View Full Version : Bullets hit my house....

08-15-07, 17:55
From Iraq.

Some lady had some "bullets" hit her house. (http://news.yahoo.com/photos/ss/events/iraq/081803iraqioil/im:/070814/photos_wl_afp/04a230bb3cae704750e988aa146f5f76;_ylt=AnwNr8S1Evyup3EhYCX9tqYZO7gF)

08-15-07, 18:00
If those are the "bullets" that she says hit her house then our troops must be throwing them instead of shooting them :D

Alpha Sierra
08-15-07, 18:02

The reporter that filed this either has a serious agenda problem or is a complete moron.

08-15-07, 18:04
The reporter that filed this either has a serious agenda problem or is a complete moron.

Both perhaps?

08-15-07, 18:11
Remember Hot Shots Part Deux? When Sheen grabbed a handful of rounds and threw it at some attacking enemies and they all fell over... Made me think of that scene at first.

08-15-07, 18:13
I think we just solved the 5.56 ineffectiveness problem that so many are complaining about...

08-15-07, 18:33
I think we just solved the 5.56 ineffectiveness problem that so many are complaining about...

BS, as long as your throw themn with a 1:7 twist you'll be fine.

08-15-07, 19:40
Heck, I wish somebody would hit my house with bullets like that.

It would solve my ammo problem.

08-15-07, 23:45
This is the same BS Hamas trick by a liberal media source via "YouTube" showing "average Palastinians" holding up live 5.56 cartridges and claiming they were shot from an Israeli out post over 200 to 300 yards away. Must be the IDF were using sling shots. Most reporters are too stupid to know otherwise, plus it plays into their "anti-Bush" peace, love, and no underwear crunchy granola shrill agenda. Nothing (esp. the freedom of others) is worth fighting for to them. Their love for their own life allows them to have no shame when they will have to lick the boots of their Islamic masters under Sharia law.


Alpha Sierra
08-16-07, 06:07
No green tip. No case neck discoloration from annealing.


08-16-07, 07:51
No green tip. No case neck discoloration from annealing.



It looks like they went to whatever passes for Wal-Mart and bought commercial ammo and then handed it to the same lady whose house was destroyed like 9 times.....

08-16-07, 08:04
This reminds me of a local range problem. Someone woman who lives near one of the older gun clubs move into a house located near the range decade after it had been in operation. She's been there about ten years, but recently she decided she didn't want them there anymore, so she is sueing them for violating non-existent (literally) noise ordinances.

One of her bits of "ecidence" that she has manufac . . . er . . . presented are empty brass casings in her yard, claiming they hit her house. Her yard is several hundred yards from anywhere a gun could have been discharged while still on the range, so maybe someone needs a stronger recoil spring ... that is some vigorous ejection! :rolleyes:

Robb Jensen
08-16-07, 08:06
I wish some of those "bullets" would come my way free. I'm going broke shooting! :eek:

08-16-07, 08:43
One of her bits of "ecidence" that she has manufac . . . er . . . presented are empty brass casings in her yard, claiming they hit her house. Her yard is several hundred yards from anywhere a gun could have been discharged while still on the range, so maybe someone needs a stronger recoil spring ... that is some vigorous ejection! :rolleyes:

Perjury is still a crime here in Hoosierland.;)

08-16-07, 09:25

The reporter that filed this either has a serious agenda problem or is a complete moron.

The amazing thing is that these people can actually lead a full, long life despite being stupid beyond words. Somehow, complete ignorance works for them.

Jay Cunningham
08-16-07, 09:52
It would be easy to say, "Boy that Iraqi woman sure is an ignorant savage."

But the plain truth is that she is no more ignorant, stupid, or uneducated than the Western liberal journalists with master's degrees who run to publish these lies.

08-16-07, 11:05
It would be easy to say, "Boy that Iraqi woman sure is an ignorant savage."

But the plain truth is that she is no more ignorant, stupid, or uneducated than the Western liberal journalists with master's degrees who run to publish these lies.

Absolutely. I was referring to anyone associated with creating and promoting this story as fact (and that ridiculous woman).

08-16-07, 11:41
Obviously, she is not a gun owner. Otherwise, with the cost of ammo she'd be thrilled to have unfired rounds thrown at her home. I know I would be.

08-16-07, 11:53
Hate to say it,

But if I was the journalist, I would have published this almost the same way. I hate to say it, but she was probably looking to get money for home repairs due to "damage" from Uncle Sam. I wouldn't go into detail to make anyone look openly ignorant, but I'd just let the facts speak for themselves.

Not adding more test to this might make the journalist look silly, but it also helps show a little bit of the situation there.

Granted, these photos are more to show the bad side of the war...

08-16-07, 12:21

The reporter that filed this either has a serious agenda problem or is a complete moron.

I wonder how many hit her house and would she consider selling them?

Alpha Sierra
08-16-07, 19:28
I wish some of those "bullets" would come my way free. I'm going broke shooting! :eek:

Really. I'd like her address so I can clean up her yard.

08-16-07, 22:45
Perjury is still a crime here in Hoosierland.;)

I shall attempt to convey that reminder to the defendants!

08-30-07, 00:17
no wonder they make their women wear burkas! Someone should tell the true believers they will have 72 virgins that look like her and no wonder they are virgins

08-30-07, 18:41
The link now seems to go to something about texas oil... :confused:

Funny though. :D