View Full Version : Vice guide to North Korea

12-20-10, 20:42
I don't want you to block the Dear Leader!

What a sad ass place. Everything in NK is for show.




12-20-10, 21:15
Kind of like the Democrat Party.:sarcastic:

12-21-10, 00:04
Kind of like the Democrat Party.:sarcastic:

I was kinda of thinking more of our entire country. Our (the bottom 99.9% of us) job in the world is to consume even if it means well beyond our means. We exist simply to prop up the lives of those in the .1%. If one of us dies 10 more are waiting to take over our spot on the totem pole of consumption.

Why do the super wealthy want these bail outs? Because they want us to be able to consume, with out the bail outs the banks couldn't provide us with the debt we need to buy the shit people like Warren Buffett are selling us.

We go and work 40+ hours to buy a flat screen TV, why the **** do we need to give away a week of our lives to buy a TV only to sit in front of it for 4 hours a day being sold more shit? We're the sheep in this system.

And no I'm not saying communism is better than capitalism, but they're all exploitative of the masses by the ruling class. And we're not the ruling class, we're the workers, I don't care if you're pulling in $100k a week, you're just a consumer and a number like the rest of us.

We despise that short ****er in NK because we can see him and the suffering he has caused for his people, yet we think our shit don't stink.

12-21-10, 01:07
This is really interesting to me. My girlfriend is second generation Korean-American. Her father emigrated to the US during the Korean War, but had to leave behind his family. He worked in NY for 5 years before he had enough money to pay to have his family smuggled to the US. It took him another 2 years but he was finally granted asylum and earned his citizenship in 1970. My GF was their first daughter born in the US.

It's amazing how isolated N. Korea is from the rest of the world. As one who knows a little bit more than the average bear about the N. Korean society, I would actually like the chance to go there...but if given the chance, would have to think long and hard about actually taking it.

The guy in the videos is right...it's like 1960's Russia. It's crazy to think that some people still live like that and have no idea of the ideals and freedoms that exist outside their country's borders.

12-21-10, 03:10
What a sad ass place. Everything in NK is for show.

I seem to recall that the inauguration of the current denizen of the White House was a theatrical performance.

And of course he reads from a teleprompter because he believes that what matters is the form of his message, not its substance and sincerity.

And remember remember the spying on your neighbors program concerning health care flag@whitehouse.gov?

What about that commie running the FCC who wants to ban speech critical of public figures from the internet?

Once SEIU, ACORN and the Black Panthers learn how to goose step, we will know we've made it!

12-21-10, 05:29
I seem to recall that the inauguration of the current denizen of the White House was a theatrical performance.

And of course he reads from a teleprompter because he believes that what matters is the form of his message, not its substance and sincerity.

And remember remember the spying on your neighbors program concerning health care flag@whitehouse.gov?

What about that commie running the FCC who wants to ban speech critical of public figures from the internet?

Once SEIU, ACORN and the Black Panthers learn how to goose step, we will know we've made it!


How come every one of your posts comes with the same soundtrack? Paul Simon's One Trick Pony.

12-21-10, 10:41
Wow! That NK series was eye-opening...

But the others videos depresssed me... Like the Liberian one... killing a child before war and eating his heart while still warm, drinking his blood, the cannibalism, the absolute hoplessness most have there. The only ray of light, General Butt-Naked... (You have to watch it...)

OK, I am back to the world is lost again...


12-22-10, 00:59
How about this...just look at all the weapons in that shitty little shop. For what the average working man makes in a day we could equip an army.
