publicly come out in support of assant or osama bin laden? Have you ever heard Russia's President apologize to the world for their "arrogance" like our great obama has repeatedly? Just sayin'.

12-20-10, 18:56

Youth Social Justice Outings?

12-20-10, 19:04
That's a good video. I wish we had something like that but the closes to it is high school JROTC. There a teen will get weapons training, map reading, and Drill and ceremony. Too bad it's against the law to teach tactics to children in the US, or it used to be. Funny how back in the day, the Russians thought that the Cub and Boy Scouts were paramilitary training organizations for our youth.

12-20-10, 19:39
I am against these military camps for kids. Let kids be kids. Same with JROTC and military high schools. Let the kids grow up then allow them to make the choice if they want to go into the service.


Gutshot John
12-20-10, 20:13
Take your kids hunting. Best tactical training they'll ever get.

I'd take year after year of hunting with my dad over some sort of pansi Sovietski wannabi-spetznasi BS.

12-20-10, 21:48
I suppose that no matter what, some pantywaist liberals will accuse us of this:


12-20-10, 21:53
I am against these military camps for kids. Let kids be kids. Same with JROTC and military high schools. Let the kids grow up then allow them to make the choice if they want to go into the service.


Ummmm...none of them are compulsory. And none of them are joining the service. It is more or less Hi Tech "playing army" which is what a lot of kids love. And more importantly they are making the "choice."

Nobody is forcing them. And I think it's good to give them a taste of what the military is. For some they will decide they like it and may persue a military career. Others will decide "playing army" might be fun and games but not really what they want to do for a living.

The bottom line is the ARE being kids, none of them have been drafted.

12-20-10, 22:45
In regards to the Boy Scouts, it largely depends on what the troop is like (and more importantly, troop leadership) in your area. I had a great time in Boy Scouts camping and learning field craft etcetera. I also came across troops that were far too militant (IMO) and others that were shit because they had leaders that didn't seem to care one way or another. The same could be said about most any youth organization, be it a baseball team or a scout troop or whatever.

12-20-10, 23:14
just tonight, i was thinking about cub/boy/eagle scouts, and how i haven't done any looking into it for my own boys. i even had the notion that i might volunteer, maybe even see about leading a troop.

You OUGHT to. I think most of the men on here would be good role models for our youth today.

are real survival skills, marksmanship, archery, hunting, trapping, etc., all done away with??

- Pioneering
- Wilderness Survival
- Camping
- Rifle Shooting
- Shotgun Shooting
- Archery

All are merit badges still offered today. Tracking (not exactly "hunting," per se) was the ORIGINAL skillset Sir General Robert Baden-Powell set out to teach both his troops, and later, the Boy Scouts - still an essential component OF hunting, and skillsets STILL taught and encouraged by the Boy Scouts today.

and what would happen if i managed to get into a troop leadership position, and tried to bring all these things back?

Back?!?! You're assuming they ever left! :laugh:

It depends on the troop, of course. Most of the ones around here would find you perfectly normal - you'd fit right in.

Eagle Class of '81
Vigil Honor, '01 |>>>---|>--->|
SR-351 (I used to be a Beaver...)
Asst. Webelos Den Leader, Pack 210
Unit Commissioner
District Committeeman, Steel City District
Greater Pittsburgh Council #527, BSA


p.s. - a local gunshop here in town sponsors a Pistol Shooting Venture Crew, FYI. ;)

12-21-10, 02:33
I remember playing army all the time when I was a kid with my brother
we had these matel M-16s that would make quite a good sound and a M1 that you could load plastic rounds into :)
I am 47 my brother just over 50 so we did this as kids so quite a while ago but used to remember fondly running through the trees and stuff

not sure how many kids still do this at 7 or so years old ?

12-21-10, 06:16
Ummmm...none of them are compulsory. And none of them are joining the service. It is more or less Hi Tech "playing army" which is what a lot of kids love. And more importantly they are making the "choice."

Nobody is forcing them. And I think it's good to give them a taste of what the military is. For some they will decide they like it and may persue a military career. Others will decide "playing army" might be fun and games but not really what they want to do for a living.

The bottom line is the ARE being kids, none of them have been drafted.

I was not speaking to the Russian video specifically, I am speaking to the American system of JROTC and military high schools.

First those things are nothing like the real military

People who go to them are the most burned out synical guys I know. You can peg them for two reasons. They are better at drill then everyone else and they dont care about anything.

Most people I know who went through those systems (70%) were there because mom and dad sent them not because they wanted too.


12-21-10, 08:32
HAH... i went to a military high school.

i was really good at shining boots, SOPing my wall-locker, and D&C. but that's about where the advantage ended.

12-21-10, 09:08
"Here were trying to make our boys more masculine...Unlike the rest of the world."
Okay so I paraphrased a bit but the message is still there.

The U.S. has this mentality that we should be surpressing our boys natural aggressiveness and instead turn them into some sort of sensitive Metro-sexuals.

12-21-10, 09:32

SR-351 (I used to be a Beaver...)

Fox here. First in my WB troop to work his ticket. :D

And I agree with the others. The local Scouting program is a reflection of the unit leadership. People get the government that they voted for, and the Scout troop they deserve.

My children were taught to shoot, do land nav, swim, first aid, etc. And I did it personally.

12-21-10, 09:33
"Here were trying to make our boys more masculine...Unlike the rest of the world."
Okay so I paraphrased a bit but the message is still there.

The U.S. has this mentality that we should be surpressing our boys natural aggressiveness and instead turn them into some sort of sensitive Metro-sexuals.

Please do not mistake my dislike for young person military schools as an attempt to pacify Americas male youth.


12-21-10, 11:22
I was not speaking to the Russian video specifically, I am speaking to the American system of JROTC and military high schools.

First those things are nothing like the real military

People who go to them are the most burned out synical guys I know. You can peg them for two reasons. They are better at drill then everyone else and they dont care about anything.

Most people I know who went through those systems (70%) were there because mom and dad sent them not because they wanted too.


They still aren't drafted. And seems the problem is Mom and Dad and not the schools. How is it any different from if they got sent to boarding school?

12-21-10, 11:35
They still aren't drafted. And seems the problem is Mom and Dad and not the schools. How is it any different from if they got sent to boarding school?

I will not disagree with the mom/dad portion of your statement.

I went to a military college, and had a huge amount of experience with kids coming from the JROTC/military highschool back ground. The comments I made earlier about them being burnt out, synical and such are all based off my experiences with quite a few of them.

Also the college I went to routinely put on JROTC/military high school competition type events. I was never pleased with what I saw in them.

This is all just from my personal experiences with them.


12-21-10, 13:13
Fox here. First in my WB troop to work his ticket. :D

Sharp! We had a FULL course (OLD school!), and I was the third to finish mine. :cool:

And I agree with the others. The local Scouting program is a reflection of the unit leadership. People get the government that they voted for, and the Scout troop they deserve.

And they make MORE than ONE. If yours ain't what you're looking for, join another. Better still - start your own. Your District Executive will LOVE you for it! :laugh:

My children were taught to shoot, do land nav, swim, first aid, etc. And I did it personally.

No law sez you can't do MORE than the requirements on your own initiative! :D

The Boy Scouts WON'T do hunting, or shoot AR15's as a UNIT-LEVEL activity, but you can certainly do that on your own (Dad & Son project), utilizing the skills you exhibit there, to pass MB requirements, or go off and earn a Hornaday Award or some such. I used to work for the Boy Scouts, and I'd of KILLED for more parental involvement - PARTICULARLY from fathers!!!

If you WANT your boy to be a weiner, let the MOMMAS run the Scout Troop (i.e. Webelos III :rolleyes:). You want 'em to LEARN something and DO something, man UP and TAKE CHARGE!

p.s. - NEVER trust a WB Fox. :sarcastic:

12-21-10, 13:30
I will not disagree with the mom/dad portion of your statement.

I went to a military college, and had a huge amount of experience with kids coming from the JROTC/military highschool back ground. The comments I made earlier about them being burnt out, synical and such are all based off my experiences with quite a few of them.

Also the college I went to routinely put on JROTC/military high school competition type events. I was never pleased with what I saw in them.

This is all just from my personal experiences with them.


Seems you have had a bad experience and have a resulting bias. Not saying you are wrong, bias is usually the result of bad experiences.

But that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the institutions you mentioned, just that many do not want to be there. But that can be true of ANY school.

And there are students who DO want to be there. They don't find anything wrong with those programs or schools beyond the usual complaints nearly every student has about nearly every school.

And for those who want a military career they are valuable. Not necessarily so much in terms of learned skills (and quite honestly how many people do you know with jobs that required college degrees where they actually didn't learn anything useful that would be needed for that job?) but in terms of showing a dedicated preparation to a military career.

So I return to my original point that there is noting wrong with these programs or military academies at all. There are simply some people who would rather not be there and a few others that simply don't belong there.

12-21-10, 13:35
Just so we're all on the same sheet, VMI-MO is serving now. I don't think that he's too jaded and I'd go to war with him.

12-21-10, 15:19
Please do not mistake my dislike for young person military schools as an attempt to pacify Americas male youth.


Actually I didn't even read or consider your statements when I made my statement...you are of course entitled to your own opinions as I am to mine.

And BTW...Thanks for your service.

"The U.S. has this mentality that we should be supressing our boys natural aggressiveness and instead turn them into some sort of sensitive Metro-sexuals." rat31465

This is a long time belief of mine...a concept to which I have raised concerns since before I graduated High School back in 1983...you would just have to substitute the term Metro-Sexual for P&$$Y.

12-21-10, 15:25
I was not speaking to the Russian video specifically, I am speaking to the American system of JROTC and military high schools.

First those things are nothing like the real military

People who go to them are the most burned out synical guys I know. You can peg them for two reasons. They are better at drill then everyone else and they dont care about anything.

Most people I know who went through those systems (70%) were there because mom and dad sent them not because they wanted too.


Those may be your experiences but they aren't mine. I am a product of JROTC and SROTC because I turned down a West Point appointment for a normal college life (Drinking and getting laid on a regular basis). My JROTC instructors were retired Special Forces and Infantry types and taught everything they legally could to us. Rifle marksmanship, weapons training, D&C, land nav, General Orders, rappelling, conducted FTXs, conducting briefings, warning and op/patrol orders, and most importantly, Honor and Integrity. When I attended Basic and AIT at Ft Benning, I was sooooo far ahead of my platoon, it was incredible. The Drill Sargents had me working with most of the substandard trainees almost for the entire time. Most of the cadets in both J and SROTC had higher than average intelligence, dedication to duty and country. Many have gone on to serve their country with great pride and honor. Many have been there, done that, got the T-shirt. So I have to respectfully disagree.

12-21-10, 15:48
Those may be your experiences but they aren't mine. I am a product of JROTC and SROTC because I turned down a West Point appointment for a normal college life (Drinking and getting laid on a regular basis). .

This is one of the points I was trying to make. Giving people that taste of "normal life" before a life on non-normalness does amazing things for the motivation and dedication of that individual.

Imagine going through JROTC and then jumping into an even more aggressive system with no break. It takes its toll.

My JROTC instructors were retired Special Forces and Infantry types and taught everything they legally could to us. Rifle marksmanship, weapons training, D&C, land nav, General Orders, rappelling, conducted FTXs, conducting briefings, warning and op/patrol orders, and most importantly, Honor and Integrity..

I wish all could have similar experiences to you. Of the 14ish guys I can recall that I know went through a JROTC/Military highschool, I can only recall one that ever spoke of his experience like you. It kinda all comes down to command climate i guess.

When I attended Basic and AIT at Ft Benning, I was sooooo far ahead of my platoon, it was incredible. The Drill Sargents had me working with most of the substandard trainees almost for the entire time. Most of the cadets in both J and SROTC had higher than average intelligence, dedication to duty and country. Many have gone on to serve their country with great pride and honor. Many have been there, done that, got the T-shirt. So I have to respectfully disagree.

I am in no way trying to say that being in JROTC negates those things you have mentioned.

It seems we have very different experiences. And for the record, I was not a JROTC or high school military person. I only know alot of them and consider them my friends.