View Full Version : racism in oklahoma city on christmas eve

12-26-10, 04:38
Dang, time to lock-n-load!


12-26-10, 06:48
Wow, that was done with an iPhone 4?


12-26-10, 07:06
Isn't network television dumb enough for most folks, that we now need idiots screaming MORE stupidity on street corners? :rolleyes:

12-26-10, 07:12
Is anyone surprised? I will say that I am surprised they are sticking to (loosely generalized) christian theme and have not been converted to islam yet.

12-26-10, 08:15
One more example of how racism, hatred, and stupidity knows no color, race, or heritage.

12-26-10, 10:36
COC and all that.

12-26-10, 11:40
Are they hollering that crap at themselves because I didn't see anybody else standing around listening. Cute outfits too. :rolleyes:

12-26-10, 11:53
Dang, time to lock-n-load!


I used to think that the Zombie Apocalypse would be these ACORN/Black Panther/Nation of Islam/etc. dorks coming to get us. Then it occurred to me that all they really want to go is intimidate us into giving them a bigger welfare check or a new entitlement. In the event of the Zombie Apocalypse, these urban rats would be the first to die because they are used to relying on others for survival.

However, they are quite annoying when they present themselves anywhere other than the now-defunct www.theobamaforum.com.

12-26-10, 12:01
Oddly, they have taken some TRUTH and twisted it into a BLACK-only religion...

I think most intelligent people whould say that Jesus was NOT a white man (fair skin/thin, straight hair/blue eyes), nor was Moses. Moses wife was a Midianite... Midian was western Saudia Arabia...

Sad that they see the corruption of Christianity by Roman influence, but think themselves the TRUE Jews... Now militant racists...


12-26-10, 14:10
Religion is in your heart, not your skin.


12-26-10, 14:25
Hahaha wow.....just wow.

12-26-10, 14:38
Given the lack of an audience for these knuckle-heads, I'm not terribly concerned.

Any nutcase can protest on a street corner. One could dress up like Captain Kirk and spout apocalyptic nonsense about flying saucers, and get about the same reaction as these guys.

12-26-10, 14:55
what religion are they? I saw the star of david on the poster board, I think that was it.......was it?

12-26-10, 14:56
That group has been in NYC for about 20 years. They liken themselves to John the Baptist screaming in the wilderness to a lost population.

They scream and are noisy and obnoxious, but from what I remember they also preach about being pacifism and non-violence unless it is self defense.

This is very different than Nation of Islam which believes in offensive, violent actions against the "white devil"

"Black Israelites" see no need for man initiated violence, because God will be taking care of business on their behalf.

It's actually a fairly interesting Christian fringe group, with a very strict moral code as it pertains to sex, drugs, violence and booze. From what I recall they grow much of their own food and make clothing as well.

Like I said, its very different than your 60's style black radical, Black Panther, Nation of Islam movement, because they fancy themselves as being true Christians, which goes back to the moral code.

12-26-10, 15:53
As a Christian, who cares what color or race Christ was/is? I don't believe it is relevant to anything I believe. I also think it would be terribly naive to think He was a blonde haired white aryan.

12-26-10, 16:23
As a Christian, who cares what color or race Christ was/is? I don't believe it is relevant to anything I believe. I also think it would be terribly naive to think He was a blonde haired white aryan.



12-26-10, 16:53
The Persian word for Aryan is Iran.


12-26-10, 17:44
The Persian word for Aryan is Iran.


The idea "Aryan race" linked to blond Nordicism didn't come about till the 1800's because some ethnocentric European scientists were really shitty historians and assumed that the advanced lighter skinned indo-European Aryans that introduced the Vedas to India had to have been the whitest of the white.

Not quite. The separation of Indo-Aryans from Proto-Indo-Iranians is dated to roughly 1800 BCE.

The word Aryan itself comes from the Sanskrit word Arya

12-26-10, 18:59
I feel smarter for having read this thread... :p

12-26-10, 20:14
As a Christian, who cares what color or race Christ was/is? I don't believe it is relevant to anything I believe. I also think it would be terribly naive to think He was a blonde haired white aryan.

Actually Aryans weren't blond haired or white since they originated in Tibet. They didn't become Scandinavian looking folks until a 19th century retarded mystic named Madam Blavastky created that mythology

And after a few posts I knew this topic was about the Black Israelites without even clicking on the link. File them away with the Black Nation of Islam, Phelps and co, et al. and ignore.

12-26-10, 20:17
The idea "Aryan race" linked to blond Nordicism didn't come about till the 1800's because some ethnocentric European scientists were really shitty historians and assumed that the advanced lighter skinned indo-European Aryans that introduced the Vedas to India had to have been the whitest of the white.

Not quite. The separation of Indo-Aryans from Proto-Indo-Iranians is dated to roughly 1800 BCE.

The word Aryan itself comes from the Sanskrit word Arya

Nice, it's good to see others that read and appreciate history. You wouldn't believe the argument I had at work the other day when I stated that Iranians were not ethnically Arab but originally descended from the migration from the Caucasus range.

12-26-10, 20:23
The idea "Aryan race" linked to blond Nordicism didn't come about till the 1800's because some ethnocentric European scientists were really shitty historians and assumed that the advanced lighter skinned indo-European Aryans that introduced the Vedas to India had to have been the whitest of the white.

Not quite. The separation of Indo-Aryans from Proto-Indo-Iranians is dated to roughly 1800 BCE.

The word Aryan itself comes from the Sanskrit word Arya

Actually it was a Russian mystic named Blavastky who based her beliefs on Donnely's book "Atlantis The Antediluvian World" which proposed a race of super humans which originated in Atlantis founded all the advanced cultures when Atlantis was destroyed.

It was Blavastky who took the extra step and declared they were also the Aryans of Tibet who she viewed as masters of culture, religion and mysticism and she is the first to assign them a Nordic appearance and suggest all Aryans were white, Nordic people. She of course also claims to have trained under the Tibetan masters where she learned her mystic skills (despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence of her being anywhere near Tibet ever in her life.

Her ideas gained wide acceptance in Europe and were embraced and in many cases combined with Nordic religions and trappings. This is how the Buddhist swastika came to be in the same company with Nordic Rhunes and symbols. Her ideas and works gained even greater popularity in Germany during the 1920s when they were adopted by Edmund Kiss and published in his books.

12-26-10, 20:38
Religion is in your heart, not your skin. B_C

Hmm... I think that it's faith that's in your heart. Religion is in your head.

Religion is the human expression, collection, and structure of faith and fellowship through common worship, ritual, and ideology.

Though, one can hold their religion ear and dear to their heart I suppose.

I struggle with these questions. I know many people of great faith, who don't have a drop of religion. Others, vice versa.

12-26-10, 20:43
Nice, it's good to see others that read and appreciate history. You wouldn't believe the argument I had at work the other day when I stated that Iranians were not ethnically Arab but originally descended from the migration from the Caucasus range.

Iranians get lumped in with Arabs due to the Islamic conquest of Persia in the 7th century, and the Islamic revolution in the 20th century.

Historically, and Culturally, the Persians were more Greek-like, than Arab like, only they had much better sun tans. Persians were very powerful, and advanced people that took ten steps backwards under Islamic rule.

12-26-10, 20:52
White man this and black man that. I believe that a man should be judged by his character. Race does matter, socio-economics shouldn't matter, only the content of a man's character should matter. I hate it when people use religion and pseudo-science to push their twisted agendas. These guys wanted to make a statement and get some press. Mission Accomplished!!!

Let's collectively turn our backs on statements like this and move on to more pertinent issues. Why worry about these idiots when the economy is in the crapper, we still have terrorist to exterminate, North Korea needs to be liberated, and the Chinese need to be reminded that they are not the big kids on the block.

12-26-10, 21:41
and the Chinese need to be reminded

That's racist!

OK, just kidding. The PLA is a serious threat, and many of the officers would like to go rogue.


Bubba FAL
12-29-10, 12:48
FWIW, Jesus' human form was as a Semite (descendant of Noah's son Shem). His geneology is well documented in the Bible.

The Arabs and Jews are both Semitic, sharing the same ancestry up through Abraham.

The idea of Jesus of Nazareth having Nordic features is laughable. The thought that the guys in the video are fixated on dispelling this idea is truly sad. There are better things for "christians" to do with their time...

Alpha Sierra
12-29-10, 13:17
THAT'S RIGHT! :sarcastic:

12-29-10, 16:44
where is Sharpton ?