View Full Version : "Fag Santa" - Another war on Christmas

12-23-10, 11:56
Our favorite Westboro Baptist buddies are at it again with a video that has be torn between wanting to laugh and wanting to cry:


My favorite sign was the "Fag Xmas" sign with some dude doing another dude. I don't know about you, but that's what MY family Christmases are all about!

12-23-10, 12:35
What ****ing ass clowns! What dim whited douche falls for this crap? Those poor kids are going to be so screwed up when they get older.

12-23-10, 14:41
Words cannot express how vehemently I despise these people.

And I wish the parents of these kids could be charged with child abuse for inculcating them with such filth.

12-23-10, 15:04
Rumor has it the Westboro Baptists (all one large extended family) are looking to piss people off so much that someone assaults them (throws a brick at them or torches a car or something) and they can sue that person, the police for not protecting them, and anyone else they can imagine, just hoping to strike it rich on some lawsuit money.

12-23-10, 16:12
Rumor has it the Westboro Baptists (all one large extended family) are looking to piss people off so much that someone assaults them (throws a brick at them or torches a car or something) and they can sue that person, the police for not protecting them, and anyone else they can imagine, just hoping to strike it rich on some lawsuit money.

If this wish was executed in full effect, there would'nt be anyone or thing to file suit.

12-23-10, 16:54
Sue the police? That is laughable as 88 SCOTUS cases already say they do not even have to get a hangnail over your butt.

You know people used to know in real life don't feed the trolls. Just cause the net exists does not mean the irl ones went away. I say ignore those schmucks and have a better day.

*No that is not a slam on LEOs as they would be sued all day long for not stopping things, which is really why that exists. I also want to say that in Texas it is not self-defense if your are provocing the other party to attack, and clearly they are trying to bait. They are not being discriminated against either, so, no suit there to boot. I do not like that "church."

12-23-10, 16:58
It sickens me that a group that professes to be Christians would act, say and do the things they do. While not a biblical scholar I have read the Bible a time or two and see nothing in their actions that are in line with or a reflection of the teachings of Christ. JMHO.

12-23-10, 17:09

12-23-10, 18:31
It sickens me that a group that professes to be Christians would act, say and do the things they do. While not a biblical scholar I have read the Bible a time or two and see nothing in their actions that are in line with or a reflection of the teachings of Christ. JMHO.

they are registered as a religious organization purely for tax evasion.

no christianity in there at all.

12-23-10, 18:38
Christians are tolerant. We have to be to get new Christians as none are worthy. I do not like what they are doing but I'm out of the judgment game and leave that to a higher authority. It is a testament to how our country works today that they are allowed to do what they do.

It sickens me that a group that professes to be Christians would act, say and do the things they do. While not a biblical scholar I have read the Bible a time or two and see nothing in their actions that are in line with or a reflection of the teachings of Christ. JMHO.

12-23-10, 19:35
At least they got it right, in that "christmas" is a pagan holiday and not christian.

It was lawlessness for a week.

sexual indulgence and rape, sacrificial killings, property damage, anything goes.

12-23-10, 21:21
At least they got it right, in that "christmas" is a pagan holiday and not christian.

That is historically correct but what does it matter. What Rome did then and what we do now are two entirely different things. Those people have been terribly misled.

12-23-10, 21:27
they are registered as a religious organization purely for tax evasion.

no christianity in there at all.

patriarch Fred Phelps was a big Dem fundraiser back in the day.

If there are "problems" at their demonstrations they sue the local municipality or anyone else involved for failing to protect their 1A rights.


12-24-10, 09:10
Wow....just another reason why these people should be shot on sight.

12-24-10, 11:19
I hate seeing those kids getting their heads full of crud . . . here's what Jesus thinks about the Westboro Church -

Matthew 18
6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!

Phelps and co. have some big millstones rolling their way.

Suwannee Tim
12-25-10, 08:13
Westboro Baptist Church consists mainly of members of the Phelps family who are mostly lawyers.

12-25-10, 12:22
My theory is that aren't truly "religious Christians" at all. All the founding members of the "church" were/are registered Democrats, and as illustrated above the patriarch was a big time Democrat fundraiser. They engage in this behavior to defame Christianity and Christians, giving the media an example of "the religious right" that exquisitely fits the left's propaganda about both Christians and conservatives. They've even been called members of "the religious right" by newsreaders.

Nobody questions the authenticity of their "Christianity." Oh sure, the "conservative" commentators say crap like, "This isn't the message of Christianity" but they never go deeper and question whether they are leftist anti-Christian operatives.

I think they are frauds. They make noise that makes Christians and conservatives look bad because "this is what 'they' believe" (according to leftist newsies) and they sue whenever shit happens to them.

12-25-10, 12:36
Maybe it's time for me to change my visible location in my profile from Kansas to...What? Anywhere?

12-25-10, 20:38
My theory is that aren't truly "religious Christians" at all. All the founding members of the "church" were/are registered Democrats, and as illustrated above the patriarch was a big time Democrat fundraiser. They engage in this behavior to defame Christianity and Christians, giving the media an example of "the religious right" that exquisitely fits the left's propaganda about both Christians and conservatives. They've even been called members of "the religious right" by newsreaders.

Nobody questions the authenticity of their "Christianity." Oh sure, the "conservative" commentators say crap like, "This isn't the message of Christianity" but they never go deeper and question whether they are leftist anti-Christian operatives.

I think they are frauds. They make noise that makes Christians and conservatives look bad because "this is what 'they' believe" (according to leftist newsies) and they sue whenever shit happens to them.

That makes the KKK leftist agents, also?

12-25-10, 20:42
That makes the KKK leftist agents, also?

They were mostly southern democrats

12-25-10, 20:48
They were mostly southern democrats

They were also "Christians." That doesn't make them or their actions accepted by the majority of dems or Christians.

The point I was trying to make is that if it smells like shit, looks like shit, and feels like shit... sometimes it's just shit. While it IS within the realm of possibility, imagining they're somehow secret lefties out to make the right look bad is a bit paranoid.

Sometimes batshit crazy people are just batshit crazy people. Especially when their views on Obama are "anti-Christ" and "false prophet."

12-25-10, 21:22
Rumor has it the Westboro Baptists (all one large extended family) are looking to piss people off so much that someone assaults them (throws a brick at them or torches a car or something) and they can sue that person, the police for not protecting them, and anyone else they can imagine, just hoping to strike it rich on some lawsuit money.
More than rumor, it's their demonstrated method of operation.

What better way to provoke someone to respond than to insult the memory of a fallen Soldier at his funeral?

They are the lowest of the low.

12-25-10, 22:54
They were also "Christians." That doesn't make them or their actions accepted by the majority of dems or Christians.

The point I was trying to make is that if it smells like shit, looks like shit, and feels like shit... sometimes it's just shit. While it IS within the realm of possibility, imagining they're somehow secret lefties out to make the right look bad is a bit paranoid.

Sometimes batshit crazy people are just batshit crazy people. Especially when their views on Obama are "anti-Christ" and "false prophet."
A guy and his family who were lifetime Democrats, who raised enormous amounts of money for Democrats and happen to primarily be members of a profession (trial attorneys) who are overwhelmingly leftists suddenly became obnoxious "stereotypical" members of "the Christian right?"

Yeah, I don't buy it.

I don't (and you'll notice I didn't mention them in my post) apply the same idea to the KKK. They were real enough. They did actually take the name of Christianity falsely.

12-26-10, 00:47
These guys are really out there in their own little world...

12-26-10, 10:16
A guy and his family who were lifetime Democrats, who raised enormous amounts of money for Democrats and happen to primarily be members of a profession (trial attorneys) who are overwhelmingly leftists suddenly became obnoxious "stereotypical" members of "the Christian right?"

I hardly think 1951 counts as "suddenly" http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,814897,00.html

From Phelp's history, it looks like his interest in the democratic party has been from a civil rights standpoint (i.e. dismantling Jim Crow laws and NAACP-style cases).

In fact, that's supported by the fact that Phelps supported Al Gore NOT because he was a Democrat but because he opposed a "gay bill of rights."http://graphics.boston.com/news/politics/campaign2000/news/Bradley_rips_Gore_s_scare_tactics_to_win_gay_votes+.shtml

How do we know that the gay thing was pretty much the only selling point? He later turned his back on Gore because he "sold his soul to the fag agenda" http://motherjones.com/politics/1999/03/man-who-loves-hate

So if people are calling him a member of the "Christian right" they are accurate INSOFAR as from a gay-rights perspective, he tends to share their views. But he's not a closet democrat. He still considers himself an open democrat. But a democrat he's stuck 60 years in the past on some issues. And it's hard to be a secret democratic agent if the fact that you call yourself a democrat ISN'T a secret.

Is he conservative? Depends on how you look at it. Is he religiously conservative? Very much so (even if every religious organization turns their back on him and calls his brand of Christianity crazy-sauce). Is he politically conservative? As far as gay rights goes, yes. On other issues? Clearly not.

Find me someone who calls him a Republican and I'll show you someone who hasn't done their homework. But it's not altogether unfair to label him politically or religiously conservative or say that he falls to the "right" on a number of issues. (Remember conservative is not always the same thing as Republican).

I think they're just batshit crazy "democratic" "Christians" (and all evidence points to that). They're not "leftist anti-Christian agents" unless Barack Obama sent Phelps back to 1951 to start his roller coaster of crazy. And if you still think they are, you need to do your homework.

12-26-10, 10:19
The Too-Long-Didn't-Read version:

He's just plain off-his-rocker homeless-guy-in-the-subway crazy. And all evidence points to that. Calling him a leftist agent out to make the right looks bad has no basis in reality.

12-26-10, 16:38
Find me someone who calls him a Republican and I'll show you someone who hasn't done their homework. But it's not altogether unfair to label him politically or religiously conservative or say that he falls to the "right" on a number of issues. (Remember conservative is not always the same thing as Republican).

I'm sure you would agree that there are millions who haven't done their homework. Personally, I think most people, right/left/squishy middle, when hearing about Westboro Baptist, assume he is affiliated with the GOP. They hear continuously that Republicans (not necessarily conservatives) are, generally, racists and "homophobes."

I also have no doubt that if there were a demonstrable connection between Westboro Baptist and the GOP, no matter how tenuous, that fact would be part of every news story about them.

You're probably right that this is not some plot by Phelps to discredit the GOP or right wing. His estranged son makes him sound like a cult leader, or he is at least an opportunist who has found his particular way of gaming the system for fun and profit.

12-26-10, 17:01
Words cannot express how vehemently I despise these people.

And I wish the parents of these kids could be charged with child abuse for inculcating them with such filth.

That sums it up for me nicely.

12-27-10, 01:51

You know what, I honestly didn't dig that far into his past. I saw Dem fundraiser, trial attorney, and registered Dem (which I never claimed was a secret, only something never discussed by the newsies) and thought "leftist plant." It's not unheard of (reference the Tea Parties), but my theory in this case is likely incorrect.

He (and his followers) appear to be nothing more than barking-at-the-moon loony tunes. The fact that they are Dems seems to be merely coincidental.

12-27-10, 09:35
That's cool. And it's certainly fine to be skeptical--that's usually the best bet, anyways. I know I've had my fair share of "that doesn't seem right" moments and turned out to be wrong.

It's just that as one of M4C's more left-leaning members, it gets really tiring to see the tried and true formula of: Democrats are unable to do anything right, are evil and traitorous, and are at the head of a some huge conspiracy to control the world. So when I see some low-hanging fruit where I can say "slow down a minute..." I try to. Though it's admittedly more for my own sanity than for the sake of the truth (as someone who doesn't want to see all Democrats dragged out of office and beaten--or Republicans, for that matter--M4C General Discussion can be a hostile environment much of the time).

Suwannee Tim
12-27-10, 16:49
They were mostly southern democrats

The KKK had a big presence outside the South.

12-27-10, 17:07
The KKK had a big presence outside the South.

Also known as Northern Democrats. :sarcastic:

Suwannee Tim
12-29-10, 05:28
Twelve or fifteen years ago I was not listening to Nina Totenberg on NPR (now PRI I think) but paid attention when I heard her refer to "the horrors of the South". That got my attention and I began to listen. I never figured out specifically what she meant by "horrors" but I did determine that she was talking about, not the old South, with lynchings, Jim Crow, and the like but the new South. Some folks, Totenberg among them would like you to believe that the new South is a hateful, racist hotbed of KKK activity while the north is free of such. Not so. There was much KKK activity outside the South in the 20th century. Little known fact, the KKK is all but extinct, being but a hollow shell of it's former self. Lawsuits and changing attitudes wiped it out. Good riddance.