View Full Version : The War on Christmas

12-23-10, 18:47
I thought this was an interesting take on the "War on Xma$"


Agree or disagree? Why?

12-23-10, 22:20
I see this "war on xmas" as a christian vs everybody else type of thing. I don't believe private companies are using the term "happy holiday" to spite christians.

12-23-10, 23:13
Private companies are trying to piss off the least number of people they can. If they can avoid telling a Jewish person "Merry Christmas" and instead address everything that happens this time of the year with one phrase, they will do it. I cant see how anyone can interpret that as anything else.

12-24-10, 00:08
I was in San Francisco for a little over a week this month, most amazing thing I saw was everyone had Christmas tree's up and even saw some carolers... Those liberal ****s! :sarcastic:

12-24-10, 08:32
I still don't get this. I am an Atheist and make no secret of it. I have no use for religion, Christian or otherwise. However I manage to enjoy Christmas and the spirit of Christmas. I tell people merry Christmas and happy holidays. I don't get offended when people say the same to me.

What the hell are some peoples problem.

12-24-10, 09:00
I still don't get this. I am an Atheist and make no secret of it. I have no use for religion, Christian or otherwise. However I manage to enjoy Christmas and the spirit of Christmas. I tell people merry Christmas and happy holidays. I don't get offended when people say the same to me.

What the hell are some peoples problem.

SAME HERE bro. People think they have the right to be offended and have something done about it. It's the christmas season. People shouldnt care if your work has a "Christmas Party" and not a "Holiday gathering" . That just sounds dumb. I not religious, soo why don't I get mad at stuff like having "god" on the dollar, and getting time off for EASTER.

12-24-10, 14:06
However I manage to enjoy Christmas and the spirit of Christmas.

Yeah but you don't celebrate it properly.

The proper way to celebrate chistmas is to have neighborhoods pick a person and force them to eat until they can't no more, rape them multiple times, and finally brutally murder them on dec. 25th.


Roman pagans first introduced the holiday of Saturnalia, a week long period of lawlessness celebrated between December 17-25. During this period, Roman courts were closed, and Roman law dictated that no one could be punished for damaging property or injuring people during the weeklong celebration. The festival began when Roman authorities chose “an enemy of the Roman people” to represent the “Lord of Misrule.” Each Roman community selected a victim whom they forced to indulge in food and other physical pleasures throughout the week. At the festival’s conclusion, December 25th, Roman authorities believed they were destroying the forces of darkness by brutally murdering this innocent man or woman.

Historically there was lawlessness in this time by the Romans. Whether or not they were so perverse as shown in the quote, I'm not 100% sure, because I haven't done enough research on the subject. But given they were predominately into paganism, I wouldn't be surprised if this was how "christmas", as we call it today, was celebrated.

12-24-10, 14:22
as a literalist christian, i really don't give a flying fruitcake about christmas. it's the least important of christian holidays.. with good friday being a step above and easter taking the cake of importance.

however... "holidays" is kind of retarded. what "holidays?" how many people say "happy holidays" after christmas, but before new year? after christmas, everyone says "happy new year," not "happy holidays," because the only holiday this time of year is CHRISTMAS. don't give me the Hanukkah argument- depending on the criteria you give it, most stats show America as about 75% "christian," with 1.7% jewish.

you're telling me that companies say "happy holidays" to not be offenseive to 1.7%? and you'll generally find that jews are the LEAST offendable people when it comes to observance of holidays.

so the argument made in the video is a load of crap, as is any argument about "happy holidays" being the least offensive of well-wishes you can give. it's nothing other than people's perception of the most PC way to say it. we've got it stuck in our collective head that we can't be the least bit offensive to non-christians, and without realizing that there really aren't any non-christian "holidays" occurring, everyone says "happy holidays" to appease dust.

it's just like saying BCE in place of BC ("before common era" vs. "before christ").... all you're changing is the reference, but the thing you're talking about is EXACTLY THE SAME. christ is still there.

12-24-10, 19:02

Indeed, Christmas has absolutely nothing to do with the birth of Christ... It is a ficticious INHERITED TRADITION to more easily assimilate the huge influx of pagans that entered the Roman Church... or face Inquisition.

But we do know who WAS born on Dec. 25th (according to religious texts)... MITHRAS, the Roman Sun God... Also celebrated by Mithras worshippers (far before Christianity) on the first SUNDAY after the new moon and Vernal Equinox, just as the SUN rises... Date sound familiar? Oh yeah... That is the same day millions get up before dawn and head out to a SUNRISE service.... on Easter SUNday. Mithras would be pleased... (if he were real)

The second is Horus, the son of Egyptian diety, Isis... The "Mother & Child." Also sound familiar?

Jesus, the Christ (Y'shua HaMachiach), was born SEPTEMBER, during the Feastival of Sukkot (Tabernacles/Booths). This can be almost pinpointed to the day if one looks into it and jettisons their inherited traditions...

Look into TRADITIONS like Christmas Trees, elves, Santa, etc..., see where they came from... It will SHOCK YOU...

So this celebration has little SPIRITUAL meaning to me... Just days off. Rather, I celebrate his REAL birthday during Sukkot in September...


12-24-10, 19:25
Look into TRADITIONS like Christmas Trees, elves, Santa, etc..., see where they came from... It will SHOCK YOU...

these things are verboten in my house.. wife and i did our research after a questionable sunday sermon a few years ago, and decided our children would not be observing these pagan traditions.

12-24-10, 20:05
Well, y'all can celebrate Mithra or whomever.

On December 25 my household celebrates the birth of our savior Jesus Christ, and we have a tree in our house.

I am quite certain by doing so I am not subconsciously worshipping pagan gods, primarily because I am equally certain they don't exist.

But thanks for the history lesson(s); I had never, ever heard such things before. :rolleyes:

12-24-10, 20:15
I still don't get this. I am an Atheist and make no secret of it. I have no use for religion, Christian or otherwise. However I manage to enjoy Christmas and the spirit of Christmas. I tell people merry Christmas and happy holidays. I don't get offended when people say the same to me.

What the hell are some peoples problem.

Exactly. I rather enjoy myself on Christmas.

12-24-10, 20:23
don't give me the Hanukkah argument- depending on the criteria you give it, most stats show America as about 75% "christian," with 1.7% jewish.

you're telling me that companies say "happy holidays" to not be offenseive to 1.7%? and you'll generally find that jews are the LEAST offendable people when it comes to observance of holidays.

Well at risk of being told my opinion is not constructive or being told to **** off again, that is exactly why I say it. My usual greeting is Merry Christmas but we have a larger Jewish population here in south Florida, I'd guess 50% and in most cases I have no idea if a person is Jewish or not. So I sometimes say "Happy Holidays" if I'm not sure so I don't offend.

I don't think I've ever had a person get offended by Merry Christmas, but I've had a few people inform me they are Jewish so I started saying Happy Holidays if I don't know and I'm sure that is the main reason for the general greeting. I don't think it is anti Christmas in any way, shape or form.

12-25-10, 11:05
I just say "Happy Festivus".:D

12-25-10, 11:26
I celebrate the winter solstice on 25DEC like most of you, and I say Merry Christmas.

12-25-10, 15:11
I still don't get this. I am an Atheist and make no secret of it. I have no use for religion, Christian or otherwise. However I manage to enjoy Christmas and the spirit of Christmas. I tell people merry Christmas and happy holidays. I don't get offended when people say the same to me.

What the hell are some peoples problem.

I'm agnostic, but yeah I feel the same way.

12-25-10, 15:16
I just say "Happy Festivus".:D

One of these years I'm going to have a Festivus celebration...